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Everything posted by martinist

  2. I'm exactly the same way!! i'm a schitzophrenic emotional reck and suffer from a veriaty of mental health problems such as depression and such. the only time i ever had a girlfriend was when i was twelve years old and that really didn't last very long. in the end i tried to hang myself but got to scared. A bit of Cognitive Behaveural Theropy (CBT) may be in order for you, what it tries to do is change the way you think about yourself so you don't go nuts and try and commit suicide like i did. I never really talk to many people and as Gaggle64 would say "TAKE CHARGE AND DECIDE ON SOMTHING YOU IDIOT!" but some people are helping me whith this confidence thing right now which is grate. I really should start going to bars and meeting people now that i'm nearly old enough to drink. Your fellow mental patient Martin F Irving
  3. no sledgehammer can destroy these manly muscles
  4. lol too bad for you, i guess your all just bad drivers (zing)
  5. i concur Lettie's concurrence
  6. \v/h0t teh [-]311
  7. nerds love witty computer based t-shirt slogans
  8. Sony Ericsson all the way!!!!!!!!!
  10. no harpoon can stop the might of moby dick!!!
  11. no idea what these abbrivs mean...sorry guy
  12. Perfect Blue It was wierd...a pop idol turned actresse's manager has split-personality disorder and tries to kill her client off believing she is an imposter. Almost thet entire movie is one big dream sequence,part horror, part stalker movie, wierdest damn thing i have seen in my life 7/10 Rush Hour / Rush Hour 2 Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are one of the best damn movie duos in history. The first movie centers around a councelers doughter getting kidnapped and the seccond revolvs around a money scandle. All in all a laugh-a-minute comedy for anybody looking for a laugh 9/10
  13. rofl, i'd like to see his face if they did
  14. nightmare on elm street 3 this thing can't hold a candle to any wes craven directed movie 5/10
  15. yeay ... its back on again tonight
  16. eBay the only Wii you have...you must be mad props to him though
  17. Mama mia' that'sa one spicy evil communist if you've got the time we've got the evil communist This is the age of the evil communist only evil communist have the answer
  18. curse my tiredness, i slept through the middle of the film, but then i woke up whene they were on that boat and that guy had an errection, lol i guess i should buy it on DVD. One more piece of advice..."Don't, under any circumstances watch BR2" its the worst film in existance.
  19. i don't think the price is too bad
  20. i think i might sell of my PS2 to add some money to my Wii fund, i have a 360 to play DVDs and if i droped my XBL account gaggle and the rest of them wouldn't be happy-chappies
  21. i'll probebly try and get mine on December 9th
  22. December 8th...yeay, but Europe gets the Wii last. Even the aussies get it before us. Oh well i'll pre-order mine as soon as GAME will allow me
  23. band members don't need money
  24. mitsurugi cuts his opponent down to size
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