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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Truer words have never been spoken. The Pokemon marathon on Twitch is evidence enough for this. Speaking of Ash, he's one of the many Mii Fighters I've created on Smash 4 that I'm planning to bring into Ultimate. Just uploaded a video of them all below, sorry for the blurry thumbnail:
  2. Not really a fan of double posting but... this game is out next week and there hasn't been any posts for this for a while. Anyone else getting it? I'm getting it Day 1, mainly because I think this looks like a genuinely good game regardless of all the Tira DLC controversy but... I don't know how many people here are still interested in this game. I played the Beta though and that got me really interested in this game even more so after getting my hands on it. They had a "Ring Out" tournament yesterday which showcased much of the game. Had some good matches https://www.twitch.tv/videos/321813530 Ivy seems a bit overpowered at the moment but there is a Day 1 patch that takes into account feedback apparently.
  3. There was a celebrity Pikachu in Sun/Moon I recall. Pokemon is a bit inconsistent lorewise anyway, mainly because in game lore and relality kind of blends into one and many Pokemon's different origins and all these different alternate dimensions contradict one another.
  4. So, I've been playing a game called Spider-Man (PS4). It's pretty good, but I'm sure no one's played it... just kidding. While it doesn't do anything new, the game is still fantastic. The boss fights aren't too challenging but they do look great and are very cinematic. I beat the game eventually and it had one of the saddest endings in any video game. Afterwards I started a playthrough of Earthbound (SNES) (Wii U Virtual Console). Wanted to play this game for years, got as far as beating Frank and preparing to start Giant Step. My playthrough however was interrupted by the arrival of the beta for Soul Calibur VI (PS4). I've been really interested in this game since it was announced at the Game Awards last year and the more I see of it the more I'm convinced this is going to be a great game... but the online hasn't exactly been great so far. I uploaded a few videos on Youtube of me playing this game, you can see some of the matches I did below. I've only actually won one match overall so far...
  5. Finished the game at the weekend. I thought the final boss was rather easy, but I do admit it was an epic conclusion to game. Also, that ending was so sad. I won't spoil it here but it's the saddest ending to a game I've played since Shadow of the Colossus. May do some of the side missions later but I've moved on to playing another game.
  6. Recently downloaded this on Wii U eShop Virtual Console Thought I would buy it before any chance that the Wii U eShop gets closed.Haven't started playing it yet but I may play it alongside Spider-Man or wait until afterwards.
  7. Game is no longer coming out on the same day as Battlefield V so the only other game coming out on the same day as this is the Dark Souls Remaster on Switch. However, it comes out in the same month as Black Ops IIII and Red Dead Redemption 2 so it still will probably get overshadowed, especially with view centric Youtubers and mainstream critics turning public attention to the decision to lock a character behind DLC. I'm a bit concerned at how many people's buying decisions are getting shaped by drama and controversy. Yes, it sucks for people who are Tira mains from the previous games having to pay extra money just to pay for her, that's certainly going to harm sales which is a massive shame. I hope it doesn't detract from the game though, according to the developer she wasn't originally planned for the game but was put in the game due to popular fan demand. The problem being is that while the producer is incredibly passionate about the game his bosses care about one thing and one thing only, making as much money as possible. Seems like that including Tira as DLC was the only way they could get her into the game, but perhaps if the only way she could get in was to be DLC, then wait until the dust has settled on the game a bit before bringing out the DLC fighters. But nope, the bosses took some convincing to bring this franchise back and now they want to see as much return on their investment as possible. Side note: I think a lot of the recent bad trends from Bandai Namco's side of things are more from the "Bandai" side of things as they are doing similar types of practises in the toy industry like making massive merchandise lines revolving around a collectible gimmick and then forcing people who want to collect all of said gimmick to buy absolutely everything in a series. Then having a Premium site for some things and making some items limited time only. Rinse and repeat every year.
