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Posts posted by Dufniall

  1. 3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    How are you finding the story? A lot of impressions i've read about the game had people complaining that the cutscenes are too drawn out ( not really an issue for me ) and that they get in the way of the game.

    I'm the same as that I don't mind a bit of storytelling. There are quite a few cutscenes but mostly they are presented well. It is a pretty dark and heavy story though, which I really wasn't expecting based on the colourful screenshots. Maybe that's a bit too much for some.

    But since the platforming is pretty straightforward, I don't mind the cutscene breaks.

    • Thanks 1
  2. One of my new year’s resolutions is posting more in this thread! So let’s kick off with what I have been playing since the start of 2020:

    Iconoclasts (Switch)

    This has been on my watch list for a while but I never got it until last Christmas when it was 50% off. I was expecting a metroidvania with heavy RPG influences. It is not very metroidvania as backtracking is fairly minimal, and you only acquire a couple of upgrades for your weapons. It is also not very RPG-like, there is no levelling, only some equipment slots to fill.

    What you do get is a very colourful platforming game, with a surprising dark story, some good humour and it all plays well. There are some clever puzzles, but the level design is not that spectacular. I may have had higher expectations for this, so it is not as good as I would have thought, but still it is a very enjoyable game. Currently about 8 hours in and I think I’m nearing the end, so I guess it is about a 10 hour ride.

    Paladins (Switch/PC)

    I never noticed it was possible to get the Season Pass with in-game currency, I thought you could only get it with real money. Anyway, I had enough crystals to get it. Paladins has been my go-to game for a while, and I still enjoy playing it. I also have it installed on Steam and full cross-play means I can just grind my levels on PC as well.

    The game received a graphical haul-over, as well as some QoL improvements (such as finally cutting the waiting time in match-making when everyone is locked in).

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PC)

    Still making some progress in this, although not as fast as I was expecting. Not that it is a bad game, far from it, but somehow I just wind up playing different games.

    Anyway, I just left the first town in Peru, about 5 hours in I guess? It’s more of the same after TR and ROTTR but I like the setting as I’ve been to Peru myself and reading some of the lore makes me recognize some of the Inca culture which I picked up there.

    I started this game with the Steam Controller, but I switched back to using my XBox 360 controller as I just couldn’t get used to the Steam one. It needs a proper setup but for now I can’t be bothered.

    Pokémon Sword (Switch)

    Making progress here as well, but also slowly but steadily. When I’m playing it I like it, but somehow it feels like a burden to start it up. Which is strange because I think I tackled the last 3 gyms plus the League in just a couple of hours.

    And that is where I am now, finished the League and now have to find the Champion as some shenanigans are going on. Right now I feel like I should just rush through the story so I can then go into easy mode and start filling the Dex. May call out in the thread for some trades by then!

    Red Alert 3 Uprising (PC)

    And now for something completely different. I reinstalled Red Alert 3 Uprising, it is a game I sometimes just feel the urge to play again. Back in the day I played it co-op with a friend a lot and just playing it brings back so many good memories.

    I never got to finish the Challenges in the Uprising expansion, although I started it many times. Decided to give it another go. It would actually be a fun game to stream, as every challenge has a catch, they are all quite short and if you would have a following you could even let them choose which challenge to do and with which faction. However, lack of followers on Twitch means I really don’t have an incentive haha. Not sure I will gain followers with this as well.

    But the game is still so good. Soundtrack is awesome, and it is very satisfying to just wipe out an enemy base with a big swarm of copters. Still love it, let’s see if I can finish the challenges this time around!

    • Like 3
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  3. 10 hours ago, GenericAperson said:

    Put another part of Metroid Prime 2 up tonight. In terms of actual gameplay however I am currently just before having to face the most infamous boss in the entire game, the Boost Guardian.


    Here's his cousin the Jump Guardian though. Excuse the pun title of the episode...



    The boost guardian, never beat this sucker on hard. The constant damage you take due to the corrosion, plus he is a pain himself. What difficulty are you playing on?

    Unfortunately don't have time to watch all your videos but kudos for putting them together! I did skip through a bunch of them though and I'm curious to see how you fare against the boost guardian.

  4. 6 hours ago, WackerJr said:

    Just heard the Podcast and another good one.  I loved the transition tunes this week and it’s one of my favourite gaming soundtracks, even being an 8-bit game!  I believe they even brought back the Moon tune & used it in a more recent episode of the cartoon. Great choice!

    Yes they did!

    Recognized it quite fast as well, what a game and what a soundtrack.

    • Like 2
  5. Pfew, this is a difficult one! I probably missed some games due to coming up with this list at work, and there are still a LOT of games I need to play from the last decade. But based on memory and a glance on my Steam list this is my Top 11 plus some honourable mentions*. Between brackets is the system I played it on, plus the year of release.

