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Everything posted by Shyguy

  1. Indeed shame shes not into gaming :P and she has shouted at me cause im spinning around in the kitchen trying to show her face raiders while shes trying to do the washing xD baring in mind im 21 to make the imagination more epic
  2. My mum loves the 3DS cause her faceraiders face said she was a young lady
  3. just had exaclt the same feeling xD lol and yea the sound is awsome just tested it with some pendulum any1 with headphones can test weither itll play music while closed?
  4. Thanks cube but i dont see a folder to select in it :/ do you have to make 1 on the SD card and does it need a specific name?
  5. Anyone know how to add the QR stuff? and how to play Mp3's from an SD card ?
  6. Just got the 3D video available on my 3DS, its the icon before the game catriage if thats the one u mean, it wasnt there earlyer this morning
  7. Managed to get mine from tesco although none of the tech staff were there and left the rest of the shop clueless as to what there doing with them :P saw 2 other people there at around midnight to get 1 I hadnt seen the 3d effect before i bought it and im really impressed with it Although my eyes hurt alittle after a while but im sure with time they'll get used to it One question though, how do you get to play mp3 files from ur SD card? (if thats even possible)
  8. Good luck hope you get to keep your saves :P I remember my cousin trying to fix his sons DS cause part of the screen connector fell off and i just went to him "you know they usually repair it for free" he almost killed me and the DS xD but it was cool seeing inside a DS the bit he was trying to fix was soooo small and fiddly
  9. How about u put some effort into your Wii editions of games and then people may actually spend money to reward your actual effort EA are going back to their roots here
  10. yea i would see that as being true, u can tell americans are alot more.. how to say it.. overexageratting when they get into something. Although i do love looking like a plank on Wiisports myself :P
  11. Well thinking about it, its like Wiiplay is the MUST have thing when u buy a Wii, its basicly like just buying an extra Wii-mote but getting a free gift with it :P so when there are Wii sales, there are WiiPlay sales
  12. Just got the game and i love it but man am i crap with the wheel, managed to switch to GC controller and it feels more accurate, but the wheel is tons of fun now for some serious gaming
  13. Completly depends on your taste in games, i mean with the Wii sales. im sure many 3rd partys by now have games underway as a few months back they were all announcing making Wii-specidfic developtment teams.... and it takes a while to make a game
  14. Did any of you actually expect ANY news, i mean comeon... this is hardly as popular as E3 in terms of revealing stuff for publicity... its just bad business sence if they did
  15. TBH as much as i neglect my Wii atm (wow addict plus waiting for tv in my room) u really cant beat the "feel" of nintendo games, they just give off a much more posative energy when playing them
  16. what upsets me most is EA / Activision will think even worse about their games on Wii when they see their game not selling well on it, and im sure they wont realise its cause they didint add online
  17. i dont think sega would do that to Wii, looking at the sales that Mario & Sonic at the Olympics they would be kind of insane not to realse it for Wii
  18. i wonder how much of a loss MS are making off every xbox now? or u think that they have slowly declined production costs of them?
  19. I love how you praise them for bringing out mario kart Wii soon, all they have to do is change bowsers name from kooper to bowser... and that still takes the ages they are just alot more unprofessional than NoJ or NoA who at least care about releaseing stuff close
  20. sorry to bump this but i have a question, is it possible at all to Play against some1 with GoW on 360, when i have it on PC? i have tried today but when me trying to accept his invite, it said i needed to restart GoW and then open the message again (didint work) and when i tried inviting him it said for him that GoW needs to be on his games list i was wondering if there is any small patch or something that makes the versions compatable (since thats why i thought MS were pushing for Games for Windows, cause they had compatability with Xbox Live games)
  21. i voted racing and shooting, because ive got something to lok forward to in the otehr catagorys, and there does seem to be a terrible lack of racing games on the WIi, despite it having neat controls to enhance the experiance
  22. i think the best solution would be to organise a date to start sending them hate mail once every day on every person that agree's that NoE is shit would make more of an inpact, or even better.... like they have been doing to bring back tv shows, send in an item along with it, maybe a release date list of one of the worst games affected by the translation delays
  23. I agree, i dont see the point in adding family-friendly controls when the game itself will not appeal to the whole family but im hoping this game will alow for short bursts as well as a career mode
  24. arnt people forgetting the Wii was also released a year after 360, so you would expect it to have a software lead...
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