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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Eenuh, you are in the write-up. I'm not saying anymore to give anyone a chance to find out as well, but those colours are yours.
  2. Am I the only one who finds this BBC picture odd? Just the way Carroll looks, his face looks different and his arm in that position :p and the defender looks like he's celebrating a goal!
  3. Yeah but the next person will have more posts and it will soon have a strong cumulative effect. Your bit about winning with the town is a fake as well. I don't think you're mafia but I don't think you'll help us either!
  4. I think you'll just keep killing till you reach a target and then win. I don't like that. Vote: Heroic
  5. What is your win condition?
  6. Thats a pretty extensive revelation. How did you know Jay was the most inactive? What is your win condition?
  7. Ouch. Bad night for English football!
  8. No Chair was not protected by Dewgong. I know that for sure. Also Heroic, these are some strong allegations...defend yourself!
  9. 25 is the peak?! Its all about 26/27 baby then it's all downhill from there. Your manager will be looking to sell you then! Or if you're Oddy, anytime is a possibility.
  10. Okay, that is blindingly obvious, I meant what has happened to him since his revival. He is not the same as he was before.
  11. Chair, what has happened to you?
  12. It isn't about the defence being common law, nor which comes before anything else. Just that a self-defence is a strong mitigation for an offence committed, leading to an acquittal unless unreasonable/excessive force is used and thus not making it self-defence.
  13. That really was the worst part of my day.
  14. I apologise for what I mean if you thought I was attacking you in some way. I thought your reaction to no-one making the effort to talk to you was by closing off your wall. I didn't know it was for something different. Sozzzzzzzzzz! Ashley you never contact me out of the blue
  15. Moi aussi!
  16. That just looks unsociable and uninviting. How is that supposed to help your situation?
  17. What are you guys on about?!
  18. Good to know other people go on TrueLad.com Taken straight from the top lad story section. I always tell people this story when True Lad gets mentioned. Great story if you imagine it to be true.
  19. walla? Voilà ?
  20. Two of my friends at university have done this. I just stood out to me as weird. One you can't post anything on his wall although you can comment, whereas the other you can't even comment or post. Obviously it is your choice to do that but it just looks weird and is rather off-putting.
  21. I want a change but my hair refuses to do anything. I go to the barbers/hairdressers and just end up saying..usual. Show us some pictures Serebii!
  22. Happy Birthday Love, Your (mistaken) stalker :p Have a good one you xpert legend! (just you, not your team)
  23. Man up! ..........
  24. Maybe he's off celebrating the response? Carefully considering the reply? So many possibilities. Meddle more!
  25. Pirating most likely! @Pancake, maybe "Madilana" gave the number wrong for a reason! Maybe she didn't enjoy the meet up as much as your mysterious texter!
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