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Everything posted by Oli1983uk

  1. Oli1983uk


    mine has to be orange and passion fruit, this is no way a chav drink! the only chav drink out there is either white lightening or stella!
  2. i will be driving past the gig about 9:20 this evening on my way to work! so will be hearing it! have a good time platty!
  3. you will need to host the image of a site such as photobucket or another site, but all sigs must be keeped with in the rules of the site and they are: Under our new forum we will maintain the policy that signatures and avatars should not have a file size that is larger than 50kb. An easy way to check the file size of images is to right click on the image file and select "(Image) Properties" (the title will depend on the browser you use) . Remember that this is for the combined size of both your signature and avatar. Signatures that break the rules will be removed by moderators or admins without warnings. They will be replaced by a description of what was wrong with them previously. If your sig is removed amend it, do not send PMs to staff complaining. Signatures Signatures should be no larger than 500 pixels (width) by 150 pixels (height). A guide to how big this is can be seen below. Text in signatures cannot be greater than size 3 font (VB sized font and not HTML sized font) and can not be more then 2 lines long (more allowed if no pic). No flash or php sigs are allowed. if you ask someone nicely in the creative board they may make you one up!
  4. hey joby, watched the film yeterday and its great work! really good film! good camera work! cant wait to see the next project.
  5. hey joby i got this morning will watch it later!
  6. i will b ordering the dvd next week joby, pretty skid at the moment and pay day is next week!
  7. looking good so far! hope fully we will get news soon on launch and price!
  8. zelda looking very cool! cant wait for it!
  9. i just got in from work to just see the video! now reggie talking!
  10. november 17th 2006 for europe
  11. had to turn my speakers off!
  12. Holiday! celebrate edit: old school MJ
  13. well i have to b leaving for work in 6 hours! come on sony!
  14. the thing about the fuels is true, 5th gear done a test on there web site about using different RON fuels in different sized engines. In normal tuned cars the higher Octane fuel didnt make much difference, but the more tuned the engine and more high powered the more if would get out of the high octane. a Impreza STi they used gained an extra 25BHP from using the higher octane fuel.
  15. took this in the park today, using my phone it has an option to take panorama shots, i didnt match up the lines that well but it looks ok! The park
  16. i will try and find a few more i took in NYC then and post them up
  17. here is another one i took in NYC standing in the middle of Times Square, was messing around with settings on the camera,
  18. here is a pic i took while in NYC with platty, it was taken with my digital camera and in sepia mode.
  19. the cars they bang out for Pimp my ride are just gimmicks! the garage is called Carisma Automotive, jamie did work for Rolls royce then left and started his own company. will try and find a few pics of the cars they have made.
  20. some nice pics here i will put up some 2moz
  21. there was no egging of tim westwood in pimp my ride!
  22. saw this on another site and it seems like he started he another site as they last one i saw had about 10 million hits!
  23. Jamie Shaw the owner of Carisma who pimp the cars has made some of the best modded cars around! he is very well known in the modding scene! and i think most of the garage staff seem to been told to lay on the cockney a bit! and seems to be OTT! As i have said above west wood is massive in the USA and is very well known over here for the hip hop stars he attracts to the UK for his Radio 1 shows and small gigs!
  24. the new episode of PMR uk is repeated wednesday for anyone who wants to see it, I ahve to agree with everyone that westwood is a total prick! he had a very good up bringing, his is middle class but tries to act like he is from the USA ghettos, as for him promoting gun violence I think most of the USA hip hop stars are doing enough of that them selfs with the recent shootings!
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