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Everything posted by Rob3008

  1. An hour long review for a 2 year old game?!
  2. This feels a bit like Star Fox Grand Prix, I'll believe it when I see it...
  3. It's down to £24.99 now... but still out of stock
  4. I honestly think Cruel Smash is the easiest it's ever been in Ultimate. I ko'd 7 fighters on my very first attempt by pure chance using Jigglypuff. I thought I'd be using his Down + B attack to try and blast the fighters away but was quickly knocked off the edge by them. However, the Mii fighters kept jumping down after me as I floated back up. I then floated to the other side of the stage where the process repeated and more jumped to their death. Give it a try!
  5. I don't know why but I found this quote very entertaining as if men don't have kids. Classic Nintendo.
  6. Emily Rogers "insider info" seems pure bogus, anyone of us on here could come up with that guess list.
  7. Very impressive especially considering the smaller userbase vs. the other consoles at the same point the games were released. For some reason I was under the impression Let's Go had underperformed.
  8. They're still hugely impressive Switch hardware and software numbers even if they didn't quite reach the hugely ambitious 20 million target. Hopefully it encourages Nintendo to green light more software for 2019!
  9. They can be used on the spirit board. You should see it as an option to the right before you go into the character select screen. Characters "sparkling" means they have a spirit equipped with a power which enhances them e.g. increased speed.
  10. Why can developers not put that messaging on the back of the boxes? Ughhhhh.
  11. Finished all the Challenges over the weekend and I'm beyond chuffed. Fingers crossed Nintendo adds some new ones, alongside the DLC.
  12. I must say this is the most I've enjoyed Smash in years, definitely since the GameCube release. For some reason the Wii and Wii U versions both left me cold but this has really reignited my love for the franchise. I've put in 50+ hours already (just into single player!) and I'm determined to clear all the challenges which is looking increasingly doable. It's a shame the online is so laggy and damn near unplayable at times, particularly in handheld mode. I'm using the hammers to break the Online challenges as I just don't have the patience to sit through 200+ online matches.
  13. The Switch definitely had a superb Xmas but the Direct's are always more far more aimed at fans clambering for the latest news. The release schedule is looking a bit bare bones at the moment so hopefully they announce one soon to calm us fanboys.
  14. Thanks! I actually did it with Kirby last night purely to get the "5 recovery items" achievement and got a 9.8 by accident so this may be the easiest route!
  15. Thanks guys! Who do people think has the easiest path to 9.9? I'm not a particular fan of Snake...
  16. Can anyone help me with Classic mode, the best I can get is King K Rool with 9.8 and I really want to complete the challenge. What are the factors that dictate how much the difficulty increases after each fight?
  17. Where is the best place to level up in this game, is it by catching Chansey's in the cave where Mewtwo is found? I'm finding it a bit tedious at the moment and not being able to get better catches outside of using an Ultra Ball and a berry is very frustrating. Has anyone beaten all 150 Trainers? Is there any reward for it?
  18. Starlink is now only £18/€20 at Smyths and I'm very tempted. Has a game ever had such a price crash before? Ubisoft must have lost a small fortune on it!
  19. At the rate it's selling it'll more likely to an Amiibo Festival situation and be £15 in a few months.
  20. I could understand it in the Wii U days but there's a lot going on with Switch and Nintendo in general that I expected it to be a lot busier...
  21. So it's just a high end phone? Comparing it to Switch really misses the point. Also it's size as a mobile phone is frightening, this will go the same way as N-gage. Slight side note but why is this forum so dead lately? I really enjoy reading people's comments but there's hardly anyone here. Any other Nintendo forums with intelligent discussion?
  22. I'd be very happy to see Beldum as it's one of very few left I need. However, I fully expect it to be a Ghost Pokemon in October for Halloween before continuing with the Gen 2 starters now that Chikorita has been announced...
  23. So I haven't played Xenoblade 2 but am considering the expansion due to its more manageable size. Does it have tutorials in it like the main game?
  24. I really think people are overestimating the amount of new things that will feature. Besides the leaks I expect they'll show some Smash, Mario Party and discuss the online service. Between all of these that will easily fill 35 minutes, this is the same company who dedicated an entire Direct to just Smash...
  25. Fingers crossed for 5 mins of 3DS games and 30 mins of Smash Bros
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