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Everything posted by Rob3008

  1. The footage looks incredibly, this is rapidly becoming one of my most wanted Wii U games (not that there's much else coming out...).
  2. Can someone fill me on on the Wii titles coming to the VC? Can they be played with the GamePad as a controller?
  3. Without telling me which characters are unlocked, would anyone be so kind as to tell me what I must to do unlock them?
  4. Great find, thanks. What's their quality like, are they second hand? Hopefully they deliver to Ireland...
  5. Anyone know where to pick up Darksiders II for a decent price?
  6. Watch Dogs is down to £24.85 at ShopTo, price matched by Amazon.
  7. Interesting comments about the online aspects. This game still looks garbage, however, so I'm praying it's been given a major graphics overhaul before they next show it.
  8. What a bizarre trailer.
  9. It's like Nintendo take two steps forward by embracing DLC and then two back with something like this dreadful QoL idea. Thniking about the general public, who is going to pay for something like this when they can just download an app for free on their phone? It's baffling how out of touch they seem to be with Western culture.
  10. I cancelled my pre-order with them last week and got a full refund so I wouldn't worry about that. They're handy for cheap ordering that you don't need in a rush i.e. don't order from them if you want the game on its release date.
  11. Sad to say but I cancelled my pre-order of the game after trying the demo, it just wasn't for me.
  12. The part that always frustrates me is that it only saves your progress after you've completed the boss levels. Is that the case is the Wii U version as well?
  13. It's also £18.85 from ShopTo, but I'm not a big fan of 2D Mario either so holding out for a further drop before I seriously consider it: http://www.shopto.net/video-games/wiiu/WIIUNE01-new-super-mario-bros-u
  14. My pre-orders woes continue with a message now stating "maximum limit of unpaid preorders reached" on the ShopTo site for the 2-game edition. Christ. Is there anywhere else to pre-order at a reasonable cost?
  15. I went to pre-order the First Print Edition this morning and both GAME and the Nintendo store are sold out Is there any chance they'll add more copies due to this level of demand? I didn't even want Bayonetta 2 until I saw the fancy box!
  16. What's the difficulty on this game like? I'm intrigued after all the positive reviews, but as a gamer with limited time the comparisons to Viewtiful Joe are quite off-putting...
  17. I'm shocked this game is actually still coming to Wii U, good news nontheless.
  18. Am I missing something? Are the Wii U Pro Controllers really that rare? Amazon have them for £40... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Wii-Pro-Controller-Black/dp/B009ACALCQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401316802&sr=8-1&keywords=wii+u+pro+controller
  19. Didn't Ubisoft also state they're not showing any Wii U games at E3? Ouch.
  20. ZombiU is going for £5.50 at The Game Collection. Ordered. http://www.thegamecollection.net/zombiu-wii-u.html
  21. Impressively this has sold over a million copies. It's probably the easiest money Nintendo have ever made. What do we think they'll give the HD treatment to next?
  22. Bringing a Tanooki suit with you will save you so much pain on Champions Road. At the section where you need to long jump across the flashing blocks you can just float across straight onto the solid platform. I still haven't passed the level, but this saved me from tearing my hair out on that section.
  23. World Crown-Crown really is pure fucking evil
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