    *subject to change as is with all lists I create :grin:

    11. Battlefield 1 (PC, 2016)
    What’s this, an EA game in my Top 11? Get out those pitchforks! But I really enjoyed my time with Battlefield 1. It was my first experience with a massive multiplayer shooter and running around in a 30v30 map while there are buildings collapsing, tanks rolling in and planes flying overhead.

    10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS, 2014)
    While Tri got me into MH and still is my favourite from the series, 4 Ultimate improved on it in a lot of ways. The various locations, interesting new weapons and a better multiplayer, just to name a few. And the concept is still amazing, hunting behemoths to slaughter them to make snazzy outfits, who does not want that?

    9. Civilization V (PC, 2010)
    I thought I haven’t played Civ V that much, but my Steam library says 109 hours… In hindsight that seems about right, as games are long and the “okay, one more round” feeling is strong in this one. Just discovering all the different paths, options, units and structures is very satisfying, and after those 109 hours I feel I have still only scratched the surface as I hardly played the expansions. Maybe it is time for Civ 6!

    8. BioShock Infinite (PC, 2013)
    BioShock Infinite is a game I started because I heard good things about it, it was cheap on Steam and I needed a game to test my graphics card. What I got was an okay shooter, but with a story full of twists and turns that may be described as an emotional rollercoaster. I don’t often have WTF moments in games, but I had it at the end of Infinite.

    7. Hollow Knight (Switch, 2017)
    What a gem. A game where you can get completely lost in the world and which implements the metroidvania mechanics so well. The mood is awesome, supplemented by the graphics and the soundtrack.

    6. Bayonetta 2 (Switch, 2014)
    Never owning a WiiU means my first contact with Bayonetta was on Switch. loved the art direction (no, not talking about the skinny latex suits but the giant monsters from hell) from all the trailers. I reviewed the Bayonetta port for Switch, and decided I also had to get part 2. It’s just so much better than other action games I have played, that combat system is so fluent and rewarding when you keep chaining those attacks. And while a lot of people hate the cast, I’m actually liking the over the top characters.

    5. Splatoon 2 (Switch, 2017)
    Never owning a WiiU means my first contact with Splatoon was Splatoon 2. I already loved the artstyle of it, and when I got my Switch I knew I had to play this. I tried the demo and… couldn’t get into it. Hmm. But there were not that much titles on the Switch yet so I decided to just buy it. Best decision ever (well, almost). It’s such a great franchise, love the artstyle, love the music, the characters. My least favourite thing about Splatoon 2 is actually playing it haha, as I think it sometimes is just too chaotic and it doesn’t always feel precise when aiming. A lot of one-on-one duels just end in a double KO. For the rest? Awesome!

    4. Tomb Raider (PC, 2013)
    Contrary to @Happenstance I was a Tomb Raider guy, and played II, III, The Last Revelation and Chronicles. After that I kind of stopped following the series, and I think I once tried Legend as it was cheap on Steam). But then came the reboot and what a reboot it is! Young Lara is a great character to follow, and I love what they did with the trilogy. I’m currently playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider and while it may be the lesser of the new three, it just shows how good Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider are.

    3. Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Switch, 2018)
    What to say about this? It is the best Smash since Melee, and even better due to the insane list of characters, music, levels. Sakurai is a madman and I love him for it. I’m really curious to see what they are going to do with the second round of characters, and even more curious to see how they can ever progress with a new game in the series.

    2. Starcraft II (PC, 2010)
    I really thought the first part of Starcraft II (Wings of Liberty) was older than 10 years, but it’s not! If it would have been I would just have cheesed and put Heart of the Swarm here. :p Because I adore Starcraft II. It continues on what Starcraft did so well; have three different factions that play totally different but are very well balanced. The three single player campaigns are amazing, and I’m still booting it up now and then to try some more achievements or play some of the excellent co-op multiplayer. The story may be a bit messy, but the cast and cinematics easily make up for that.

    1. Breath of the Wild (Switch, 2017)
    It took me a while to see just how brilliant Breath of the Wild is. At first I had fun playing it, visiting shrines, doing sidequests and unlocking towers. But then it dawned on me just how amazing it is. Seeing one of those dragons in the sky made me realize that a lot more was happening in this world and then the exploration virus truly hit. As said in the N-E Café podcast, this is not the best Zelda game due to the lack of dungeons, traditional items etc, but it is the best exploration game.

    Honourable mentions:

    DOOM / Limbo / Axiom Verge / Rocket League / Resident Evil Revelations / Shovel Knight / Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse / Super Mario Kart 8 DeLuxe / Super Mario Galaxy 2 / Paladins / Pokémon X... I can go on for a while but just leave it at this!

