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Everything posted by Rob3008

  1. It's hard to tell from those scans but graphically it looks a lot better than the initial trailer? Anyone have a full translation of the article?
  2. Pardon my ignorance but what the hell is a Nendoroid?
  3. These would be amazing if they were just a Wii U controller and didn't need the Wiimote.
  4. Edit: Ordered! Thanks for the heads up, great deal and they are going FAST!
  5. Opened the link before lunch, then went back to pre-order it after lunch and it was gone, raging. I don't even collect amiibo I just really want this to go with my Silver Mario (and Link and Chibi Robo amiibo... maybe I do collect them!).
  6. Pokken Tournament not coming to Japan? Bizarre.
  7. Are there many other Wii games on the VC that allow for this?
  8. Sorry if this isn't the right thread but does anyone have a list of Wii titles on the Wii U eshop that allow you to use the gamepad as the controller?
  9. Anyone else finding the last boss on the single player levels frustrating? I keep making it to the end of the level only to use the last of my lives and have to re-start the entire thing, cut scenes and all. I'm not sure I can be bothered to persevere, is there any post-game content?
  10. Pikmin 3 has been one of my favourite Wii U games to date. It had such brilliant pacing, gorgeous visuals and really engrossing gameplay. I believe it's been stated before that it started life as a Wii title so it'll be interesting to see how Nintendo alter Pikmin 4 if it's built for Wii U from the ground up. Praying it's not a 3DS title...
  11. Has Wii been banned?
  12. That's really quite sickening, at the very least surely they could have bundled Bowser and DK in the one pack?
  13. The sale is on for another 14 hours when you click the url. I'm tempted at that price...
  14. I'm baffled by those sales figures, I thought it was a commercial bomb?
  15. I never understand why publishers don't reveal game release dates sooner especially if we know the specific month. What difference does it really make?
  16. Is the Mario Kart 8 DLC still on there? I can't seem to find it...
  17. Pardon my ignorance, but are amiibo region-free?
  18. I feel the exact same, I don't think I could justify closing the blinds during the summer for that many hours of game time! Amazon is surely a pretty reputable source, however?
  19. The amiibo Facebook page is one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a long time. Literally every comment is complaining about the chronic stock situation. Nintendo are really pissing off a lot of their fans with the whole fiasco.
  20. I'm surprised the Wii U version hasn't been cancelled yet. If released, this will go the same way as Watch_Dogs.
  21. Mild violence? Would that rating system even cover something like GTA?! Bizarre. On a side note, does the game being rated mean it's soon to be released in the region?
  22. I've moved apartment since the days of the Wii and it's a nightmare getting the Wii sensor bar position correct to play motion control games. I basically need to move my couch half way across the room.
  23. Can you not use the Golden Hammer on any challenge? If not, they seem a bit pointless?
  24. Nintendo really are leading the way when it comes to revolutionary multi-player games.
  25. What effect will Toad's Amiibo have in Smash Bros does anyone know?
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