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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Committed to Soul Silver in the end. My new team doesn't feel quite as unique as the old one but there are still some strong Pokemon on it. I've got five of the six Pokemon I plan to use long term now and they've all fully evolved. Just caught the Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage. This was my team's levels when taking on Jasmine. As for their current movesets: Crocoate the Feraligatr: Flail Crunch Surf Ice Fang Crobatgirl the Crobat: U-Turn Confuse Ray Fly Bite Baad Puns the Ampharos: Tackle Charge Discharge Thunder Wave Beetleborg the Heracross: Aerial Ace Dig Rock Tomb Brick Break Espeonage the Espeon: Bite Swift Quick Attack Shadow Ball The Kingler is my HM Slave.
  2. Beaten Xenoblade Chronicles X recently. The Noctilum theme was already one of my absolute favourites from that game. Audio And the Man-on ship is also a favourite Audio But having got further into the game and beaten it there are a few more favourites from this soundtrack: Audio Audio Audio Audio And I actually kind of like this song... Audio Also beat FFX this year. It's soundtrack was something of a mystery to me apart from a few tunes but having heard the whole thing now these are some of my favourites: Audio Audio Audio Finally, some of my favourite tunes from Sun/Moon Audio Audio Audio Audio
  3. Wow, amazing game between Man City and Monaco. If that's what the first leg was like I'm looking forward to the second leg.
  4. Finished Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii U. The gam definately got better as the story progressed and even got to the same level of intrigue as the original did in it's later portion in the latter chapters. I think the last time I updated I was on Chapter 9. Done quite a bit since then, so here are a few snippets courtesy of Miiverse. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  5. Well, looks like the servers have crashed again. Everyone's getting back into Pokemon GO now the server update has happened. Apparently naming your Eevee Sakura and Tamao is the way to get Espeon and Umbreon.
  6. Just one month until the Switch comes out. I can't believe it's this close... ...unfortunately I'm not going to get the chance to play it until April. Brother's buying the console and Breath of the Wild at launch but we don't live together all the time anymore so I won't have access until he comes back. And I've decided not to buy the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild for money reasons. Looks like I'm going to have to try and avoid Breath of the Wild spoilers for a month...
  7. Playing a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles X recently. After realising the mission that I was "stuck" on was a side mission, I found the correct mission I needed to do and started making progress. From there, the story has started to become more interesting... and so have the clothes shops... You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Done Chapters 7-9 as well as the affinity missions needed to complete it. Chapter 8 was epic, best chapter in the game so far, Chapter 9 also had some interesting factors behind it and it's clear that the first 6 chapters were all build up of plot elements that all come together in the second half of the game.
  8. Gen 8 will probably be the Gen that takes full advantage of the Switch. Ultimately having mainline Pokemon on the console will make the Switch more successful than the Wii U quite easily. I still believe that is the main reason as to why Nintendo's handhelds have been more successful than their consoles.
  9. Not quite sure how they're going to handle a sequel. The original game had such an amazing ending, quite possibly one of the happiest endings I've ever seen in a video game. I do appreciate them going back to this type of design though. I can appreciate X was a game that they really wanted to make, but it's a game I bought back in 2015 and I'm still only halfway through it having stopped playing every now and again. There are a few too many problems for my liking on that game. Here's hoping XC2 goes back to what made the original the game it was, XCX was way too complicated where XC1 with the same kind of battle system made everything so much easier to understand. Hopefully this game will have a good plot and characterisation and not feel too much like a rehash of the original game. Considering this is Monolith then they are probably going to come up with some new kind of twist, especially with some of the twists that got thrown up during XCX from the half of the game I played such as:
  10. I don't think I'll be getting a Switch at launch. Simply because the only game I'd want to play for it is Zelda: Breath of the Wild and that will probably also come to the Wii U within a couple of weeks of launch, just like Twilight Princess did when that came out on both Gamecube and Wii. Unless there is no Wii U version of Breath of the Wild. I'll wait until Summer when stuff like Super Mario Odyssey is out.
  11. Well, the Switch is region free so if you want to get the American version just for the Boxart you can still play it on a European Switch. Also, VOICE ACTING IN A ZELDA GAME. We're actually going to have all the best moments acted out. Hopefully Nintendo's localisation team picks a good English voice cast, they might be lip syncing everything to Japanese which could pose problems but at the same time I think voice acting has come so far in games that we are past the problems with games like Final Fantasy X's voice acting. The voice acting in both Xenoblade games is a good idea to look at with Nintendo localising a voice cast, especially given this Zelda game is very anime inspired.
