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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Not a girl but a layyyyyyyyyydey?
  2. I thought we were going to get done when mafia killed 4 in two days! I managed to track (more by luck) Eddie and Jonnas and so that helped prove Eddie evil even though I initially believed her and not Jonnas, but her second attempt proved she was evil. I liked the game and some of the characters were good! Well done fellow Townies :p
  3. That's the one. Supposed to be more of an older person's issue they get when older. I'm only 21! :p Also hereditary but no-one in my family has it that we know about! I just have some lumps coming out of my leg when I stand up. Just look odd.
  4. R_a would you give me a brief summary of what has happened so far please in the anime? Not sure what you're referring to.
  5. A new record for a successful lynch!
  6. Hopefully I'll be earning some points soon too :p Bubbles get your act together!
  7. How do those points get earned Haden?
  8. It is surprising many nice girls have boyfriends! [/sarcasm] Like Diageo says it is at least better to be rejected because of that. You won't know till you try!
  9. Which House of Fraser? N-E Discountttttttttttt
  10. Rummy is evil, he sent a tidal wave Jonnas' way. ALSO I wasn't informed until last night (should have been night before) someone was going to give me information on someone. I chose ReZ, said he was mafia but he's dead anyway =/ Basically knew that anyway. Vote: Rummy
  11. I keep getting unbearably itch on the bottom of my right leg. No rash/bites but just prickly itch that I have to itch otherwise it escalates! I know you can ignore an itch if you try but this itch gets worse and worse and worse until I itch it. Hopefully something to do with my vein thingy in my leg which I have an appointment to look into surgery in a couple of weeks!
  12. Finally got my router sorted! I haz interwebz againz.
  13. I now just read manga. Watching is reserved for special recommendations I get given to watch like Death Note. I read a lot of manga. It started off with one or two but then it escalated when I got bored and many are very enjoyable. Think I've given quite a few recommendations to Kav which he seems to enjoy :p Loving Naruto, One Piece and Bleach at moment, though Bleach least out of all three. All having some major plots going on which is great. Gamaran is good, The Breaker (+ New Waves) is excellent as well as Wolf Guy. Currently getting up to date with Air Gear. It has some good bits but it isn't as addictive as the rest to catch up to.
  14. Eurgh! I finally sort out router and get internet 3 minutes after the match! Xperteleven should make an app. Doing it on my phone was terrible. I'm going to blame that for my loss
  15. Don't let odders buy that player peeps! We'll all be doomed! :p
  16. vote: mundi. I think rummys defensiveness makes him suspicious as well
  17. vote: eddie someone block Rez tonight. Need to get rid after 4 kills in two nights! They must be close now
  18. Vote:Eddie definitely targeted jonnas again and she knows what would happen. ReZ is Mafia as well for consistently defending eddie
  19. Oddy, haden get your predictions in!
  20. vote: rummy sounds okay to me. I know nothing to be suspicious of anyone else with actual evidence
  21. Nikos I haven't got a pm from you?
  22. Hey yeah I did. I forgot he gave info butnhes been suspicious. Maybe jay and diageo in cahoots with each other so jay knows who diageo is? Internet screwed up so won't be on much. Ill try to.keep.up with updates on phone for Mafias. Sorry peeople!
  23. Hey guys, I'm running my prediction competition again so anyone who wants to enter can you please pm me your choices. Unfortunately my router and computer charger were brutally muursered by a power surge yesterday so I won't have internet to be on much so I can't advertise or make a big post like before. If someone could release a press statement saying this competition is up again for me it would be appreciated. My phone struggles with expert eleven for some reason. Hopefully back up in a few days depending on whether I can fix router/ replace. So yeah Please send pm's to me predicting winners of each league, the promoted and the relegated. Prize has been rolled over so winner will get last competitions and this competitions prize!
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