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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. No probably not because AI isnt something you are supposed to notice. The better it is, the more natural it should be. I guess its like with first person shooters for example over the past few generations we have had enemies change from just running towards you shooting to actually taking cover, running away or working with other NPCs for reinforcements.
  2. There do tend to be a lot of things that are forgotten about with generational jumps and graphics will be the one focused on because its the obvious one that you can see but things like better AI have been spoken about by developers as a major thing for this generation with the new power they have available to them. The leaps between generations may feel like they are getting smaller but they are still just as important. Naughty Dog is one developer that talks a lot about it and how they were pretty much done with what they could do on the PS3 and with The Last of Us they squeezed every last bit of power out of the console that they could. I mean you just have to look at the specs for the PS3 to see just how outdated its been for years.
  3. Kari, Tori and Grant are leaving Mythbusters
  4. Those feel more like Channel 4 or E4 shows to me.
  5. Yeah Sky1 has that as well.
  6. Yeah I think Reigns needs more time before he is put up against Lesnar, or even goes for the title to be honest. He definitely has the potential to be the next big thing in the WWE but I think they are possible pushing him just a bit too quickly after the Shield break up. We maybe should have seen an IC title run first just to let him work on his speaking and promos.
  7. The Flash to air on Sky1 in the UK http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ustv/s246/the-flash/news/a591961/the-flash-to-air-on-sky1-in-the-uk.html
  8. With Brock Lesnar now the way they've built him up as this unstoppable monster its going to be hard to believe anyone coming in and beating him one on one for the title. If I was writing this story I would have HHH and Steph end up regretting backing Lesnar for the title after they realise they cant control him (or something along those lines) and end up having him lose the title in a triple threat or fatal fourway match where he doesnt actually have to be pinned.
  9. So for those who bought it, how was this game past the initial impression you got? It seemed to me like it was nuts and looked fun but maybe just at the beginning and I was worried it wouldnt have a lot of staying power.
  10. It wasnt a weird word until I read your post and you ruined it for me by using it so much! lol
  11. Just Zelda for me and at the moment thats more curiosity that actually looking forward to it.
  12. I'd recommend just keep checking back on ebay every now and again, someone will probably put one up. I overpaid a bit for mine but when it first came out and appeared on ebay it was selling for over £200 so its not as bad anymore at least.
  13. Someone selling it on ebay. Funstock.co.uk are supposed to be the actual online UK store selling it but they never got any stock in. They claim its coming in September but in limited numbers.
  14. Retron 5 high five! Got mine the other week.
  15. I'll just pop back in for a second as I meant to say this earlier. This stuff with Serebii just tends to boil over every now and again and we'll get conversations like this where people try to explain why they find him annoying. After years of putting up with him talking down to people, the arrogance and complete fanboyism you cant blame people for getting sick of it. You mentioned earlier about how all this "disrepect" will lead to people leaving but there have already been examples in this conversation of people saying they left the forum for a while because of Serebii. He is disrespectful to everyone else. It may not be in the same way as me recommending to someone to put him on Ignore because he was annoying them apparently but its there.
  16. Well we'll have to just agree to disagree then, ive got no interest in arguing with you and carrying this on. Ive said my bit and what I think of Serebii and that'll do for me.
  17. I think I enjoyed it a bit more than you seemed to @drahkon but I totally get what you are saying. I just found it to be a sound and fun-ish Mario game, but still just another Mario game and I guess at some point that just stopped being enough for me. I do still need to get @Goafer over at some point to try out the multiplayer but as I havent liked the frantic nature of Mario multiplayer before I doubt I'll like it this time.
  18. Honestly for me no, I will not give him as much respect as other posters because I dont respect or like him. I think he is one of the problems with this forum and he is one of the reasons I stopped posting here for a few months. I think he is disruptive and arrogant. Im not saying I'm just going to start talking shit about him constantly but because I think this place would be so much better without him I might bring it up from time to time if it comes up in conversation
  19. I read that as "morning massage" and was impressed for a minute how far you'd gotten.
  20. Thats why we all need to just put him on Ignore so nobody will have anything they need to quote :P
  21. @Sheikah you should really join us in the land of having Serebii on Ignore. Its wonderful over here.
  22. I cant see what they would have done between PS3 and 4 that would have changed the controls up all that much. The only difference would be the touchpad and thats just used for auto-targeting along with a couple of other buttons depending on your preference.
  23. Its probably one of those things where I would have been fine with the controller if thats what I had used first but as I said, the speed and precision is just too much to give up.
  24. I do think the prices on the eshop and VC are too expensive but thats still just a secondary concern for me. Until we get a proper account system which purchases will be linked to I am still very hesitant to buy anything.
  25. Nah I played it last night and I pretty much hate playing it with the controller. I need the speed and precision of the mouse aiming.
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