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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. Killer 7's ending was utter shit. The whole story just stank of a guy who couldn't tell a story. Whatever he thought was going on certainly didn't come over well in the game.
  2. I know what you mean about the criteria for beating a game. I did get all 120 stars in Mario 64 though. I think the criteria for beating that game is beating Bowser the final time. If you get every single star then that's just really going the whole hog! It's like Zelda OOT, I've completed that, but never got every single Skultula. As for Fire Emblem, I got through that without letting a single charcter die. As for the restarts, it was a funny one. Some levels I seemed to just get right and breeze through, and others were a bitch! Plus I actually got attached to quite a few characters. I loved Captain Haar and Jill especially. I really loved Naesala and Tibarn too.
  3. hahahahha, this is a total joke.
  4. I finish every game I own at least once, but NEVER 15 times. I don't see the point of buying a game and not completing it. Especially a game like Fire Emblem. I love the feeling of completion and accomplishment.
  5. Not every game needs an award winning storyline to make it a great game. Look at TimeSplitters, what a game, but let's face it the story is thin at best.
  6. I think Nintendo has learned it's lesson with the online thing. Just look at the online support with the DS. I think Battalion Wars will be the online title Nintendo needs to get their service really rolling.
  7. The ammo system annoyed me, it wasn't Metroid and didn't work well at all. Also the dark world got confusing which wasn't good. It was still a good game though.
  8. Surely that's what a paedophile would say! lol
  9. They have to be, if Nintendo doesn't sort out it's online service it will stand to lose out heavily. They should've dived in with the Gamecube, instead they messed around with that shite connectivity crap with the GBA.
  10. Metal Gear Solid games are ace, but lets face it the plots reak of someone trying to be too clever, and they never really expalin what is going on. Perfect Dark defo deserved to be in there. After a superb beginning all that alien crap ruined it for me. As for Mario Bros being number one... no way. It was made in a different era. There are so many games from back then that end with a single screen. We expect more now, but back then it was cool. The worst ending for me was Killer 7, because the whole game, although I loved it, never really explained what was going on. It never really told you why or how, and the end just added more confusion. The guy who came up with that story line wasn't a genius, he was a shit story teller. He may have understand what he was trying to get at, but no one else did.
  11. I want a 360, just because I like tactical shooters, and FPS games in ganeral, I think the Wii is great (although I haven't picked one up yet). But neither have a killer app that I just must have. I got Zelda on the Gamecube and there is still a great many Cube games I haven't got yet which I want. If I did buy a 360 now the only two games I'd want is Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six Vegas.
  12. Yeah it was, it was one of my favorite games on the Cube. It was great the way you could approach the missions in so many different ways. I found it even better playing it the seocond time around. The graphics were wonderful too, so well put together and full of character. This was the only thing that hurt it. I'd have loved to have played against others. I think had it been on XBOX with full XBOX Live support it would have been a must have classic.
  13. I have it, and the master quest, on both the extra disk with Zelda:WW and the Collectors Edition. I also have the original on cartridge. But they're all the same. I'd love to see it done on the 20th anniversary in beautiful Hi Def with everything fully realised.
  14. try a google product search. That'll give you a load of up to date results with prices. Otherwise, eBay it.
  15. very good point! Probably best launch title ever. All I was saying is that launches don;t have to be poop!
  16. Both Metroid Prime and Halo are superb games. I loved Prime and reckon it's better than Halo, infact I'd say it's the best game on the Gamecube, it blew me away. However I didn't think the same of Echoes, didn't like the ammo system, and the dark/light world wasn't played out as well as it could've been. Nah, look at the Gamecube. It had both Rogue Squadron 2 and Wagve Race as LAUNCH titles, both were 90% games. I don;t think the first year should be hard at all.
  17. I really wanted PN03 it looked great, the graphical style. What's it like? I was kinda hoping it would be like a futuristic MGS, so when I heard it was a bit of a bog standard shooter I was put off.
  18. hahaha awesome. The only game I could do on one credit was Time Crisis 2. I Could always get to the final boss on Marvel Super Heroes, but he was a tough cheating bitch and would beat me everytime. I used to love Final Fight and Alien VS Predator on the arcade. Ah, the days of CPS1 and CPS2
  19. Yeah that would be good. I would love to see the first re-made though as it was my fave in the series. I liked the second too. I have barely played 3 or 4. However to have 4 as a Wii exclusive would be cool. Maybe have the first as an unlockable bonus! Any of the above!
  20. No chance, it's a great game, but 15 times? I mean that's a bit steep. The one thing i'd have loved to see is a multiplayer mode whereby I could pit my team that I've built up against other people's teams. Nintendo really missed out with the lack of online in games like this and Battalion wars. I always get the feeling that had they been on the XBOX or PS2 they'd have been major sellers.
  21. Try doing a google product search, also amazon is good too.
  22. Now that is a great idea, how about HotD one, two and three in a great compilation, all true to the arcade on the Wii. I think Namco should do the same with Time Crisis. That would be spectacular, so would Virtua Cop, after all, Wii is the first console which doesn't need a lightgun, hence with no extra peripherals needed to play these games would be far more accessible.
  23. Like making a decent Sonic game in 3D? HAHAHA, I love your posts. On a serious note though, why have sega let so many of their killer series die? How about an Alex Kid game?
  24. Well, it's a good job Ubisoft are on board then lol
  25. The ending is superb and leaves it open nicely for the sequel. I reckon this game could be turned into an epic anime, or better still a massive Lord of the Rings style movie franchise.
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