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Everything posted by Oli1983uk

  1. I have found direct line the cheapest I have found, confused.com was quoting me close to a £1000 over what direct line was quoting.
  2. Thank you caris and thank you hero of time for the PM!
  3. You bought that for £16? I got one from Woolworths a couple of months back for £5 I think.
  4. The Who was ment to be playing on Jools Holland this week but cos the show is being film tomorrow which is a bank holiday, The Who has told the BBC to stuff it and they are not working on a bank holiday.
  5. we went for Ginger Chris, seeing as he was the only one who entered the competition correctly.
  6. Also just to say you wont need to bring any Video or Camera stuff as I will be bringing that with me just bring your self.
  7. Its Ian Wright, He is used to play football for Arsenal and England, He features in the UK advert with his adopted son Shaun Wright Philips. Some come on guys will you get the chance to report for N-E, Also to met me, I know this aint a great thing but I am a nice bloke!
  8. box of 24 worked out to be about £8
  9. man cant believe they didnt do the test because of the catch. have you gotta pay for another test? if you have either make your driving instructor pay for it or complain and make them pay for it.
  10. Happy St.George's Day
  11. When I got my new Phone contract with O2 they gave me 1 free cinema ticket each month for a year, I think Cinemas are a total rip off think what a family of 4 or more spend in one trip to there cinema. I also hate the adverts about how illegal DVD movies are really bad quality and that its always a bad picture, Well all I can say is they dont get there movies from the right person!
  12. Bluewater in a sweet shop there
  13. got these from Bluewater, it was £1.70 for a can of mountian dew!
  14. This some of my room.
  15. went bluewater today and every store there had signs up saying PS3 in stock and also Marks & sparks was selling PS3's, Virgin in Bluewater had a demo pod set up just running a video, you wasnt allowed the play it.
  16. Found a pair of these at work last night!
  17. I have Ordered from OC, the prices seem pretty good, the bits will be here monday.
  18. I will be working on the show tomorrow night also a fun night. At the moment I am watching RND does the Apprentice and its pretty funny, Trinny Woodall is off her head is is just crazy! and Rupert Everett walked off the show cos he dont like camera's! he is an actor he earns his living from standing in front of camera's.
  19. Yeah £16 for Vista is pretty dam good. Just ordere from Overclockers uk: LiteON LH-20A1P-487C 20x DVD±RW x12 Ram Dual Layer DVD-Writer - £25.13 Sony DDU-1615 DVD-ROM (Black) - OEM £11.74 GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC6400C5 800MHz DDR2 Dual Channel £99.86 Will all be here on monday.
  20. I done the same thing, bought XP home back in december and got the upgrade coupon.
  21. in the last few days I have bought : Windows Vista Home Premium Edition £55 2x 7" LCD car screens and a in car DVD player £55
  22. I went and Saw Norbit on tuesday night and I wished I had wasted my free cinema pass on it, total waste of my time. A couple of funny bits but nothing major. I am looking forward to the next few months thou as it seems some great movies are coming out.
  23. Yeah but I want for DVD copying. So I dont have to write to the hard drive then copy it back off again.
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