    • Like 1
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  6. Thinking about games of the decade makes me want to buy this. It's also 50% off now as well. But is there still an online community? I wouldn't mind jumping in with randoms but it would be nice if there are any left to do multiplayer with.

    Otherwise I might finally bite and get World on PC, but I would play it less as I cannot play that in handheld.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I've decided to use my end of the year bonus to upgrade my PC setup quite a bit...

    Through work I could get some components for a bargain price, so I picked up a PNY GTX1080Ti graphics card to replace my old GTX970, and an Asus Designo 4K monitor to replace my FHD one. I ran some benchmarks on Rise of the Tomb Raider and it runs at 4K at 55 frames in my current setup, while 2560x1440 runs it on 90 frames per second on highest settings. So smooth, I almost cried! The monitor is especially nice as it's also great for photo and video editing.

    Also got my hands on a second-hand capture card, the AverMedia Live Gamer HD. It can record/stream at max. 1080p. 30 frames or 720p. 60 frames. So it may not have the highest specs, but someone was selling it cheap so I thought this may be a good entry point for experimenting with capturing and streaming. 

    Oh, and last but not least, we bought a house! :bouncy:




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  8. I finished King of Cards yesterday. A very entertaining campaign, the levels are a bit smaller and every level has one new element/gimmick it introduces but that makes it perfect to pick up and play. Plague of Shadows still needs to be played, but I have the same issue as @drahkon, his moves and playstyle are just not as good as Shovel/Spectre/King.

    • Like 1
  9. Merry Christmas all!

    It's been a busy couple of months for me, as we bought a house in October and have been renovating it since. Working a full-time job and doing renovations in the weekends/evenings was quite exhausting, but the result is great. We moved our stuff over last Saturday, and had to hand in keys to our rental place on Monday. So before we were well settled in it was already Christmas eve and we drove to my parents. Went home last night and had some time to relax in our new house (watched Die Hard) and today is just unboxing more stuff until my parents in law come over for diner.

    We said no big gifts so I didn't get much, but I had a lot of help with moving and renovation from my parents so me and my brother (who also had a lot of help from them with babysitting) decided they deserved a bigger gift this year so we got them a nice full-automatic coffee maker, the type where you can put whole beans in. They weren't expecting that so that was fun!

    I'm just glad moving is over, still a lot to do but at least everything is in the new house so it's all mostly polish and unboxing. Not a bad way to start 2020!

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

    Is it true that you guys tried to convert Gamecubes into Godzillas overnight and that's what caused all the issues with the forum?

    Yes, that has about the same impact as dividing stuff by zero so no wonder the forum crashed.

    OT: apparently the new generation is simply called "XBox" and the series X is one of the models they are releasing. I still think we will also see an XBox series S and maybe an XBox series C(loud). Want 4K 120Hz? Get an X. Want 4K 60Hz? Series S. Only use project XCloud? Get the C streaming box.

    • Haha 2
  11. 5 hours ago, killthenet said:

    I hope Yacht Club move on to something else after this though, it seems like their involvement in Shovel Knight Dig is pretty minimal and it would be nice to see them tackle another style or franchise. 

    I read on their Twitter that they are first focussing on something else, but will definitely return to Shovel Knight later on but not for now. So I'm really curious to see what they are coming up with next.

    • Thanks 1
  12. So these are the results:

    The Game Awards 2019 winners and nominees

    Game of the Year
    Death Stranding
    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    Resident Evil 2
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – WINNER
    The Outer Worlds

    Best Game Direction
    Death Stranding – WINNER
    Resident Evil 2
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
    Outer Wilds

    Best Narrative
    A Plague Tale: Innocence
    Death Stranding
    Disco Elysium – WINNER
    The Outer Worlds

    Best Art Direction
    Control – WINNER
    Death Stranding
    Sayonara Wild Hearts
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
    The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

    Best Score/Music
    Cadence Of Hyrule
    Death Stranding – WINNER
    Devil May Cry 5
    Kingdom Hearts 3
    Sayonara Wild Hearts

    Best Audio Design
    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare – WINNER
    Death Stranding
    Gears 5
    Resident Evil 2
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

    Best Performance
    Ashly Burch as Parvati Holcomb (The Outer Worlds)
    Courtney Hope as Jesse Faden (Control)
    Laura Bailey as Kait Diaz (Gears 5)
    Mads Mikkelsen as Cliff (Death Stranding) – WINNER
    Matthew Porretta as Dr Casper Darling (Control)
    Norman Reedus as Sam Porter Bridges (Death Stranding)

    Games for Impact
    Concrete Genie
    Gris – WINNER
    Kind Words
    Life Is Strange 2
    Sea Of Solitude

    Best Ongoing Game
    Apex Legends
    Destiny 2
    Final Fantasy 14
    Fortnite – WINNER
    Rainbow Six Siege

    Best Independent Game
    Baba Is You
    Disco Elysium – WINNER
    Katana Zero
    Outer Wilds
    Untitled Goose Game

    Best Mobile Game
    Call Of Duty: Mobile – WINNER
    Sayonara Wild Hearts
    Sky: Children Of Light
    What The Golf?

