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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. (Don't do any of this "I'm a kind, honest, intelligent person" bullshit, btw. Because it's almost always a lie.)
  2. I love the pregnant mention of Wingull. Yes. Is there a Pokémon that's particularly Japanese, that would stimulate Kanji/WhateverScriptThatIs?
  3. Well that problem is really easily remedied by hanging out with sex-positive feminists, and being interesting and enthusiastic about life.
  4. I'd maybe agree that sex is over-rated. But not like.. in a conventional way. It feels liken you lust for it, and when it happens, it's: and you have sex 3 or 4 times, and you lie, post-event, post-everything and it's kinda like: . And you slink off and reanalyse your life and existence. And then 3/4/5 days later, you really want it again.
  5. (I don't think it's that bad at all. Neither remarkably good, nor bad.)
  6. Well, when I stopped caring about having a boyfriend, I became more happy, and strengthened my friendships, and got more sex. The first time I ever thought about this was when my two main activist-y friends pregnantly didn't participate in a gay marriage thing, which stimulated conversation about the value of relationships, and how sex impacts relationships. A particular quote that sticks in my memory being: "I don't fuck my friends, and I don't try to be friends with the people I fuck." In some ways I wish I had someone that I could lie in bed with and watch TV series with, and have stunning jokes with, all the small stunning things that are borne from relationships. But then, equally, I hate how two people being in a relationship changes the mood of a social event (most of the time). They always leave early. Or have some bullshit argument that ruins the mood. Or, like, just tap energy away by being really settled with themselves. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but, like.. if you go to a club with a couple, I can bet you that you won't have as much fun as you would otherwise. And also, I have this (worrying) thing where I get bored of someone after having sex with them more than 3 or 4 times. I can see myself, in a relationship, either getting really bored and frustrated, or getting more and more sexually adventurous/exploratative, in order to not be bored, to the point of ridiculousness.
  7. Haha, he's like a 13 y/o me, but a different take on weird.
  8. I have minimal concerns about privacy, tbh. If bitch steals my stuff I'll kill them. I know where they live too. Anyway, I deleted everyone I don't like/trust off Facebook, so...
  9. The Glastonbury performance was perfect. 10/10. Relentlessly stunning. Vibrant. Emotive throughout. Her outfit. The fact she never changed it. Why would she need to? She looked stunning. The fact that she just wore panties and it felt natural and right. The fact she danced for an hour and a half in stilettos. Her hair. Her hair. It's the greatest thing I've seen in ages. Of course she was the first female act ever to headline Glastonbury. Of course she put her heart and soul into that performance. Of course it felt so whole. Even though Run The World (Girls)'s message is a bit silly, you can't help feeling that Beyoncé knows and lives some feminist truths which aren't privy to us. There's a reason she's vibrant. There's a reason she's golden. Because she loves the feeling. Because she is what she wants to be, as a woman, as a performer, as a human being. Because she's crazy in love. Yessss
  10. In, like the classic sex action.
  11. Toy Story 1 and 2 are massively meh to me though. (#3 is one my top 10 films evar though).
  12. Don't all these angles make me seem dynamic?
  13. Sometimes I smell lies. I watched Cars yesterday, and I thought it was a brilliantly written film. Once you got over the shite concept, I thought it was far better than many/most animated films. The reason I appreciate it is because it's a refreshing presentation of ideal -- that community and humility is better than celebrity and empty achievement etc etc [in fact I was wishing that he didn't leave the town and go to the race] -- and it feels like a stunning commentary on life today, where I think for a lot of people that goes over their heads, and they base their judgement of the film on the fact talking cars is a fucking stupid concept (which it is). So yeah, I don't believe lies.
  14. I'm completely fine with it (met many people off the Internet before). Maybe I'm just a reckless person?
  15. I added them on Facebook first and spoke to them for 2 weeks. Really, how is it any less safe than meeting a random at a bar and going back to their house?
  16. Stay[ed][ing] this weekend with a couple I met on Grindr. Weird/interesting dynamic, but it's great. It's my favourite thing reanalysing how ones döes life. The older of the two is 25 and is earning 50 grand a year as an accountant in the motor trade, despite not going to college or uni. He's one of those people that just deals with life. Speaks because he can. Blatantly going to base my life on his vibe.
  17. Toy Story 3 is my favourite movie of all time (the first and second are so meh for me).
  18. No, because I'm better than their boyfriend. [What the alternate reality straight version of me would say.]
  19. Post exams. Can't exactly see me very well, but this gives you an idea of what happen[d]. Then, we (the mathematicians) went punting. And I looked like a Lesbian. Me + iPhone + Beyonce CD = I am my häir (which apparently looks like I'm from World War II)
  20. I preferred it to Thor. (And X-Men FC, but only on a certain plane of thought).
  21. Avatar It really annoys me how it looks like she has a massive void where her vagina should be. Also, don't think the vagueness of the face works for an avatar, it's not grabbing enough. I say to myself "Is that all there is to an avatar. Is that all there is?" 6/10 Sig I'm stunned by Charlene. And the writing -- aï'm my hair. 9/10
  22. Exam went awfully. Celebrations were fun, but so deflated just wanted to go home and sleep.
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