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Everything posted by martinist

  1. ...still need to think of a design before i go in tomorrow...would be wanting somthing in black and white rather than colour. Maybe somthing totoro related, like: ^_^
  2. So i was walking around Dumfries yesterday and i was walking by a small tattoo parlour so i stoped to look in the window at the designs. Trying to decide whither should get one or not, either way i'll be going in on Saturday to see whats going on. Its just the pain aspect i have a problem with but i guess it won't be too bad. pics if i don't wuss out, no pics if i do!
  3. Just give me the same game as before, but with different levels and more yoshi! thats what she said....
  4. ah i remember that game! kirbi360 kept taking the ball and throwing it over the edge >_<
  5. So you're stuck in Shetland now? what are you gonna do? stay there or go elsewhere?
  6. St Patrick's day? i'm not Irish! I'm all about St Andrew's day!
  7. thats right! i jumped on the bandwagon.
  8. RAMBO III The guy took down a helicopter gunship with an explosive arrow! 8/10
  9. A huge pile of shit, thats how shit my day has been. Its like someone just came along, saw my day and then shit all over it. My day has just been a big pile of utter shit.
  10. If i had a kid, i'd want a girl. Just so i can name her a really short name like Amy or Mimi, i love short names like that! I'd much prefer my wife to have kittens though, although that would raise alot of questions...
  11. yay Eenuh! I keep reminding myself to buy one of your shirts or a print. I'll get right on that! *buys stuff*
  12. Be a man! A real man would be out wrestling bears in the mountians with his shirt off, exposing his manly chest to the animal! And that bear shall cower in fear of the sight of that chest! By which point the guy would have broken the bear's neck, draged it down from the mountain (hopefully orphaning the bear's cubs) threw it on the table and started devouring the beast raw! Be a man Arthur! fight the bears! .......... All in all my day has been good, took a nice little walk around the village and the surounding country. Very nice day indeed.
  13. *kicks roadkill in the arse 24 times* *kicks Gizmo 17 times* HaPpY bIrThDaY!!
  14. MOOGLEVIPER HAS A SMALL PENIS WOOOOOOO!!! *end of pointless back and forth*
  15. hiya...do not anger me and you'll be ok :P hope j00 likes it here peon
  16. Sure, the DS still works a treat, Still has the charger too. I could box it up and send it out to ya if you want. Problem is our post office shut down, so it may take a few days. And i only have those crappy DVD size jiffy bags atm, so i'll have to find some parcel paper.
  17. I've got one of those crappy phat DS' if you want that =3
  18. Happy Birthday *thrusts in your direction*
  19. Clannad: AS - OH SNAP! i totaly predicted that!, like half way through the ep i was like " Its pretty obvious .... is gonna happen" and then it DID happen! It DID happen! awwww yeeeeaah...Clannad prediction is my bitch! pretty sad though....;_; awww
  20. My parents are having sex.....gross. This is definitely somthing i should not be hearing...This is going to scar me, i just know it. This has just put a downer on my day >_>
  21. Clannad wasn't that bad...it was pretty obvious that was gonna hapen at the end. I saw that coming a mile away.
  22. yay for cheap games!
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