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Everything posted by Rob3008

  1. Just the entry, happy to trade it back.
  2. The last thing I'm missing to complete my dex is Sandy Shocks in case any of you kind souls can assist.
  3. Playing 64 has really killed any nostalgia I had for the N64 era. Were all games and cameras from the time this janky? I think the rest are better left in my memories.
  4. Ni No Kuni for Switch is on sale for just £8 on the eShop if anyone's looking for a bargain. I've just snapped it up.
  5. Its 11 minutes long so hopefully something substantial...
  6. Apologies if there's already a thread here but the search results couldn't find any. Is anyone else playing Nexomon Extinction? I picked it up for Switch and cannot recommend it enough if you're looking for a 2D Pokémon-style game. It starts out a little bit difficult (the battles are tough) and can occasionally be a little grindy but the game world and lore is superb and absolutely bursting with content. There is so much detail put into the exploration of the world as you unlock new powers e.g. the ability to freeze water, and NPCs to the point where NPC dialogue changes on nearly every single character after major in-game events. I'm not usually a fan of 2D games but the world is gorgeous and colourful with a terrific soundtrack to boot. The character dialogue is also on point and occasionally breaks the fourth wall taking the piss out of itself. It's one of the few times I've genuinely laughed playing a video game. There's a patch out this week (which is already available for other consoles but Nintendo being Nintendo they take longer to approve patches) with some great QOL improvements, such as more healing points and an EXP share option. I'm about 30 hours in and still not finished the main story. Considering it retails for about £20 it's well worth checking out if you like this sort of genre.
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  7. Is the potential Wailord shiny only available in the Isle of Armor dens or can it also be in the Wild Area?
  8. I honestly don't know why they bothered announcing a Mini Direct for these as that was poor, even with low expectations.
  9. Anyone have a link? I'm clearly a bit slow today as I can't find it anywhere...
  10. My biggest issue with Nintendo's eShop sales is that their standard RRP is so expensive that 33% off (or similar) just brings them in line with other retailers standard prices.
  11. You can actually see what their CP will be before you level them up when you click "level up". It's also worth downloading Poke Genie which shows you what CP each Pokemon will have at each level.
  12. It looks gorgeous and is fun at times but the amount of backtracking is unbelievably tedious. Having to make your way back through the maze-like levels just to reach your ship to get to the next level really hampered my enjoyment.
  13. Anyone else expecting the reveal to be from a Nintendo-owned IP? It's strange none of the Fighter Pass to date has been from a first party Nintendo title.
  14. I'd be really surprised if they reveal info on either a remake or a 3rd title so soon. Sword and Shield are still selling well so there'd be a small risk of cannibalising some sales if making an announcement so soon after their release.
  15. Agh ok, I'll give that a go, thanks! I feel like there was some reason I couldn't pay with Paypal but I'll have a look when I'm home later.
  16. Hoping someone may be able to help me. I switched my eShop location over Xmas to the US so I could pick up De Blob 2 for under $8. I bought $10 credit online and added it to my account leaving me with a balance of $2.19. Now when I try to switch my shop back to the UK it keeps saying I can't until I use my credit. Anyway around this issue?
  17. I've collected all the TWIT coins and really enjoyed this game once I'd adjusted to the difficulty which I initially found quite frustrating and uneven. I'd highly recommend this to anyone looking for a solid 2D platformer, it is bursting with content and a steal at the low prices it's going for (I picked it up for €25). Having said that, I've tried the Impossible Lair twice and not going to bother again as I don't have the time and energy for it.
  18. Thanks Hero, just dropped you a private message to save us spamming the thread!
  19. Anyone about this evening about 7pm to please help my finish my Dex? I'm only missing Slurpuff and Dracozolt, happy to trade whoever is needed. I have Shield if there's any version exclusives people are after.
  20. At least they are not Lillie from Sun/Moon, christ what an irritant.
  21. But hasn't the vast majority of the negative feedback only cropped up in the past 2 weeks since the game leaked and the extent of the cuts, graphics, etc. became apparent?
  22. Jesus I'm actually so disappointed by that, it's highly unlikely I'll ever complete my Dex in that case. What a step backwards.
  23. I'm confused, how do people trade in this game if there's no GTS?
  24. At least Gods & Monsters looks somewhat interesting but very hard to tell without seeing gameplay.
  25. I don't think they've released an update on monthly user figures for some time but revenue seems to be consistently up year over year e.g. February 2019 brought in 30% more revenue than February 2018.
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