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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Very first game i played all the time was gunslinger on My dad's Atari VCS. I was around 3 or 4 at the time, moved up to the NES and Super Mario Bros. then the Megadrive and Sonic. It just kept going from there.
  2. best...medication...ever! too bad about your test
  3. Its soooooooo cuuuuuuuuttttttttteeeee =3
  4. Well i finally finished watching the main story arc of Naruto last night. Now i want to see how long i can last through the filler ^__^
  5. hookers and booze Moogle! you know you want it!
  6. None of yoiu guys never call! you casll yourselvs friends? I call you perople who don't call! i'm a veryy lonely man! so somyebody call, and the otherds can get me some pineapple slices! becasuse i necver knew i lovced those things so musch. I love them almodst as much aas i love youtr moythers... sio my day woulfd be alot bertter if onse of you guyds would call, ansd the others woulds get me some pineappkle. I'm shure you';re very nicve guys nad atleast one of you hguys will do this for me. If you dlo I will personasly come to your houseds or places of dwselling and \I will do you a faviour, be it sexualll or otherwised.
  7. Had another driving lesson today. So I was driving around town and he pulled me in to talk about somthing, he reached into the back seat of the car and pulled out a 22 inch monitor. It was then that I noticed a huge camera in the back seat pointing towards the windscreen. I never knew the guy was recording me the whole time i was in the car >__<
  8. Interesting stuff, now i want to read the origonal versions. To google I go!
  9. I smell of apple perfume, tbh it starts to choke me after a while and now my room reeks of it. In other news, i feel incredibly sick...might go and have a little nap or somthing
  10. Tbh, its his money, so he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. Government money or otherwise.
  11. yeay i got my xbox back, they didn't repair it though. They repaced it with a new one It seems alot quieter than my old one for some reason
  12. On my first lesson i got a 2 hour lecture and moved the car a few meters forward at around 5 mph >_> boring stuff Woke up this morning with a hell of a sore shoulder, think i might have pulled the muscle in my sleep. Went out and bought some more lady grey because my damn tea drinking family can't stop drinking the stuff. Other than that, i've just been browsing around here.
  13. My xbox got repaired (or replaced) pretty quick, its been sent out so it should be here by the end of the week. Thats German efficiency for you :p
  14. Never played any of the gamecube Metroids. Didn't play the Wii one either. I'll be picking this up for sure
  15. I heared Activision was suing Tim Schafer for some reason. I wonder how this is going to turn out....
  16. Just got asked out for a drink by two women but i couldn't go >_> i has no monies.....i'm a sad panda
  17. its hotter than hell in here even though i've got the window open as far as it'll go >_> i think i've got a fan somewhere though. Not much happened today, went for a walk....fun fun fun
  18. That guy wrote and produced Babies Day Out? I loved that movie when i was a kid >_> reminded me of Home Alone, with the three guys and the kid
  19. Gave my 360 to the UPS guy this afternoon, i'm going to miss the NXE update >_> heard it takes about 2 or 3 weeks to get it back. Didn't know i had to send it to Germany either o_0
  20. went swimming, spent most of my time staring at women in bikinies wondering if they were legal or not. Then went wondering around town, thought about going into the BHF to see if gaggle was there but i thought i better not. Then went into HMV and bought a new ipod for no apparent reason. Now i'm back here!
  21. bought out of impulse, now i'm £200 out of pocket >_>
  22. I do a crap load of jigsaw puzzles, my neck and back start to hurt after a while though.
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