  8. OH NO! THERE ARE LESS PUDDLES IN THE GAME THAN THERE USED TO BE! NOT BUYING THIS GAME ANYMORE (I jest of course, but that's what the reaction to the graphical downgrade seems to be like at the moment). I don't think the game not having as good as graphics as was earlier shown is going to affect the overall quality of the game, if there's anything that is going to affect the game it is going to be gameplay and story issues, not a graphical downgrade.
  9. @bob Yeah, it has dated quite a bit. This was before HD graphics though, it's surprising how the advent of HD, especially since we've had more than a decade of it now, has made anything that isn't in HD and is going for a realistic graphic style look dated. Granted, all multiplatform games in that era had to be able to be run on PS2 so developer's didn't bother to upscale the graphics for the more powerful Xbox and Gamecube consoles despite the fact that both of them could run better, even so 6th Gen, which I've been playing a lot of thanks to trying to clear my PS2 and Gamecube backlogs, has a very distinctive look to it for the most part graphics wise especially when it comes to what was considered realistic graphics. Some games that era run in 60fps though and they look significantly better in my opinion. Frame Rate > Graphical Quality for me although the combination of them can benefit how a game looks. Speaking of looks, I went back to Viewtiful Joe (GCN) and beat it. I was stuck on Another Joe for a while but I managed to beat him and then cleared the gruelling Chapter 5 to reach the Boss Rush. That was a challenge but I eventually beat that and Fire Leo and proceeded to beat the game. Side note, did you know R.O.B is in this game? He appears in the opening area of Chapter 7 a few times. I don't know if this is only in the Gamecube version though or whether he is in the PS2 version but it's still pretty cool, especially given this was before he appeared in Mario Kart DS and especially before he was in Smash Bros. Another game I never finished was, surprisingly, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (GCN, Collector's Edition). The main reason? The Gamecube version has a tendecy to freeze from time to time and it really ramped up and put me off finishing Stone Tower Temple. That and the temple was really hard for me at the time. But, going back to it, the Garo Master and the Eyegore don't seem so hard, plus when playing it right now I reset the temple after getting the Light Arrows after realising that I could finish the entire thing with the temple in upside down form provided I have the item in the first place. At least, I hope so, it will give me more time to finish the dungeon after all. If I beat Majora's Mask I will have finished the single player modes of all but two Gamecube games I own... and one of the games I deleted my save file on because it was dull and monotonous, not to mention I wasn't very good at it, that game being Worms Blast.
  10. Dug out my old Gamecube in order to play Spider-Man 2 (Gamecube). The reason should be obvious, there's a new Spider-Man game out on 7th September and it looks like it's going to be really good. So, seemed like a good time to try and finish the Spider-Man game I already owned. Problem is, I was stuck on this section in Chapter 14 for years (more than a decade) and hadn't played the game in a long time. Adopoting a more conservative approach than my usual gung-ho attitude to video games however paid off and I eventually managed to beat that part... and proceeded to go onto the final battle in the game against Doctor Octopus. I was THAT close to finishing it... After many failed attempts I managed to beat Doc Oc and therefore in just one evening finished Spider-Man 2. That was quick... Need to decide what to play next. Having dug the Gamecube out I don't want to put it back straight away and I'm sure there are other Gamecube games I have yet to finish, namely Majora's Mask, Timesplitters 2 and Viewtiful Joe. Having got into tokusatsu in the last couple of years and with Viewtiful Joe quite clearly inspired by toku, I'm inclined towards the latter. EDIT: Looking at all the game's I've beaten this calendar year and it's quite substantial... Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Golden Sun Donkey Kong 64 Donkey Kong (GB) Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Burnout 2: Point of Impact Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time A Hat In Time Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Spider-Man 2 It helps that there haven't been many new games this year that I've been interested in that have come out, but according to Backloggery this has been my most productive year for beating my backlog since I joined that site in 2012. 11 games beaten and only two of those were ones I acquired and started this year.