  12. Posting my reactions from another forum below: Seems like Nintendo have finally given fans something they've wanted for ages, voice acting in a Zelda game. Other games with silent protagonists have shown that voice acting can be done in these types of games so it's great to see that what was hinted at back at E3 is actually the case, a fully voice acted Zelda game. Some oddball concepts like ARMS and 1-2-Switch which I'm not too convinced on but a Splatoon sequel is nice to see even if it was inevitable. Super Mario Odyssey looks a bit weird but at the same time the 64/Sunshine structure making a return is nice to see. Xenoblade 2 looks interesting, but I wonder how this is going to be handled, the character cast looks different from the original games so this leads to some kind of speculation on my behalf, spoiler for Xenoblade's ending below
  13. If Dark Souls comes to the Switch I will probably use that as an excuse to finally play the game. Just a shame that Nintendo underpowering their consoles has really bit at exactly the wrong time, when many of the biggest game releases have become multi platform games but since they're running on the latest rather than outdated technology developers gimp their games so that they can run on the system. Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2 and could compete with the Xbox, and I think that was the last time Nintendo had a solid hardcore third party offering on their console, at least for a few years until people stopped making their games for the Gamecube and just concentrated on the PS2 and Xbox. So in a way, third parties concentrating on Sony and Microsoft consoles first really started around 2004 and that has been the trend ever since.
  14. Developer interviews and commentaries are always interesting, because they always shed new light on older games that you might not have thought of since certain parts of games might remind the developers of events that were happening at the time they were making it. Especially when a game as critically acclaimed and well loved game like Final Fantasy VII is the subject.
  15. Started the game file quite a while ago but this year I finally finished Final Fantasy X (PS2). Picked up the game a while ago but for whatever reason I stopped playing it in favour of other games and about Djose Highroad I began to be really turned off by the linearity of all the environments and how they were just a straight line, not really giving any illusion of exploration or anywhere to go off to the side to do other things. Picked the game back up from the point where you "Ride ze shoopuff" and played it to completion. Found myself enjoying it a bit more this time and although the linearity is still not something that I'm a big fan of, the game's combat system, storyline and traditional depth began to shine through. I started playing it mainly for the story and began to become somewhat underleveled by the end of the game, so much so that I spent a while grinding for abilities that I hadn't yet learned and it got to the point where I had learned every skill on the standard path for every character and began to cross them all into other paths. The final boss took a few tries, first time round I kept getting stoned by Jecht Shot and only when I took a break to farm for Stoneproof armour and a better Overdrive for both Tidus and Auron did I finally win. Regen and Protect on every character combined with Doublecast Ultima to stop the two Pagodas from moving while simultaneously damaging him and then using Lancet on the Pagodas whenever Khimari was running out of MP (I took him down Lulu's Skill path and made him a Black Mage), combined with a strong normal attack from Tidus and Yuna casting Holy on every turn where she didn't need to heal someone worked like a charm in the end. So yeah, finally completed this game. Not my favourite in the series (Final Fantasy VI is my favourite game of all time though so FFX would need to be absolutely amazing in every way in my own opinion for it to top VI) but I did think the story was one of the most interesting in the entire series. They even managed to do without a recognised antagonist for half the game until you find out exactly who it is and it kind of reminds me of Xenoblade in how the party values change during the course of the story as certain plot twists are revealed.
  16. I know a guy who dumped his starter and decided to use an entire team consisting of Gen 1 Pokemon only. Or at least, that was the intention but he let his Eevee evolve through happiness. One of the Pokemon he also decided to use was Magneton. Wouldn't be surprised if there were quite a few players out there who stuck to mainly using Pokemon they are familiar with.
  17. You have to actually obtain it unfortunately for the Pokedex entry. I still have Solgaleo missing from my Pokedex at the moment. I would offer trading Solgaleo for Lunala but I deleted my 3DS' Wi Fi connection because it wasn't working.
  18. I don't think you need two Fire types on your team, especially when both Incineroar and Alolan Marowak have primary typings that cover the same things. Alolan Marowak gets access to Ground moves as well and Ghost isn't resisted by Fairy whereas Dark is so I would be tempted to go with Alolan Marowak and drop the Incineroar but it does leave you in a situation where you would have two Ghost types on the team. Mimmikyu's awesome especially if you give it Swords Dance but on your team I don't think having half of it being Ghost is a good idea. I used an Araquanid on my team and he was awesome, so I would highly recommend using it. It's more of a tanky Pokemon than a strong attacker but if you give if Leech Life then you can get that HP right back, plus Liquidation gets doubled in power thanks to Water Bubble. It can also learn Poision Jab if you need a way to deal with Fairy types and it can also learn Ice Beam to take on Dragon types, but with it's low Special Attack it's not going to be hitting them that hard so you may want Lunge or Mirror Coat instead. I would go with Glen's suggestion for the Dragon/Fighting coverage and get a Kommo-0 or just use the Crabominable you've had throughout the game for that coverage. That pretty much leaves Lycanroc as the only thing left that doesn't really clash with the typings that you already have. So I would say: Decidueye Alolan Marowak Raichu Araquanid Kommo-o/Crabominable Lycanroc Alternatively you could raise a Mudbray and get a Mudsdale from it, that would allow you to run: Decidueye Incineroar Raichu Araquanid Kommo-o Mudsdale The above team gives you two Dark resistances instead of one and you lose the massive weaknesses to Ghost and Dark your team otherwise would have had with those being restricted to just two Pokemon (Decidueye and Raichu)
  19. Yeah, Araquanid has been the biggest surprise for me. Didn't really know of it before launch because I was trying to avoid spoilers, other than there being a Water Spider. Initally wanted to use Type:Null on the team and evolve it into Silvally to be my 6th team member and wasn't even going to use a Water type. However, out of doubt over whether I would be able to get Type:Null before the game was over I decided to catch Dewpider out of curiosity over whether this was the rumoured "Water Spider" although I knew nothing of it's learnset. I intended for my Lycanroc to be the main weapon against Fire types and to be fair it did one shot Totem Salazzle with Rock Tomb. However, after catching Dewpider I saw it's Water Bubble ability and knew I'd made the right choice. The buff in power to Leech Life gave my team the energy draining move that at least one of them always packs and pretty pleased with how that one turned out. The fact that it's ability not only gives it extra resistance to Fire but also doubles the power of Water attacks makes it quite handy. It's attacking stats aren't the best which I suppose balances out the ability somewhat but it's Special Defence stat is amazing and defence isn't half bad either. Silvally ended up being relegated to Battle Tree only because Araquanid had more than earned his place on the team, plus being part Bug he resists Ground which half my team is weak to given that I had Raichu, Lycanroc and Salazzle on the team, so having two Pokemon that resist that is quite handy.
