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Posts posted by Dufniall

  1. 8 hours ago, killthenet said:

    Do what I'm doing, have the election coverage going in your laptop while you watch the game awards on the TV. I'm hoping the surprise announcements will help to balance out the crushing depression of the election results.

    Do what I'm doing, and just go to sleep in the middle of the night and read the summaries the next morning. :p

    I'm curious though what awards Nintendo may pick up besides the family one. I think Smash Ultimate as best fighter is well deserved and gives Sakurai the credit he deserves. GOTY may be a longshot though judging the competition.

  2. The only Halo game I have ever played is Spartan Assault, but I don't think that counts. :p I should pick up the Master Chief collection soon though, it feels like a series you should at least play once.

    I did get a Steam Controller though, picked it up in the sale. Also bought Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and I started that this weekend. Played through my Steam Link with my Steam Controller on my TV with PC graphics, gotta love the 21st century! 

    I loved what they did with the Tomb Raider reboot, and the start of Shadow continues that feeling. I did have to tone down the graphics slightly, but the game still looks amazing. 

    The Controller though did not convince me yet. I think I need to try some games which better benefit the two touch circles, but for SOTT it just is not great.

  3. 6 hours ago, londragon said:

    And as our PodPals Demon's Crest Retrospective is underway, any feedback?  Anyone started it?  My first initial impressions were slightly positive due to a healthy nostalgia of the Gameboy game Gargoyle's Quest.  Graphics looked vibrant, and animations solid.  A few levels in, and my enthusiam waned, due to poor level structure and a lot of the key items being hidden excessively.  Shame about the framerate, too.  Will continue onwards, and upwards apparently.

    I started it yesterday. Never played a Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest game, but I did play Super Ghouls & Ghosts. Graphically it really reminds me of SG&G so it felt familiar. I've played three levels and so far have not encountered any dealbreakers, except for the dipping frame rate. What I miss here (and I guess that it's something from the time of instruction booklets) is that the game does not tell you that you have to equip items or alternate forms you pick up.

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  4. Oh, no worries, I'm not blaming you. I already saw the thumbnail on YouTube, plus I already saw the Sobble final stage from someone liking something on Twitter. The game is out, and I also don't want to black out for a month so I can catch up with it. It's just hard to be surprised these days.

    In fact, I see the contrary in the comments on YouTube and people would have wanted to see the final stages before the games came out because now "they picked the ugly one". Guess you can just never do it right :grin:


    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, RedShell said:

    How is everyone going about organising their Pokémon boxes on this? I didn’t really pay much attention to it initially and now my collection is all over the shop! :o

    I haven't started sorting yet as I'm not that far in the game, but in previous games I would sort them by type, and a separate box for legendaries and favourites.

    I finished the first gym yesterday. The challenge is a nice mix up, and the battle in the stadium feels more epic than regular gym battles especially thanks to the soundtrack.

    Had some fun in the Wild Area before that, and I really like the mix they have now between Pokémon walking around and random encounters. Stuff like Surprise Trade is nice as well, especially when someone decides to send you a Sobble. :grin:

    For the rest it feels really linear. And the constant roadblocks are bloody annoying. I prefer the HM method a lot over this "you can't go this way because of X reason". 

    So far better than Ultra Moon, but I have a feeling this will be my almost least favourite entry in the series. But to be honest I think one of the main reasons is that I just feel the series has gone stale and I am done with it.


    • Thanks 1
  6. I got the game on Saturday but yesterday evening I finally had some time to play it. I've only put about 2 hours in and the game is charming, but also has it's flaws.

    No voice acting as mentioned before is really a miss. That opening sequence with the guy talking in the stadium, at first I really thought the audio was missing as the mouth kept moving. It just looks silly. I know it's impossible to voice everything but they could have done it at least for the cutscenes.

    Another issue is the same I had with Ultra Moon's opening. You can't take 2 steps without someone healing you as @Hero-of-Time also mentioned. As if the game is afraid to give you any bit of a challenge.

    I really like the bit where the starters are playing around before picking one. I hope there are more moments like this in the game, it's so charming and really adds character to the 'mon.

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  7. A set of three new posters is up on the Dutch My Nintendo site (so I'm guessing in all EU sites since they ship from Germany again): Mario Kart, Metroid and Zelda. 300 platinum coins plus postage, same as they had with the Splatoon ones.

    I'm gonna skip on these but the quality of the Splatoon ones are good so if you fancy them grab your chance.

    Edit: and you can also bet 10x 20 platinum points in a raffle to win an SNES Mini. That's kind of weird.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Listener question: I was looking at the list of 2020 games and there is not much confirmed yet, only a couple of big titles like Animal Crossing and Xenoblade HD.

    Realistically, which games do you expect for 2020?

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  9. Just now, S.C.G said:

    Just under halfway into listening to the latest podcast, good stuff so far. :D (I've reached the obligatory Wave Race mention) ;)

    We'll of course promote the latest episode on the front page, the only reason I haven't yet is I didn't know if @Vileplume2000 was going to post it?

    You did a really excellent job of promoting it last week Dennis so I thought I'd leave it to you but if you want me to put it up then I can. :peace:

    Anyway, excellent to see you keeping the momentum going with the podcast. :)

    On it, should be up in a couple of minutes :grin:

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  10. I already proposed posting it on the main site in the staff section, so I can get to that tonight with a nice introduction plus the first episode. 

    I can always embed the SoundCloud, but I think in the end you want it on as many outlets as possible so I would definitely put it on the NE YouTube. I don't have that access but I'm sure we can find someone who has.

    Anyway, awesome. I'll give it a listen soon!

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I was able to put a couple of hours into the game this morning ( had a dentist appointment so started work late) and i've really enjoyed what i've played so far ( just nabbed the button for the 8th floor), even more so now the visuals are nice and smooth. Thanks again @Dcubed.

    Luckily the game runs great in handheld so you could just keep playing while in the chair with someone digging around in your mouth. :p

    I wasn't thinking about getting this game as I've never played a LM game before (I know!), but man this all sounds quite convincing. I may pick up the LM remaster first as I've seen it for around 20€ new on 3DS and continue from there. In fact I have LM for the GameCube at home borrowed from a friend but never got around to playing it.

    • Haha 3
  12. And it's not like they didn't market it. It was in a bunch of the Directs, they put Hero in Smash, and the 10-hour demo. I think the timing is just bad. If they released this in the barren first half of the year instead of now it might have sold a lot better.

    What always held me back of starting a DQ game was the fact that it's called 11 (or some of the earlier ones on 3DS). It makes me feel like it is an ongoing series and I'm missing out not having played the first 10 parts. Which is nonsense, as it is a standalone story, right?

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