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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. To be fair, I think it was a penalty we should have been awarded and whilst there is no definite certainty we would have scored, it was some sort of justice in my opinion. Also, offside during the build-up? That doesn't matter AFAIK
  2. This basically! :p
  3. I reckon the Sun made it all up. BBC seems to think so as well: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13244531.stm
  4. This isn't a new type of law enforcement, as Peeps said, the pre planning must have gone past more than a preparatory decision before they can be charged which by the sounds of it they had. They did it to try and cause a disruption, otherwise they could have just done it on another day. They'd be allowed to do it at most other times but just not this, so it isn't really a condemning of free speech like you so persistently seem to argue.
  5. A well fought out 2-1 win against Madpool and a draw against powerhouses Haden and Roosters mean its all equal at the top with 7 points! Next closest teams have 2 points! Big difference already! Though I think Madpool should pick up a few points in the next 4 games or so with a decent run of teams to face.
  6. Later on you'll get money pins that aren't maxed out to evolve, but I didn't know the others say that. I think the main slash like ones with a letter on them for designs are really useful once you get strong enough, they reload quick-ish and give you something to stop others attacking. I want to use the ones that demand you "shout" but it would be a bit weird/ embarrassing :p
  7. England, Essex!
  8. I think we're missing the point here peeps. Serebii is earning over £35,000 working on pokemon related things! What a job!
  9. I set it so the computer starts controlling top one, and only when I mash to one side because all the noise are on one side of the screen will I do anything. I know what you mean though, I'm too busy kicking ass with Neku! The evolution is basically where you max out the pin's level and then it evolves and becomes a new pin, usually are very similar same move/ effect but stronger or for longer etc and can upgrade more. I've had a couple that have evolved like 3 times. I love the variety in this game, so much to do and change.
  10. General bulk up, I'm a bit on the light and thin looking side, only slightly. I do quite a bit of sport sporadically so I think fitness needs a bit of attention as well. I don't want to become huge or anything close, just a general small increase and toning I guess! Thanks for the advice anyway, I'll see what I decide to do and hopefully find a plan that suits me.
  11. Happy Birthday Aimless! I hope your birthday is not in fact aimless. What a lame attempt at a joke ^^^ >_<
  12. Changevote: Mundi I don't believe him, but I don't believe Smeagol either, so keep an eye on him folks!
  13. You must have made a LOT of money to be complaining about having such an unfair tax amount. Invest in property instead, it's a lower rate of tax if you're that bothered
  14. Xbox Live does have an offer- £2 per month =£24 for a year's subscription! Though after all the hassle of taking card details away, I'm not sure I'll bother.
  15. We have to be the one to put up with the ones carrying it and shitting infront of people! Right fellas?
  16. Has anyone used like a portable charger? My dad has one he uses for his iPhone, just wondering if people know of a HTC/ Nexus one and how well it works? I think it'd be helpful to have one.
  17. Yeah, I agree I loved the Wavebird for its wireless ability, but the normal controller was more comfortable. I also think the Xbox 360 controller is the most comfortable, and then the gamecube normal and then probably N64, though it has been a long time since I've held one of those beauties in my hands so I may just be being nostalgically biased.
  18. A thread title with all capitals is offensive to my eyes. I read capitalised words as someone shouting at me. Bad Maase!
  19. You could update me on your progress with TWEWY, that wouldn't bore me since I'm also playing it :p And Eddie, I wasn't aiming it at you, I think you've posted every now and then. I was thinking Zell, MadDog etc
  20. Whilst I think Mundi is iffy, I find Smeagol's lack of responses very obvious that something is up. Usually he's analysing everything and getting involved but not so much this time. Either that or I've missed him saying he was busy? Also I think some players need to speak up, many aren't saying things when I know they've been active on the forum.
  21. I don't think the red card for Pepe was red. Yellow yes, but red? No. I hate Alves so much. Just something about him makes me want to punch him in the face. Great run by Messi for both goals! Mourinho winking and telling the linesman "Well done" sarcastically was so funny He's such a great character, and even accepted being sent to the stands nodding and acknowledging it was probably fair.
  22. Not even close. Try again.
  23. So it isn't painful, and you can still move the toe? Doesn't sound like a broken toe to me
  24. I also find it suspicious Vote: Bard
  25. Whilst I think Ghostbusters is good, I don't consider it amazing. Probably because I only saw it when I was older and the effects looks more outdated then. Anchorman however is AWESOME. The second one/extra one is funny as well.
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