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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. It is now the last night before the complete end of uni and I leave tomorrow. I've been on my own for most of the day because all my housemates have essentially buggered off and left me to clean. I've done most of it and then we'll all share the security deposit back. I really wish I wasn't so helpful/ eager to get my money back. Lazy fuckers. On the upside, I've realised I'm a bloody good cleaner so if I ever end up jobless I know what I'll do! :p
  2. I just watched 9. It was good, but the storyline didn't really make much sense, I looked up the plot after and apparently it was to save humanity. Except they didn't.
  3. That and your character has no seemingly solid relation to norse mythology or even close.
  4. Putting Essex back on the map. Ooooooooooooooh yes! :awesome:
  5. There will be blood is not Coen? Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Was it No Country for Old Men which is Coen then? (I thought it wasn't and TWBB was, my fault). I've heard good things about both so perhaps I should see both eventually?
  6. To be honest, I think ReZ is mafia, his explanations/ Mundi not sending in for so many nightphases is silly. Vote: ReZ Though I still think people should stop Eddie or Jonnas from being able to kill again.
  7. So, 2 people died, and only 4 people care to vote and 0 people have have anything concrete?
  8. Buy your own then.
  9. Tales, what is the vote count?
  10. >_> You killed Peeps. I think killer + investigator = too strong. So you're lying. Yes my amigo, I just don't want to believe you :p
  11. I think you know who targets you. Not that you investigate.
  12. Seconded! Happy Birthday, sorry it is late :p
  13. I watched True Grit last night. Twas a solid performance, I enjoyed muchly. Still need to see 'There will be blood'! I will get round to it eventually!
  14. Jayseven do you want to be part of my regime? I must warn you I'm a dictator!
  15. Actually we all knew since he came forward! Actually you said: "As for how I know it was you? With the info I had on you previously, plus the write-up, my suspicions were directed to you. I accused you on a hunch, actually, so thanks for confirming it." So you didn't know it was her. The information you had previously could have been learnt from the several pages before or you scumnag teammates? You cannot prove this so you could just as likely be saying it. I would like to know what you know about Eddie's character to see if it simply more than what she has reveal so far. I know her whole name, her description which everyone knows and everyone knows her power. So what is there that you have "learnt"?
  16. It's funny because it was true for the downstairs toilet in the first year we had our house!
  17. Sweet! Erm, not sure how well this one will go but considering I'm leaving uni and going home how about: Things you shouldn't say to your landlord the day you are leaving
  18. I think we should get rid of Jonnas and do stuff tomorrow, people have had a chance to talk now.
  19. :'( Cheers Tales! First my tourney and now this!
  20. Vote: Arbitor
  21. You saw through his clothes? What power is that?!
  22. So one in each league I call Eights and Bubbles! :p
  23. D_D has done it so it MUST be done obviously. So it is written so shall it be done.
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