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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. A count down to let us know the game has been delayed again? :p
  2. I was actually thinking about signing up for Prime just a couple of days ago. No way I'll be doing it now and supporting this move.
  3. With my current feeling on Nintendo I wont be buying it day one. That could all change when its finally revealed of course but if its just the same old franchises I think I could be done with Nintendo.
  4. Yeah it was, thats the article that started this all.
  5. We have to remember as well that PS4K is just what everyone else decided to call it based on the initial rumours. We'll need the actual word from Sony before we know what the actual focus of the extra power is.
  6. Yeah we were talking about this earlier in the thread. Personally I rarely notice fps differences so it wouldn't bother me but one thing I could see happening if Sony agree its an actual issue is making "parity between multiplayer framerates" one of their strict guidelines for the Base and Neo versions. Im not entirely convinced the difference is enough that it is an issue however.
  7. Any chance we could actually bring this back on topic? Its funny seeing Ashley own Ronnie over and over again sure but maybe give that its own thread :p . I have Ronnie on ignore but its not exactly working at the moment with the constant posting and quoting lol
  8. Apparently Chyna has died. It's kind of sad that's it's gotten to the point that because this was apparently announced first on her Twitter account I wasn't sure whether to believe it or if it was just another publicity stunt.
  9. Giant Bomb's review http://www.giantbomb.com/reviews/star-fox-zero-review/1900-741/ Dan Rykert is a pretty big Nintendo guy as well.
  10. All of this is making me look forward to Giant Bomb's after hours show at E3. They always tend to get the best out of developers (with the help of a bit of alcohol) so it'll be interesting if they can get some coversation going with them about all of this.
  11. So did this game end up being any good? The videos I saw seemed interesting and its currently on sale on Vita so I'm tempted to get it.
  12. First shot of Elizabeth Banks as Rita! http://www.people.com/article/elizabeth-banks-power-rangers-movie-rita-repulsa-first-look
  13. Yeah I just hadnt heard of him before thats all. I dont watch any of Kinda Funny Games Stuff.
  14. Who is Colin Moriarty?
  15. But do you think that happens with PC games now?
  16. Couple of new purchases over the last week or so: Arrived today: Bought digitally this weekend: Just ordered:
  17. So I think the only thing that would convince me to buy one would be seeing how much of an improvement it makes to PSVR. If its quite a bit then I may get one, otherwise I'm happy to carry on the way I am now.
  18. Why is today dragging so much??? I've got a good amount of work done, been in two meetings but its still only 2.00pm
  19. I gave it a quick skim and they do mention its all courtesy of the Giant Bomb article so I think they've just padded it out with their own stuff and theories. Nothing wrong with that obviously but the actual sourced stuff is from GB. The late stuff just reminds me of Digital Spy. So often they'll post stuff days later but talk like its breaking news. Terrible site.
  20. Thats just the details from the Giant Bomb article we were already talking about.
  21. Also with the GB article stating that Sony are giving developers strict guidelines for some of this stuff I think its very possible that fps parity for multiplayer could be one of them. On the other hand though, this could just go back to my PC comparison. That doesnt have multiplayer parity at all for fps and works just fine. Either way though this announcement doesnt bother me in the slightest. I will stick with my current PS4 and will be happy for the people who feel the need to upgrade because they've been given that option without taking anything away from my gaming experience.
  22. See I think that could be considered a genuine concern but I'm willing to bet with things like eSports growing like they are, multiplayer games would most likely have their fps locked.
  23. The anger is ridiculous to me. There is no difference in the gaming experience people will have with their base PS4 if the Neo exists or not.
  24. Then that's your decision if you want to upgrade or not. I honestly see no downside to this. It's not changing the experience PS4 users would have, it's just giving people the choice for something better.
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