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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I was in HMV today looking at the anime DVDs and i see a volume of Noein for £20, that is total robery!
  2. i think i'll check this out, couldn't hurt, its only 13 eps long
  3. an organization made of pure evil (and Tom Cruse)
  4. Who likes short shorts? I like short shorts!
  5. It was when Konata talked all wierd at the start of ep7, if thats the way they talk all the time i wouldn't want to watch it....
  6. Awesome May Cry The Legend of Awesome Resident Awesome 4 Awesome Fantasy VII Awesome the Hedgehog Mario Awesome Metal Gear Awesome Awesome Crossing Awesome Kong these are the best video game parodies on the internet!
  7. I might order it through GAME on Friday and it should be here on Monday *yeay*
  8. listen to your minions admins! get a chat-room up and running or we shall rebell
  9. yeay! i signed, now i just hope that scientology doesn't find out *shudder*
  10. yeay! Lucky Star episode 7 is out, downloading atm! and i hear from Kuro-Hana that Death Note Ep 32 will be delayed (again) so i'll get it on Thursday
  11. if i knew what you looked like, and i noticed it was you being kicked in i probebly would have helped you
  12. My house from google earth EXTREEM!
  13. I just watched both Death Note movies and i think i might have ruined the ending of the anime for myself! although i don't think so
  14. DG3 4HT type it in and you'll find my house.....well.....under alot of white stuff
  15. Joker shall PWN all!!!
  16. the point to my life is to live as long as possible....e.g for another say....70-75 years
  17. Has anybody ever went to Amecon? a friend of mine when there a couple of years ago and i can never get a room there.....damn them!
  18. Haven't saw it yet, maybe i'll find a torrent link somewhere
  19. Samurai Champloo Azumanga Daioh Pita-Ten Cowboy Bebop Love Hina Serial Experimants Lain Death Note FLCL Outlaw Star there are alot more but i'll stop here, ALOT more
  20. I watched Audition once, i was phisically sick afterwards
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