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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I think I started at around 14 or 15 but stopped after college, I dont drink anymore.
  2. Unfortunately I wasnt expecting a win, always a hard match against Oddy.
  3. The Chelsea Liverpool match was so infuriating to watch! Why the hell does Benitez keep playing Kuyt on the wings??? It was obvious from the first half that he wasnt able to get past anyone so Benitez thinks, lets put on our right sided player who has never been able to cross with his left foot and shove him on the left!
  4. Im getting a bit confused here. I dont watch anime with subtitles that much because it means I have to give it my full attention and because im on the computer so much that means I dont have the time to watch them. But if I watch dubbed then I can watch both.
  5. Have fun then!
  6. Well when im using the net I can still hear them talking and glance over easily enough but if im having to read the subs I have to keep my full attention on them
  7. I dont really care what I am, I watch things for my own enjoyment not for anyone else so why would it matter?
  8. I watch anime dubbed aswell, mainly because I find watching subtitles just a bit of a chore and that means I watch the shows less. Plus I do watch a lot of anime while im on the computer so its hard to read and use the net at the same time. It really does annoy me though when I get anime fans complaining that I watch dubbed more than subs when it really has no impact on their own enjoyment and it obviously doesnt bother me.
  9. No your not, ive never really liked Only Fools and Horses
  10. I wont deny that Gerrard played badly in the first half but I thought he was loads better second half. Not good enough for man of the match but definately not crap.
  11. Good result for me today, just hope I can keep pulling away from the relegation zone but its not going to be easy with some of the games ive got coming up
  12. Whats it about? I just tried looking for it on anime-source but couldnt find it
  13. Yeah weve had it in our town centre before, just looked stupid to me.
  14. There are Myspace accounts for the main characters (these havent been logged into since the movie was released.) If you search for Cloverfield viral marketing on youtube theyve got videos made by 2 extra characters (one of which is the passed out girl I mentioned) The rest is information ive read on forums from people who followed the viral marketing. I decided not to follow it before hand to make sure I didnt ruin anything for myself. Ive been told http://www.cloverfieldclues.com is a helpful site but I found it a bit hard to navigate to find the information and I havent looked since. EDIT: This is a very good post in the Cloverfield IMDB forums which gives you a lot of the information http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1060277/board/thread/95403747?p=1
  15. The bits on how the monster woke up are theories yes. The other bits about the girl and how slusho is connected to this japanese company who were drilling for the special ingredient are proper information that appeared in the viral marketing before the movie came out and are considered canon
  16. I dont think ive actually seen many Coen movies. I do own Hudsucker Proxy though which I always enjoy.
  17. Its a product that appears in the movie (I think) and was also in the viral marketing beforehand. Its connected to a Japanese company that owned an oil rig which drilled for Slushos secret ingredient. Its thought that this is what woke up the monster in the first place. There is also some confusion on what Slusho does to the people that drink it as someone in the viral marketing drank the special ingredient and started talking about how she felt really powerful. She can be seen at the party in the beginning on the movie, passed out on the sofa.
  18. There is the possibility that there was very little bleeding I guess as the pipe was still in, like how you arent supposed to remove glass etc
  19. Oh yeah I noticed that myself but it never really bothered me past wondering why she was now ok. I think they tried to explain it as because she was impaled near her shoulder so nothing critical was punctured but there still would have been a lot of blood loss. But as I say, that one thing did nothing to hurt the movie for me.
  20. Can you list the plot holes and leaps in logic please?
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