  20. Hearing that Bethesda is having second thoughts over supporting the Switch. It does seem like Nintendo is still trying to adhere to a very strict hardware philosophy if all these specification rumours are to be believed. They're still trying to stick to the values that made them successful in the 1980's when consumer expectations have changed massively in the last few years. You would have thought they would have considered why the Wii U failed but maybe they decided that the concept itself was the reason for the failure. Sadly I think the fact that Nintendo itself is a game developer is making it harder for them to have good relationships with third parties especially considering that it is not the main priority of either Sony or Microsoft who are more willing to give third parties what they want/are more involved in the technology that companies and game developers are using in general. Nintendo's policies on Youtube and fan games need to improve to help gain trust too...
  21. Nintendo 3DS: 1. Pokemon HeartGold - 310:29 2. Pokemon Moon - 260:39 3. Pokemon Y - 253:55 4. Pokemon White 2 - 87:16 5. Pokemon Yellow - 81:03 6. Pokemon White - 41:02 7. Pokemon Sun and Moon Special Demon Version - 31:10 8. Nintendo eShop - 24:09 9. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons - 16:42 10. METROID PRIME FEDERATION FORCE - 15:07 11. Pokemon Pearl - 14:42 12. Luigi's Mansion 2 - 9:20 13. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - 7:11 14. System Settings - 6:17 (Best game ever!) 15. METROID PRIME BLAST BALL - 5:43 16. Miiverse - 4:47 17. Shovel Knight - 3:01 18. Mii Maker 2:58 (Making Mii's for Smash Bros. is still fun) 19. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - 2:32 20. Smash Controller - 1:57 21. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages - 0:47 22. Demo Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Jusice - 0:32 23. Notifications - 0:28 (Game of the year contender) 24. Internet Browser - 0:19 (Another amazing game) 25. Pokemon X - 0:13 (Brother's copy, was helping him get Celebi or some other mythical Pokemon from the year) 26. Friend List - 0:12 27. Nintendo Network ID Settings - 0:04 28. StreetPass Mii Plaza - 0:01 I'll do Wii U once I can work out where to find a list of games you've played by year time.
  22. My brother decided that he wanted to use a Rowlet on his in-game team so I bred a Rowlet from my Decidueye and traded with him to get Cottonee, which I then evolved into a Whimsicott. Still need to get a Dratini sometime but whether I'm prepared for grind for ages to fish for one I'm not sure. Aside from that, the Pokemon that I still need are: Slowking (Trade Evo) Alakazam (Trade Evo) Gengar (Trade Evo) Rufflet (Sun Exclusive) Braviary (Sun Exclusive) Machamp (Trade Evo) Gigalith (Trade Evo) Politoed (Got a Poliwhirl with King's Rock for this purpose) Milotic (Trade Evo) Magmortar (I have a Magmar with Magmarizer) Passimian (Sun Exclusive) Cranidos (Sun Exclusive) Rampardos (Sun Exclusive) Tirtouga (Sun Exclusive) Carracosta (Sun Exclusive) Trevenant (Trade Evo) Porygon2 (Trade Evo) Porygon-Z (Trade Evo) Turtonaor (Sun Exclusive) Electivire (Trade Evo) Ninetales (I have Alolan Vulpix so this is just as case of trying to find an Ice Stone) Scizor (Trade Evo, thank goodness Steelix isn't in S/M) Solgaleo (Sun Exclusive) Currently at 91% Pokedex completion... never managed to complete the regional dex in Y so when I'm so close I might as well go all the mile. Shame I can't get online on Moon at the moment or I might use GTS to help me with filling the dex but as you can see, getting everyone else by myself is going to be kind of limited.
  23. Unfortunately my 3DS has suddenly decided to stop being able to connect to the internet. I guess the whole family being home for Christmas has meant a lot of stuff is using our wireless and it's causing problems. Not as much traffic today so I might be able to connect to watch all these battles but if anyone wants to trade with me then I am currently unable to go online.
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