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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. I've lived in 9 differnet houses, in Scotland, England and Germany. My dads in the army, so we move around alot.
  2. Batman's superpower is his enhanced determination, willpower and tactical mind. He can go for days without sleeping, and given enough time to think, can defeat anyone. He is a Superhero IMO.
  3. I eat like shitloads of chocolate and sweets, and I've always been really thin. I've been known to bring a "bakery" to school for break time. Lol I must be dying on the inside. *Ingests arscenic* Goodbye cruel world!
  4. I got 4700 odd points on easy, then realised your score doesn't register on easy... Then I tried Medium and got 2500 and got over it quickly.
  5. Not a picture I would really want to look at... 4/10
  6. I just had my additional maths exam. I actually screamed to myself when I realised I didn't have a clue how to do a question that was worth 15 marks. Like I died and metaphorically came back to life. I think I did ok in the rest of the paper though, despite having 5 minutes left at the end to draw a graph, which I can tell looks like shit. Like I'll publically scream if I manage to scrape an A.
  7. I'm screaming at the thought of History and Ad Maths tommorrow. Like scream if I ever see an integration question where you have to find the area between two curves, I was shit at that in class.
  8. Lol is that actually a man or a woman? I'm confused... *Has the mental age of a 13 year old*
  9. I'm publically screaming at the thought of Chemistry. It used to be one of my best subjects until I had a shite teacher for 2 years.
  10. I need the 13 year old break dancer to win. Actually unexpectedly amazing at dancing, like wouldn't be out of place in an Usher video.
  11. Actually it was because we couldn't find a suitable voice to do Dennis, so in the end we just said ReZ should do it. We are still looking for voices of some balls, particularly female balls, so if theres any secret amazing voice actors out there give ReZ a PM.
  12. I love. I could need to see. Her deaf sister seems more fun.
  13. Umbrella by Rihanna has to be one of the catchiest songs of 2007. Umbrella ella ella ella eh eh eh eh!
  14. Yeah, think of the first one as a "practice episode".
  15. Realistically; being crazy and like being bisexual on rainy days makes musicians more fun and interesting. Like Bjork is THE person to be bisexual only on Tuesdays. Coming out as gay actually made Will Young into an interesting musician.
  16. Apparently hes really tall. And has a beautiful sister. Realistically; if its obvious hes gay, he shouldn't have to "admit" it.
  17. I'll publically slap their faces if they don't.
  18. I'm totally hyped for the maths calculator. I'll like publically scream if my calculator runs out of batteries though.
  19. I bought this in a second hand book shop because I was laughing so much at it when my sister pointed it out. /I'm a latin freak.
  20. I'm listening to Tegan And Sara's "The Con" and Cansei de Ser Sexy's "CSS". *flies away on a broomstick*
  21. I was surprised when I looked at the Sugababes greatest hits album in HMV. I like more than 50% of the songs on that album randomly. I never realised before they were a group I even liked. Freak Like Me and Shape for the fucking win!
  22. I think its really good for a first try ameteur production.
  23. BALLS FTW! 10 out of fucking 10!
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