    Best Community Support
    Apex Legends
    Destiny 2 – WINNER
    Final Fantasy 14
    Rainbow Six Siege

    Best VR/AR Game
    Asgard’s Wrath
    Blood & Truth
    Beat Saber – WINNER
    No Man’s Sky
    Trover Saves The Universe

    Best Action Game
    Apex Legends
    Astral Chain
    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
    Devil May Cry 5 – WINNER
    Gears 5
    Metro Exodus

    Best Action/Adventure Game
    Borderlands 3
    Death Stranding
    Resident Evil 2
    The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – WINNER

    Best RPG
    Disco Elysium – WINNER
    Final Fantasy 14
    Kingdom Hearts 3
    Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
    The Outer Worlds

    Best Fighting Game
    Dead Or Alive 6
    Jump Force
    Mortal Kombat 11
    Samurai Shodown
    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – WINNER

    Best Family Game
    Luigi’s Mansion 3 – WINNER
    Ring Fit Adventure
    Super Mario Maker 2
    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    Yoshi’s Crafted World

    Best Strategy Game
    Age Of Wonders: Planetfall
    Anno 1800
    Fire Emblem: Three Houses – WINNER
    Total War: Three Kingdoms
    Tropico 6

    Best Sports/Racing Game
    Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – WINNER
    DiRT Rally 2.0
    eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020
    F1 2019
    FIFA 20

    Best Multiplayer Game
    Apex Legends – WINNER
    Borderlands 3
    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
    Tetris 99
    The Division 2

    Fresh Indie Game presented by Subway
    ZA/UM for Disco Elysium – WINNER
    Nomada Studio for Gris
    DeadToast Entertainment for My Friend Pedro
    Mobius Digital for Outer Wilds
    Mega Crit for Slay The Spire
    House House for Untitled Goose Game

    Content Creator of the Year
    Courage – Jack Dunlop
    Dr. Lupo – Benjamin Lupo
    Ewok – Soleil Wheeler
    Grefg – David Martínez
    Shroud – Michael Grzesiek – WINNER

    Best Esports Game
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    Dota 2
    League Of Legends – WINNER

    Best Esports Player
    Kyle ‘Bugha’ Giersdorf – WINNER
    Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok
    Luka ‘Perkz’ Perkovic
    Oleksandr ‘S1mple’ Kostyliev
    Jay ‘Sinatraa’ Won

    Best Esports Team
    G2 Esports – WINNER
    San Francisco Shock
    Team Liquid

    Best Esports Event
    2019 Overwatch League Grand Finals
    EVO 2019
    Fortnite World Cup
    IEM Katowice 2019
    League Of Legends World Championship 2019 – WINNER
    The International 2019

    Best Esports Coach
    Eric ‘adreN’ Hoag (Team Liquid)
    Nu-ri ‘Cain’ Jang (Team Liquid)
    Fabian ‘GrabbZ’ Lohmann (G2 Esports)
    Kim ‘Kkoma’ Jeong-gyun (SK Telecom T1)
    Titouan ‘Sockshka’ Merloz (OG)
    Danny ‘Zonic’ Sørensen (Astralis) – WINNER

    Best Esports Host
    Eefje ‘Sjokz’ Depoortere – WINNER
    Alex ‘Machine’ Richardson
    Paul ‘Redeye’ Chaloner
    Alex ‘Goldenboy’ Mendez
    Duan ‘Candice’ Yu-Shuang

    Player’s Voice Award
    Fire Emblem: Three Houses – WINNER

    All in all not a bad year for Nintendo. Family game was a guaranteed win, but nice to see some love for Smash and Fire Emblem. I guess I should also add Disco Elysium to my Steam wishlist.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 16 hours ago, killthenet said:

    I'm absolutely rubbish at Joustus. 

    Yeah same here, but I think it can be mostly avoided if you don't enjoy it.

    The gameplay itself is spot on though, I like the dash and spin mechanism. Love King Knight as well, how he thinks he's the big shot and the way he conversates with his mom. I'm close to finishing the first boss now, can't wait to play more of it.

    Tried Showdown for a bit as well, was expecting it to be online but I guess it's only local multiplayer? May dive in the story mode after finishing King of Cards.

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