  11. I've seen all sorts of reasons for it. You could argue that each of the original Spyro games would take up more room on a disk given then are Mario 64 style platformers as opposed to Crash's more linear levels which presumably would take up less space. But at the same time I hear that Activision has been really strict with the deadline in order to ensure that the game can launch in the same month as the 20th anniversary of the Spyro franchise and that Toys for Bob ran out of time to fix glitches that prevent you from accessing the second and third games, so that this is a post release patch. Then again, this is Activision we are talking about, a company that is almost EA levels of trying to milk the consumer as much as possible, and in some ways even worse. It seems like this is their attempt to prevent people from selling this game second hand and to force anyone who wants to buy the game to buy it new. This is the problem with anything that involves large amounts of money, at some point it becomes all about how to make the most money possible out of a single product and you get people who are involved in an industry not because they like what they are producing, but only because there is so much money involved in said industry. Sadly the games industry went down that path a long time ago and game publishers (mostly American ones) are soley focused on the profit.
  12. So, this week I finished the Prince of Persia trilogy. Went through the latter part of Prince of Persia: Two Thrones at a pretty rapid pace and was very satisfied by the trilogy's conclusion, they ended it in the best way they could have done and bookended the whole thing. So, what now? Well, since it's EVO 2018 this weekend it got me in the mood for playing some fighting games, so I went back to Soul Calibur IV (PS3) to take on the Tower of Lost Souls. To my relief you don't have to do the entire tower in one sitting, but you do have to do multiple floors at a time. Also for some reason, though they let you select multiple characters and that seems to be the intention to play in this mode, you are allowed to select the same character multiple times so my combination for most floors as a result has been Kilik and Kilik (Kilik being my SC man as it were). That said, this is a HARD mode at times. On one floor I managed to get down to the last fighter and left her with only one health, only to lose the whole thing. TWICE. Absolutely gutted. Tower of Souls could be better but compared to the other single player modes in SCIV it's the most substantial mode there is.
  13. Finished Prince of Persia: Warrior Within today. However because of my missed health upgrades (one of which I couldn't go back for) I was forced to get the bad ending. Which is a shame, because the other ending is the one that ties into the third game. In the end though I decided that I would watch the true ending online and then watch an LP of the next game I plan to play, up until the point where I got to in the game to remind me of what happened. Reason being, it's been a LONG time since I played that game and I stopped to play the earlier games. Naturally it makes sense that Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (PS2) is the next game I'm going to play, completing the Prince of Persia trilogy. I remember liking this game at the time but I haven't played it since 2011.
  14. Been a while since my last post here.So, update time. Played and finished A Hat In Time on PS4. Wonderful game, the only real complaint I have is that it's a bit short but fair play to the developers for sticking to their philosophy. The game's very funny, the music is fantastic and the sheer variety in gameplay in this game is great. Highly recommended if you haven't played this game before, you won't be disappointed. Now playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (PS2). A game I made slow progress on during the World Cup but now I've just activated one of the two towers in the past having got past the second Dahaka section. Missed three health upgrades (:/) but got the fourth so there's something. Hopefully I haven't missed out on getting the true ending yet.
  15. Looks like we'll be seeing more of this game at E3. It's exactly 3 months until launch. I have high hopes for this game. There hasn't really been a good Spider-Man game since Spider-Man 2 and even that had it's problems. But Insomniac are good developers and everything I've seen suggests that they know what they're doing. I only really started playing on PS4 last year and it isn't even my own copy but this would be the first of a few games coming to the console that I would be interested in getting this year.
  16. Anyone watching old E3 conferences in the build up to the current one? I've been watching this: Beta Bianco Hills sounds rather different...
  17. Been playing A Hat in Time recently. This game has a great soundtrack with some stand out tunes. Here are some of my favourites so far.
