Hmm difficult subject for a lot of people. Personally I don't believe in any form 'God'. I do believe that there is an existance or presence of 'something' but I don't name it or obey it. So technically i'm an athiest, or am I? I believe strongly in Karma and Fate. I've seen enough strange stuff to suggest that such things exist and can't be passed off as luck or coincidence. Sometimes I feel we're all part of some sort of freakish Truman Show style life. I don't do the whole organised religion. I refuse to spend my one and only chance at life obeying something i've never seen proof of. Obviously this is a slightly agnostic view, i've no qualms about those who have had experiences and have decided to follow a faith. I do believe religion seems to make more problems than it solves, but people are entitled to their beliefs. Otherwise what would be the point in free will.