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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. So very tired! (Yet apparently can still be bothered to post in here!)
  2. ....looking forward to the sweet release of death
  3. 8 - Sonic 4 8:30 - Persona 4 11 - Crysis
  4. Its like how Marvel tried to negotiate with Fox to get Wolverine to cameo in Captain America, they just couldnt get it done. Theyve done such a good job creating this Marvel Movie Universe, its a shame that they dont have all their movie rights so it could expand even further.
  5. Well Marvel dont have the movie rights to Spider-Man so he couldnt turn up anyway.
  6. Its hard to say really. Maybe they'll mess around with the time lines a bit and have Thor 2 set before Avengers, kind of like how the very end of the Incredible Hulk with Tony Stark is actually set after Iron Man 2 even though it came out before.
  7. Cant help but laugh at the fact that I asked this very question about Thor's return in the Avengers thread earlier and got no replies :p
  8. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-hd-batman-arkham/722267
  9. I assume there was a review embargo until today and seeing as the game is out on Tuesday in the US I wouldnt say its too early anyway.
  10. Giant Bomb's Arkham City review is up: http://www.giantbomb.com/batman-arkham-city/61-29443/reviews/
  11. Something im wondering is how are they going to address Thor's return to Earth. You dont want to spend too much time on it but also it cant feel too cheap considering he was trapped in Asgard for now and while we know Jane Foster was working on a bridge from our end, if thats used theyre going to have to explain her absense as well.
  12. I assume the collectors edition doesnt have retailer specific bonuses then
  13. Looks like you get the Dark Knight Returns skin then
  14. So which bonuses are you guys getting with your orders? I ordered mine from Gamestation so mines the Robin edition with the Robin skins and levels.
  15. Yeah I much prefered the Treyarch Spidey games to these new Beenox ones. Its a shame we never got a sequel to the Ultimate Spider-Man game, it had one of the more involving stories for the games and even though the tie in to actual USM comic continuity never really ended up working it was interesting at the time.
  16. I'll find the links later but we should keep all the forum awards threads as well EDIT: Here we go: 2006 Awards 2007 Awards Dont think we ever got the 2008 results! 2009 Awards 2010 Awards
  17. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/120/1200082p1.html I just hope its nothing like their other games, I really didnt like Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time just looks like more of the same.
  18. Happy Birthday guys!
  19. Id say a good place to start would be the new Ultimate Spider-Man series. Its only on issue 3, its a very good read and its a brand new character so you'd know as much as everyone else already. While im mentioning the Ultimate Marvel Universe, try and pick up The Ultimates Vol.1 as its just an excellent book and would probably sell you on the entire Ultimate U. As for normal Marvel U, id say you could either wait for the Fear Itself event to end and we could tell you what books seem to have good jumping on points or try reading Avengers #1 and New Avengers #1 as theyre only about 17 issues in so far from their relaunch.
  20. You should give some Marvel titles a look Daft. You've come so far since only wanting to read Batman, I think its time you let Marvel into your life :p
  21. I dont have room on my computer to keep all my podcasts there. Its always annoyed me that it expected you to keep them both on your PC and iPod, thats what I bought my iPod for, to keep that stuff on!
  22. Yeah Jeb just forgot to remove them before he posted the pre release
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