  18. Finished Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The final boss was one of the easiest final bosses I've ever faced. I beat him first time which says something when I often die first time to most final bosses (apart from Pokemon League champions). The only other final boss I can remember that was this easy was Clayface in Batman Arkham City. Decided I'm going to play the whole trilogy since I already owned Two Thrones, so I picked up Prince of Persia: Warrior Within on the cheap. However I may not necessarily play that straight away as I have bought A Hat in Time which has been sitting there on the PS4 for a while now begging to be played. I think I've made some big progress on my backlog so far this year, so starting a new game or two might be a change of pace that I need.
  19. Hmm, I suppose there were suggestions that they were going to rethink many of the game mechanics for the move onto Switch. I hope they don't make it exactly like GO and although the trademarks all but confirm this is real, I am still going to be cautious over automatically thinking that everything in that leak is true. Chances are part of it was made up too if a good amount of points turns out to be real.
  20. I'm playing the PS2 version and I'd say it's a very solid game. The puzzles are well designed and the wall running platforming makes for some great obstacles, though the combat has taken a bit of adjustment. I played Two Thrones before this (someone very generous gave me the game for free after learning I had a PS2) and that has a different combat system. I stopped playing Two Thrones after finding this game on the cheap and since it's the original I decided I wanted to beat this game before considering Two Thrones. As for the boss battles, this video shows what I was stuck on for years I'm in the Sultan Zoo now by the way.
  21. Always so satisfying when you finally get past a point in a game you were stuck on, especially if that point caused you to put the game down for so many years. After stopping Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time several years ago after picking it up on the cheap due to being stuck on a boss battle, yesterday, with the help of looking up on the internet and also taking the Dark Souls approach to combat I finally managed to beat this boss and progress on to the next section. Very relieved, but it's also ominous if that's how hard the bosses in this game are going to be though...
  22. Having become obsessed with trying to beat my backlog, I turned to my 3DS to mop up two Virtual Console titles I had yet to finish. The first was Donkey Kong. This game is really good, a sort of predecessor to the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games. Levels are quite short but there are a lot of them and it's more of a puzzle based game. There are also more "traditional" style stages against Donkey Kong like in the original arcade game and the final one of these has a pretty awesome tune. Then you have to face a Giant DK in the final boss. Then it was on to Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. I had been stuck on Wario's Castle for quite some time now, and ended up resorting to the use of Save States to help me get through it. Probably should have been a bit more sparing with them because this level on a normal Game Boy cartridge would be quite the marathon of obstacles before you even get to Wario. The last game I managed to clear was Burnout 2: Point of Impact. I'd already been playing this game this year but I finally managed to clear it this time around. Albeit for the final 7 race Grand Prix I reset the PS2 before Autosave kicked in to redo races that perhaps didn't go well enough although even then I accepted results if they helped me in the title race. However, I encountered a really strange glitch in this game on Crystal Summit Lake, I powerslid around a hairpin corner while struggling in last place, then glitched through the track. The game put me back much further on in the track and in first place. This was on the final lap too so it was really easy to win the race from there. I then got last place on Airport Terminal 2 so that glitched win effectively allowed me to complete the game. The fact that I used Save States or resetting the console to beat these games probably shows how determined I was to beat my Backloggery. I won't be able to do this for any other games I intend to play other than Golden Sun: The Lost Age, a game I haven't even started yet. But now I'm playing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. A game I got on the cheap a long while ago but stopped playing after getting stuck on a boss. Picking the game back up again, I intend to try and beat this boss which I've found out other people have been struggling on. If anyone's familiar with this game, it's the undead Sand King that you fight in the Booby Trap corridor. There's a big cutscene before it with Farah having to fight these monsters. Apparently you're supposed to defeat all the regular enemies first before you can even attack the boss.
  23. Wow, there are people on this forum who actually played this game? That's pretty cool. This was the first driving game I ever played, though I'll admit since then that the Burnout series has replaced that as my favourite. Still, a lot of nostalgia for this game, the co-driver's voice giving you directions and the way he reads them have been embedded into my head since forever.
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