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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. How long has the smiley list been a drop down list rather than a pop-up mini window?
  2. How do they work out the stars?
  3. Flink, are you the note maker?
  4. Yeah, Voldemort the one of the best wizards apparently, dies because of a mix-up which he would have known about. He can make horcrux's and create all those traps or whatever, and then gets its wrong at the end and a bit unlucky. What a way to end >_> Down with Potter! Long live Voldy!
  5. At least touch the bloody buttons!
  6. He's gone silent! Vote: Sméagol
  7. Don't go red. You'll look stupid. How's that for a counter argument?
  8. I wanted to do something for the league! I don't have enough money to keep VIP up continually yet! Once I start my job I should be fine, but for now I wanted to see whether people actually liked the competition so a simple month's VIP prize should be sufficient. Besides, I might make it a rule that I won't get VIP until I win it from Haden's awards :p Surely I've had more goes than almost anyone else?
  9. Becauase I've seen everyone else's already and I don't want it to look like I've cheated. I was going to pm you before lots of people got their results in and forgot. Next season I'll enter, if people think it is a good idea/ was worth it/ adds anything to the game.
  10. Who hates him?
  11. I typed that in the quick reply and then thought against it. A CLEAR MAFIA TACTIC BY PEEPS
  12. Yep it's all saved ready for the final part of the season. Many are quite similar, some are different and there are quite a few surprising expectations. Don't let your predictions down boys!
  13. I sent him a pm to remind him. I forgot you hadn't entered, I sent a reminder to some already, which has been ignored but if they don't want free VIP more chance for everyone else!
  14. Wanted to use this picture for a while Actually thinking about it, how is that being biggoted? Pancake hasn't exactly spouted pure scorn against those that like the movies. She just doesn't like them herself, she is entitled to her opinion on it.
  15. I've made guesses, but for the first one at least I'm not going to win it. Would look too fixed. Quite a few people have entered, not everyone that I'd expect but enough for it to be a competition!
  16. Haha, ouch! EDIT: Picture toooo big
  17. I'm a GENIUS http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=2o4k782g6f2h3a2z4p647p Nah I just added them randomly but it actually sounds half decent I think! I made a pattern in this one! Sounds good as well! http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=2w8a690n3y1x557g4p6l412j5f3d3b5v Such a good distraction from revision.
  18. I'll choose 2, Edd can have 1. But if it is 1, I want the prize :p I've won it for him enough times, it's my turn! :p
  19. I've seen most of the podcasts of those three, and I loved them. However, everything that Steve does is in the same tone, the same style, the same persona. He is probably just given those roles because he came across so brilliantly in the podcasts and idiot abroad etc but still, in this game where he isn't Steve Merchant, I don't want him being the same!
  20. FAIL! You disappoint me Ashley.
  21. This stuff involving Lennon is absurd. Some people are so fucked up.
  22. Is he doing the same sort of persona as he does in everything else?
  23. Do you now look like this:
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