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Everything posted by Oli1983uk

  1. I would like one of these a Westfield XTR 2 fully road legal! It has a GSXR1300R Suzuki Hayabusa engine but have been built using Audi turbo engines as well and can do 0 - 60 in 3.1 secs and will do 155Mph just using a GSXR1300R Suzuki Hayabusa, very light weight cars! The new TVR is a great looking car seen a few in real life and are nice cars! hopefully the TVR Motor bike will be shown at the motor shows this year the drawings look fantasic!
  2. havent been out yet to look, waiting for all the mad bargin hunting women to get there stuff first! the sales will proberly last about 5 months!
  3. platty is talking just about his spending money, i will be taking the same with me hopefully, we are paying off the hoilday in a couple of weeks we r going for a entire week it cost us £651 each which was to bad, we r staying in the edison hotel which is just around the corner from Time square.
  4. I am off to NYC with platty in march i ahve been there once before, I am also hoping to vist japan and Dubai some time! I would say my best holiday was going away with my mates to magaluf which platty was one of them thou i did like hong kong and would love to go back there so many cheep electronics!
  5. the picture aint that clear but u get the general idea of the thing, its a pic of the projector running, the picture is better in the dark.
  6. its a 42" plasma the wall bracket for it cost £300, some people say I am rich but I would say I am not rich at all! my dad bought it just over a year ago for £900.
  7. Y thank u lammie! but I must admit this is in my front room, in my bedroom is a 28" widescreen Tv and also a 52" screen for my projector which i play games on! i will post pics of it when its dark later on!
  8. what the white thing? if so na thats only used when i have a few mates around and we r playing MK : DD or Fifa, I normal lie down on the sofa or use a chair that is like a lazy boy chair while watching the tv, it also has picture in picture so i play games while its also showing a Tv show.
  9. here is my play center, and y dont people resize there pics! the Plasma is on a wall bracket and can be pulled out and be turned side to side.
  10. Got 5 of them sold them all on ebay, one for £600 and 4 for £550! they did come with games and stuff, so it was not that big of a profit but still made about £1000. now awaiting the flaming!
  11. I think mine are buying a game and watch in its box with everything including the batterys for £18 and also my boxed NES with Rob in all working order with everything including hard to find gray light gun! for £50
  12. check out tom tom web site that will tell u what phones work with its software! i use a nokia 7610 with tom tom mobile 5! found it was good and really easy to use!
  13. nope pretty sure its windows 2005, cos all the web site that sells that phone has it down as it runs windows 2005.
  14. the XDA is nice my bro had the first one of those and now he has just got this one Microsoft Windows 2005 Mini Laptop design High resolution VGA screen (640 x 480 pixel, 180° Pivot / Clamshell Boosts all the lastest communications including integrated WLAN, GPRS and UMTS technology Push Email Service Two Cameras Built-In 62 Key QWERTY keyboard Radio - WCDMA / GSM / GPRS PDA 3V USIM Integrated Video and Music Players Stereo Loudspeaker
  15. saw this film a few days ago! was alright but have seen better!
  16. sex aint the be all and end all! Its been a year snice i last had sex! and before they it was a couple of years! its just something that will happened with time! just try and be some one who u want to be! not someone who ur mates want to be!
  17. As platty says stick with ur mates! they will always be there for u! platty is one of my best mates and we talk about alot with each other and soon going to NYC with each other, I have known him for nearly 6 years now but seems longer! I have a group of other mates aswell who i have grown up with snice i was 5! we have all stuck with each other over the years! I am also like platty dont get depressed much! just the normal things some times get me down as platty says losing a family member and also GF's!
  18. what mate and y wasnt i asked! thou i was working!
  19. I have a nokia 7710
  20. just been playing about connecting stuff to my xbox 360 and i am amazed at the stuff it will connect to! i have had my Sony cameras playing stuff via the xbox and also now got my mp3 connected to it via USB playing tunes! pretty top machine! also the local game to says it has pre orders for the console till around april!
  21. I also heard what soag said about on radio 1, I also watched that spirited away on SKy the other night! really want to see king kong looks great!
  22. I also heard what soag said about on radio 1, I also watched that spirited away on SKy the other night! really want to see king kong looks great!
  23. well I found a couple of reviews they all seemed to say it was a good player, I order one last night. I will update here when i recieve it.
  24. anyone seen any reviews on a Olympus M:robe 5GB MP3 player? http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/shop/detail.asp?ProductID=2087 seems like a good price but i wanna know what the player is like! jordan have u got a link to the place where the 20 GB Zen creative Portable is £170 as i can only find it for £279.
  25. http://www.pricerunner.co.uk/sound-and-vision/vision/tv/354405/prices
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