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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Ordered and preordered
  2. I'm just interested to hear what they are like (not necessarily just the 7), how much the stylus is actually used and the size really. I'm kind of interested in getting one (when they are re-released!) but have never been too sure about larger phones.
  3. Anyone here have a Samsung Note phone? (Or that sized phone)
  4. Has anyone played Battlefleet Gothic: Armada? I really like the look of it but I've heard its actually really hard.
  5. We havent spoken about it on here but I did manage to hear your scream from my house when it was announced.
  6. Grumble grumble grumble. Back in my drawer the 3DS goes then
  7. I updated my 3DS this morning but when I checked my streetpasses just now they were listed as 6/10 still and not /100. This happening for anyone else?
  8. I mentioned this in the other thread but it isnt the same style links Amazon use on their tweets anyway.
  9. For a minute there I thought that was the successor to the PS4 Pro lol
  10. Looking at their twitter account, that isnt how Amazon do links Example: http://amzn.to/2cdEftn
  11. Yeah you do get attacked by the borg eventually in this opening section but originally all the stuff with the Klingons was Borg and you go down to a planet where an attack is taking place.
  12. I played a bit last night. It seems a bit more buggy than the PC version but it'll do. Weird playing the new training stuff though, I'm still used to it being a borg attack.
  13. I dont know the ins and outs enough myself to be able to comment properly, especially when there are less powerful versions of VR out there but if I remember right each screen has to be viewed at least at 90fps for comfort reasons which is one reason for needing all the power you can get. Thats also why I'm continually impressed by how positive the reactions from people trying out PSVR seem to be. I ended up cancelling my preorder for it for financial reasons but it still looks like a really nice piece of tech.
  14. Hows it feel on a controller?
  15. It all depends on what kind of VR experiences Nintendo would want to produce I guess. I dont believe it would be powerful enough for the deeper ones and if they could only reach the more shallow experiences, would Nintendo themselves actually think it was worthwhile adding?
  16. Im not sure the NX will be powerful enough to be able to run VR well. Obviously you do have the things like GearVR which are less powerful but now the proper stuff is coming out it would just look like a lesser product. As someone who owns both a Vive and a GearVR I can tell you there is a big difference in quality. The NX as well would be compared to the PSVR more than the GearVR style headsets.
  17. More info on the male and female characters
  18. Only problem I could see with that is if the new console didnt have any Pokemon GO-like games available (dont think its supposed to have a camera right?) then people would be disappointed if they bought the console on the assumption that there would be similar experiences.
  19. Got to admit, better blu Rays never even entered my mind all the months we've known about this. The 4K-ness of it always just made me think of better looking games.
  20. Yeah it was a poorly worded post from me, I meant more like an interview with someone from Sony to explain the choices made.
  21. We definitely need some proper info on the blu ray situation and not just quick tweets.
  22. Best part of the Pro is that it still comes with the crappy earpiece mic
  23. Engadget have also confirmed no UHD blu ray. Its one of those decisions that if Internet speeds were amazing across the world for streaming then I would probably understand it but they just arent. I can barely stream 720p and thats why I still buy certain blu rays.
  24. I'd love it if every revision to the PS4 just adds another block on top from now on.
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