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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Ok i'll rephrase. Where I live, if you've seen one you've seen them all :wink:. Every year the same crap. I might actually consider going to one if I didn't hear them every night since the beginning of October. I know people sometimes have to work that night (doubtful this year) but surely arrange it so it's within the same week for god sake.
  2. LMAO! Say thank you Baldrick.
  3. Bugger all. If you've seen one fireworks display you've seen em all.
  4. Hang on.. so what the feck
  5. Hah, the south-west of England appears to have dissapeared into the ocean...
  6. I stopped trusting my local shops ages ago. However I must put my faith in those who are even more unreliable. Royal Mail.
  7. GAME, Argos, Gameplay, Choices... list is endless.
  8. A mini version of me. I shall call him... miiiini mii.
  9. Hmm well there's definately a lot of questions surrounding this latest episode...
  10. Hahahah that made me chuckle. Well i'm not bothered about the graphics of Zelda as it's not a next-gen title. They admitted ages ago it'd receive no graphical improvement through the Wii hardware. At least this review is a lot more honest than others i've read. It does make me question the price they're asking for the console and especially the controller. I want a second one but i'm not sure if I want to shell out the same price of a game for another. To be honest though, I need Smash Bros. Brawl so missing this console simply isn't an option.
  11. ViPeR


    It's about time to be fair. That game was a classic.
  12. What... the... fuck???
  13. If it's better than OOT it's already got a place at every poll ever to do with games. That's a big IF.
  14. *jumps on 'graphics don't matter' bandwagon*
  15. God damn it I wanna play
  16. There's nothing wrong with you, in fact it sounds like the situation I had at school. I was constantly badgered to go out and find new friends. I was a bit shy back then so I really didn't want to draw attention to myself. However i've changed a lot since. I'm happy with the friends I have, which is about 4-5 of us. I don't think the amount of friends you have matters. Perhaps how often you see them is. If you don't want to go out that's fair enough and understandable in this country. I don't think anyone should be forced to find friends, I don't think it can even be done as you appear desperate. If you meet people and you get on with them, you fall into a rhythm and just start hanging out. If you don't, that's fair enough. Do you go to college/uni?
  17. Since when did Halloween become New Years' Eve Mark 2...
  18. Wow that looks awesome. I'll agree with everyone else about the WTF theme of episode 3, much better than the previous episodes and more akin to season 1 in fact. Awesome to see the 3 badasses still kicking around. What the hell was that with Desmond though :huh:
  19. 3 of my favourite bands i've yet to see. They are one of them, and it does my head in I keep missing out. Maybe this will be some small consilation if I can afford it.
  20. Where the fuck was Streets of Rage, fuck them all.
  21. So they're hoping developers making games for the Wii will port them over to Xbox 360/PS3? That'd require the game to be upscaled, controls changed, faith in the consumer to buy ANOTHER controller for this game, and faith in the developer to actually bother with trying to sell a motion sensing game to a console audience who bought that particular console because they didn't want motion sensing control in thier games. Well, fair to say they have some obstacles ahead but i'd rather have the Wiimote and nunchuck. Looks too damn cool.
  22. Looks incredibly strange and graphically similar to a 1st gen PS2 game... AWESOME!
  23. I just read on IGN how fiddly the process of making Wii games actually is. This tool seems like a godsend. I think we'll see a lot more of Wiimote interaction in future games.
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