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Everything posted by Nick81

  1. Hey Stocka, sorry that you're leaving. Hope you are able to return soon, and that everything works out for you
  2. Ah, I didn't realise that (I've been playing the American version). I don't know how long it will take to build up enough grip to climb the temple without the jump glitch. Collecting tails, and I think defeating the colossi gives you more strength as well. Anyway, hope you get there!
  3. No problem - like I say, work on the diagonal jumping technique and follow the video closely and you should get there! McMad is right, it is possible to build up a huge grip meter, but if you can nail the diagonal jump trick then your grip strength won't matter too much.
  4. Librarian, check out this video - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3611726774577404750&q=%22shadow+of+the+colossus%22 I got it through the Shadow of the Colossus entry on Wikipedia. I followed the video and got to the top of the temple after a few attempts. It is quite tricky to do admittedly. The glitch is that while climbing, if you hold jump to charge your jump, then push diagonally on the stick (so up and left, or up and right - not straight up), and release the jump button you should vault up a little bit but without losing any grip strength. Hope this helps!
  5. Indeed, this whole thing is very disappointing, to say the least. If anyone visits other forums or websites regularly, please take a moment and link to the Stuart Campbell article which I noted above. Hopefully then Sensi fans won't be suckered into buying this update. In my article on games journalism I made reference to the Driv3r debacle - I didn't think another fiasco would come along quite so soon.
  6. If, like me, you are a Sensi Soccer fan then no doubt you are aware of the most recent effort to update the game, in the just-released-in-time-for-the-World-Cup Sensible Soccer 2006. You might also know about Eurogamer's glowing 9/10 review of the game. Yet the comments section of Eurogamer reveal much discontent - and hint at deletions of comments that were critical of the game. And then I was forwarded this link: an article by Stuart Campbell on the Great Sensible Soccer Swindle. It appears that Sensible Soccer 2006 was rushed out, unfinished, for the World Cup - and, in contrast to Eurogamer's review, is actually a total calamity riddled with bugs and glitches that they never once mentioned. Stuart Campbell also notes that the game engine is based on Codemasters' failed Club Football series - despite assurances that the games was "all-new". As Mr. Campbell also notes, "Your reporter draws no conclusions or parallels between this and the fact that Eurogamer was the first publication to review Sensible Soccer 2006. And first by quite some distance, at that - in fact, the review was published early enough that, should it happen to produce a favourable score and/or some good quotes, there'd be just enough time to get them included on box stickers, promotional materials and adverts. That this very thing then went on to happen is, your reporter feels sure, merely a coincidence and in no way suspicious." Anyway, just thought any Sensi, or even non-Sensi, fans would want the full story.
  7. Great news, I've got the first Lego Star Wars on PS2 and it is an absolute joy to play. Lego Star Wars is an example of great gameplay design for kids (and kids of all ages); not just some old guff with technical flaws being passed off onto children. Looking forward to the next one!
  8. Hey all, I had a question about Mario Smash Football. Does anyone know if you can choose to take power shots or items and power-ups off in the game? (like in Mario Power Tennis, where you can de-select power shots) I have played this here in the States (it's called Super Mario Strikers here!), but it was an in-store demo version and I couldn't get to the options screen! Any comments would be appreciated!
  9. Hey, I recently was given a PS2 as a present, and since we're getting towards the end of this generation now is a good time to pick up some cheap games! So, I would appreciate any recommendations as to the best PS2 titles out there, and why you rate them. (So far I've only got Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper) Cheers!
  10. Still a bit disappointed that Brosnan won't be back to right the wrongs of Die Another Day (CGI surfing sequence... oh dear), but this chap looks like he could come up with the goods. Anyway, what's with this about the first blonde Bond - you know he could always dye it!
  11. Analysts don't often get it right, which seems to be why nobody really pays them much attention. When they are accurate, it's in a kind of catch-all "yes, Sony will be top next-generation, with Microsoft and Nintendo following."
  12. Indeed. This is something that Microsoft have specialized in. Also, I in fact thought up the internet a few years back. Ahem.
  13. Oyster Harbour, was that the one you had to use the cranes with TNT and then push huge blocks around into holes in the ground? I think it's that one, that was indeed nasty!
  14. Yeah, GoldenEye's intro was pretty special to Bond fans! I got out the N64 the other day, I still love this game. Silenced Walther, setting off remote mines with your watch, gunning down crack Soviet troops with an AK-47 - superb :yes:
  15. I've got fond memories of Blast Corps, but not of the difficulty level in places! Have you played the mission "Diamond Sands" yet?
  16. Indeed, the controller has had a lot of positive feedback since it was first unveiled, it just wouldn't work for Peter Moore or Microsoft to denounce it at this point.
  17. This was a recent hot topic on Teletext's GameCentral magazine, it got a good response so I thought it'd be interesting to ask here! What is everyone's favourite game intro, and why? What intro sequence or title screen really sets the tone? For me, I really like the way Half-Life immerses you in the Black Mesa facility before all hell breaks loose. In this generation, I thought that The Wind Waker intro was excellent, as it tells the story of Ocarina of Time as an ancient legend.
  18. Best console this generation? I've got a GameCube and PS2, there have been some top-notch titles on both, but the GC is still my favourite. Metroid Prime, The Wind Waker, Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario are all highlights.
  19. In no particular order... Half-Life 2 - taking a crowbar to a police state, superb vehicle sections (especially Water Hazard) and general excellence. Metroid Prime - this generation's Ocarina of Time. :bow: Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - genius update of a classic (with the classic itself as an unlockable bonus!), great platforming and artistic style - and a perfect ending. I'm sure I'll think of more. Paper Mario as well, Pikmin, Grand Theft Auto 3.
  20. Very cool and professional avatar! :yes: 5/5 Bonus points to anyone who can name the game I took my avatar from!
  21. Right now I'm playing through The Wind Waker again, still enjoying it the second time around, but it is definitely a bit on the easy side.
  22. I'm also going to say the N64 - GoldenEye, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, the two Zeldas, all top notch. I played GoldenEye the other day for the first time in ages, and it's still superb. What I wouldn't give for a remake on Revolution, with the new controller like your own Walther PPK!
  23. Doubtless many reactions to the new pad will be inane - many fanboys have not moved beyond the stage of "LOL, it's a kiddy toy!11!" with regard to the GameCube.
  24. Majora's Mask is a really great Zelda game. The Anju-Kafei relationship quest is really involving, it's a shame there wasn't more of this kind of subquest in The Wind Waker. And you definitely get your money's worth from the dungeons!
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