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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I know someone posted the slim was £299 on the previous page but I'm pretty sure the graphic at the end said either £249 or £259 for the slim.
  2. £349 is a good price
  3. Such a shame this kind of stuff is really hard to demo. I'd love to see what those bits in COD look on a 4k tv.
  4. Bit of a fuck up at work today that I just cant figure out how it happened. Got a call from my new boss tonight saying that the Newsletter we sent out today went to the school's prospective parents and not the current ones. I figured I just messed up when I made the list but I just cant figure out how those emails got into it. In our prospective database we have about 900 emails, in the current parents we have about 300. The newsletter got sent to around 300 people and I just have no idea how they got onto the list but everyone else didnt and why was the number so similar to the correct current parents amount :S
  5. If I understand this post correctly, you are now joining ISIS yes?
  6. I wouldn't say @Goafer was baiting anyone. He was responding to a joke I made with another joke...
  7. Just booked two tickets to go see Akira at the cinema with @Goafer
  8. I wonder how that stuff works now with PCs. Given that the PC platform is probably the more used when it comes to eSports and competitive gaming it either must not cause that much hassle or a solution is around.
  9. Rumours coming in that we'll be seeing some Mass Effect stuff with this.
  10. I used to invert my FPS controls with every game. One day I was just playing COD4 and it was like a switch in my brain was flipped and inverted controls didnt feel right at all.
  11. Sony have sold so many consoles now that they simply ran out of numbers...
  12. .....Seems like there are less and less threads you can go in around here these days where you can avoid this annoying back and forth arguing (and yes dont worry, I realise I do it myself from time to time but thats only when I've had enough of a "certain someone" and its only in the occassional thread)
  13. Oh yeah I've left it running today while I'm at work and theres no way it'll be done by the time I get home. Unfortunately I dont expect to be playing until tomorrow night.
  14. The nice thing I always found about STO is that it mixes things up so you can have the on ground stuff or messing around in space on your ship. I need to have a google and see if my account will transfer over. EDIT: Nope. I dont mind too much starting again but it is a bit of a shame as I did have a better ship on the PC.
  15. We should really create an N-Europe fleet!
  16. I had such high hopes for the game as well
  17. Just thought I would mention that Star Trek Online is now on consoles as well as PC. I've played it on and off from time to time on PC and figured I'd get the console version, see how well it plays with a controller. As MMOs go its not a bad one. I think @Cube has played quite a bit if I remember right.
  18. It probably is that as well. Sony have confirmed though that the Neo is being spoken about so its definitely that.
  19. [tweet]772493204121944066[/tweet]
  20. I wonder if that rumoured Sony version of the elite controller will be shown. Not something I'd buy myself but it'll be nice for those PS4 users who would like the extra control options.
  21. Famitsu have given Persona 5 39/40. They said it takes around 80 hours to complete and has a nice amount of side stuff to keep you busy as well.
  22. Unfortunately I'm also on the side saying that they did turn it around. 2:1 in sales against a console like the PS4 is still good. I'm sure someone posted the other day that the Xbox One's sales are still above the 360s at its point in the cycle. Also the perception of the Xbox One when it was first announced and then launched was so low compared to now. It can easily be seen as turning things around. I may not like the Xbox One but I definitely think they've sorted things out.
  23. Yep, the woman I now work for is a nightmare and I was already struggling with my other boss so both of them is a mess. Its not that I cant do the actual job, its that everything thats happened coupled with who I'm now working for (someone the Bursar herself recently said could never work with) and the fact that I feel completely shat on by the school has just left me so depressed that I have no energy to carry on. Its one of those situations where I know I should just carry on but I'm not sure how much longer I can.
  24. To be honest I'm so down on the place and constantly angry with the people here that I wouldnt stay anyway. I've managed to survive 2 and a half hours today so far without freaking out or killing anyone so thats something. Its the depression thats getting to me as its bleeding into my home life.
  25. http://www.playstationtrophies.org/news/news-20141-Red-Dead-Redemption-Remastered-Coming-To-Consoles---PC---Report.html
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