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Everything posted by martinist

  1. i wonder why the police allways use german shepards?
  2. i'm fine when i'm on here, *which is almost all the time*, its only when i'm trying to consentrate on somthing, thats when my symptoms start to show. For example i started to hallucinate while i was taking my driving test or doing school work.
  3. it looks to me that i'm the most mentally unstable person on this thread atm, at least thats somthing to be proud of i guess....*plays dice wars*
  4. Paranoid: Very High Schizoid: Very High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: High Borderline: Very High Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Very High Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High not very surprising since i allready have Schizophrenia
  5. I live in a small village called Moniaive in a random valley in the south of Dumfries & Galloway in South-West of Scotland, about 10 miles from Thornhill (and Gaggle's place) and a couple of miles from the regions main town Dumfries which is allways a plus. Moniaive Market Place headding south Moniaive Market Place headding north The good pub The evil pub Its not really a bad place but when the village festivals start the place gets over-run by tourists, the guys from Franz-Ferdinad have a house here and the creators of Batman and Judge Dredd also have a house here. I'll try and get more pictures if i can...
  6. after seeing that cover, i went and bought it, i'm a sucker for cute things. I haven't watched it yet though.
  7. damn right! i've known gaggle64 for god knows how long, and his brother isn't half bad either,
  8. got em both at HMV for about £22
  9. wasn't that game playing a part of Hare Hare Yukai? also i'm thinking about buying a ton of Naruto DVDs totaling around £190 - £200, i'm not sure if i should do it
  10. i can't help it if i love bishojo anime!, i just like cute things.
  11. I started downloading Lucky Star today, its sickeningly cute in all ways, has a nice drawing style and in some parts is quite funny, although the intro is the best i've seen and heard from any anime, fact!
  12. how many episodes does One Piece run for? or is it still running?
  13. Medevil and Rome Total War FTW
  14. I still haven't seen the latest Death Note, *downloading now* i'll be shocked if its just a filler episode, i hate filler episodes like i hate to vomit
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjEFUY7unks the opening to Lucky Star, one of the catchiest songs i've heard
  16. Ewwww.....i wonder what he was thinking.
  17. This thread has just turned into a giant argument.....*sigh* *grabes fire hose and hoses down flamers*
  18. I'll try and not make a Burnout Takedown referance.....takedown sounds like the most retarded game on earth, people "taking down" other people, its really just an excuse to beat people up.
  19. this guy makes capital letters his bitch!....oh yeah!
  20. *this video has been removed by the user* possible spammer alert!
  21. got this from gaggle64 for christmas and it still hasn't been out the box. oh yeah!
  22. the same thing happened to me one day, i was walking down a random street past a chippy and a girl asked for my number, i just looked at her for a while and walked on...i though she was joking or somthing, she probebly was anyway.
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