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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. Yeah, still not as annoying as Tingle though. He was probably the crapest character in a game. And the Skedar were crap enemies too.
  2. Too right, he was unbelievably irritating.
  3. It was pretty obvious to me. Obviously not to others.
  4. I find it bizarre that you claim that everyone is gay when you have nothing to substantiate the claim.
  5. I let her gain XP in the bonus XP bit and also from boss battles, I let my lesser characters pick off the easy targets to pick up their XP.
  6. I loved this game, it is brilliant. I liked the item drop thing and thought it was very challenging. Billy was a great character, but I don;t think we'll see him again. It was more difficult than REmake, but it didn't feel quite as epic. Plus I really really really hated those leech man, they were a pain in the arse.
  7. Super Mario Kart, the original and still the best! After that Mario Kart 64, that was true gaming greatness, and the 4-player rocked.
  8. Now that was a tough game. Oh, the days when Konami could do more than MGS and games made you angry!
  9. Luigi is not gay, neither is Leon. Just because Leon keeps his cock in his pants when the President's daughter offers it doesn't mean he's gay!
  10. I always go for the normal level. I hate playing through on easy as the sense of accomplishment is really diminished. However I find that certain games are too hard to play through on hard the first time around. I'll usually go back and do it on hard if I really like that game. In Resident Evil though I always choose the harder over the easier as there is initially only two settings. I also found the hard mode on Killer 7 really silly as some of the puzzles are very random and not based wholey in the world of logic.
  11. You're unbelievable. Why are you so obsessed with calling every male computer game character gay??? And what does this have to do with Zelda!!!
  12. Metroid Prime: Echoes was defo over rated. It was a mere shawdow of it's predecessor.
  13. Well, wasn't it even funnier that you didn't Adventure of Link existed? Partial credit, I meant both. lol
  14. I agree, because it's like an LED!!! But maybe some people haven't heard of LEDs? I never liked the name Elebits, but I'm not gonna buy it anyway.
  15. Pretty harsh review scores!
  16. Cock. He's clearly refering to the the second game in the series, the Adventure of Link. It WAS released on the NES.
  17. Yes, I defo see what you're saying about the difficulty. It was a true game of skill, and I still love playing it even today.
  18. Don't be so naive! He's not trying to get away from a cash cow like that. He may have other interests but he'll always end up back with MGS, or at least Metal Gear, in whatever form that takes.
  19. I couldn't agree more. This is a triple 'A' title, and it needs to developed like one.
  20. I agree, I've already stated my approval for the graphics earlier in this thread. But seriously, they'r great and a big improvement on the GC version.
  21. Damn, Scarface is my fave film of all time. I really really hope this turns out well, the Wii needs 'cool' games like this. I need this game too! Woo!
  22. Yeah, I see your point about Meta-Ridley, he was one bad ass boss. I remember getting all the way through to him with 100% scans and then saved it after forgetting to scan him, grrr. The anger was unbelievable. I think if it had a flaw it ws the lack of dual analogue control. I know saying that will piss people of, but it's true. The shoot out section could really have done with that as an option.
  23. I remember the amazing feeling I had when playing the Legend of Zelda on the NES. It was truly amazing, the feeling of freely expolring a large open world fell of secrets and dungeons.
  24. Now you're winning!
  25. I loved Halo, I loved it sooo much... until the Library, that just sucked the life out of me, damn it was boring. It felt like a never ending ordeal.
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