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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. But then, I actually like being a gay man. Feminists like being women. Black activists / Malcolm X followers like being black. It's a celebration of identity. Assimilation into patriarchal, heteronormative, white ideals should not be advocated. It's pacifist, let's-not-cause-a-stir, bullshit centrist politics.
  2. Sinead O'Connor did a cover of that song, in 1994. I enjoy both versions.
  3. [Can't work out if you're being serious or not, but if you are, I agree, it's actually pretty interesting / really illuminating. How far are disabled people dis-abled? Do we allow mentally disabled people to vote? Do we allow Down's syndrome peeps to have sex lives? Should disability be celebrated? Is winning gold at the parolympics less impressive than a standard gold medal? Should we allow euthanasia? How far should we include disabled people in political ideology? etc etc]
  4. I saw the trailer, and was intrigued. I shall
  5. Radical feminism isn't concerned with scales or equality, it's concerned with the fact we live a world that revolves around gender, and men. Talking about equality is irrelevant, because it'd be equality within a patriarchal system. Feminism is my favourite thing. Because only through feminist liberation will queer liberation follow. --- As for political correctness, often it's correct for a reason. Conversation I had 2 days ago: My Mum: Eenie meanie minie mo, catch a nigger by the toe [...] Me: Mum! Don't say that, that's awful! Mum: Well that's what we used to say when I was young. Me: Doesn't change the fact that word is heavily associated with slavery, and exploitation of black people, and a whole lot of people would get angry at you if they heard that! Mum: It's all political correctness. Me: Yeah, correctness, because using it is essentially glorifying slavery, and is really quite repugnant. Mum: ...
  6. It's 4.5 seasons long, with the pilot episode, and Razor, and a special features disc. (each their own discs).
  7. [is Flare a fire rabbit? Because if it is, me and Paj! already had that idea! ]
  8. It's the deluxe edition with the artwork book thingy, which adds.
  9. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - £20 (Pre-owned) Played 4 hours. I'm so stunned, when I was bracing myself for shite, after having played 358/2 days, and being so "..." about Ventus/Aqua/Terra/Wind/Water/Earth/Shit. It's so dynamic, when you're fighting. You feel great at life. You feel like you have 16 different tricks up your sleeve. Which you do: Finishers, that great green Sharpshot / Sureshot thing, D-Linking (Yes, come on Cinderella/Maleficent), Various abilities etc etc. And I love how it's so easy to level things up. Every 3 minutes or so you get loads of updates saying you're great. And melding is my favourite thing. Getting rid of your maxed-out goods for betters. I'm playing on Proud mode, so it's genuinely hard too. Too me about 6 times to escort Cinderella down the hall without her getting killed. And couldn't beat the boss in Aurora's palace either, it was too great for me. But I trained up, and got over it. Just feels so worth my time.
  10. We have to go on a roadtrip. And if it's awkward we'll both just have to deal.
  11. Yes. It reminds me of like and prime numbers. The obvious ones with personalities. The ones you want on your team when picking characters on Dynasty Warriors.
  12. 10. Selene's giving me lessons in Vpsychicampirehood.
  13. (I love prime.)
  14. Me, 5 mins ago. Because I am bored, and I'm happy with my appearance right now, which is strange given I've put not effort into looking good today. Hair win, tbf.
  15. Every few weeks or so. / they aren't regular. "Let's change things. Let's danger it up. We're crazy enough." ~ Kate Bush
  16. The Tree Of Life.. is... It's so bitty. It's so untwisting. It's something you just ate. It was life. It was cosmically big, but minutaelly small. We are atoms. We are cosmic dust. We are love. We are God. We are my hair. I feel like I just need to do a Kate Bush "aaahh fadgett about it!" scream/yelp, because it's too much, and I don't know what else to say. It triggered forgotten/repressed memories from my childhood, which was like being struck in the chest.
  17. My life is quite monotonous, then I have spouts where I do crazy shit, like don't sleep for 4 days / randomly go to London for 2 weeks with nowhere to stay / occupy a building etc etc. It's those crazy periods which keep me..
  18. Aaliyah (wa/i)s pretty great. It genuinely feels really annoying she's dead, because she had so much to do and say.
  19. *Trusts mr-paul* Vote: Paj
  20. Because it's a balloon pokémon. / it's insides would be.
  21. But it blatantly is though, so..
  22. Why are people making this more complicated than it needs to be? Paj (a fire Pokémon) roleblocked Ese (a normal Pokémon, who's flammable, probably something like Wigglytuff). And there's flavour text.
  23. (To be fair, one of the few vegans I know is doing a PhD in Immigration Law, and spends her life visiting detention centres and being fierce.)
  24. (I love that girl being on the edge of suicide. Someone please KILL ME.)
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