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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Its was a better event than it looked on the card for sure. Master vs Carlito was good, could have been longer though, but Carlito winning "Now that's cool". Umaga vs Flair...too short, and i had hoped Arrrrmannnndo Alajannnndrrrooo Estrrrraaadaaaa would say more. Womens Title: Well was going good, shame Trish got injured and they had to cut it short, as soon as she fell i just knew she'd dislocate something (its happened to me many a time), i was actually surprised that the match countinued for for as long as it did with her injured. RVD vs Shelton: Really good, great to see a belt around RVD again, also did anyone notice JR say that the "Money in the Bank" gives him a title shot for the WWE or World Heavyweight title, and he seemed to enphisise World Heavyweight...could RVD jump to Smackdown? Kane vs Show, was a good match didn't like the ending, Big Show should have at least pinned him after the chair shot. HBK and God vs the Mcmahons, i thought the backstage stuff was great, the first one when Vince performed miracles, Walkin on water, Creating a feast from one bread and one fish and the water into wine, that was damned funny as was "God's" entrance and when he "sneaked up" behind Vince.haha. The match anyway was really good, thought didn't like the Spirit Squad gettin involved, i wanted to see HBK jump through Vince and Shane damnit. Also i liked when the King said at the end "it's the father the son and the holy spirit squad", haha. The Triple Threat was so good, many great moments, didn't know who was gonna win, though Cena still the Champ, damnit, i'm a fan of Cena but damn i wanna see if he can maintain his main event status without a belt, thats the real test of a deserved Champ, HHH will be champ at the next match.....
  2. So yeah, i guess you'll hear me singin on the next 4cr podcast they just emailed me (if it burns your ears when you hear it we can all blame Nintendork...)
  3. Because they know that there are (foolish) people out there willing to pay through the nose to get their sony products fixed without opening anything up themseleves, no matter how small a problem it is. A mate of mine had a problem with his PS2 when he first got, i think the mechanism that spun the disks had a part that was loose or out of place or something, but when he brought it to be repaired it cost him not much more than the actuall consoles price:hmm:
  4. oh sorry about this, but i just been thinking..all the "3rd secret" stuff, what were the 1st two (i was offline for a few months last year and never picked this up), i'm guessin one of them was the controller, so what was the other?
  5. eh... did you guys even read the previous two pages?
  6. Yeah that takes place in teh danger room, so i doubt we'll see sentials much in teh film (though i hope i'm wrong), maybe they know the sentinals are being made and decide to train for it or something. I remember the director of 1 and 2 (damn forgot his name) said he wanted to put the damger room in three, shame its being done but its not him who's doing it. They were thinkin of havin one sentinal in X2 for when Striker gets into Cerebro a Sentinal was meant to rip the door open but they figured it would be too small a role for the sentinal and they didn't want to under use it. Also did anyone think Colosus looked more like glass than steel? I hope the actor puts on a proper Russian accent for the role, the few lines he had in X2 he didn't have any hint of an accent and it would be very dissapointing if he didn't I'm so hyped for this film, can't wait
  7. That's a very good idea (though i'm sure seen it before), with the FHC what could Nintendo possibly do with a next console? SUrely the next step after the Wii could only be Star Trek style holodecks, and that just ain't gonna happen in our lifetime :p And it would be cheaper on the consumer, imagine the choice, a Wii plus expansion pack or a PS4? With the PS3 looking to be around £400 i can only shudder what at PS4 might be 5-6 years from now
  8. I haven't read the TP thread (as i'm trying to avoid learning too much about the game before i play it) but here's the timeline one i like (only based on home console games...cuz i forget where this says the handheld games go), lets see how its excepted... (possible small OOT and WW spoilers if you still haven't played them) orginal timeline Ocarina of Time - Majora's Mask (1st Link, 1st Zelda) - A Link to the Past (2nd Link, 2nd Zelda) - Legend of Zelda (3rd Link, 3rd Zelda) - Adventures of Link (3rd Link, either 1st Zelda or 4th Zelda who predates 1st Zelda) Alternate Timeline Ocarina of Time (1st Link, 1st Zelda) - Wind Waker (2nd Link, 2nd Zelda) My guess is Twilight Princess will go somewhere in the "orginal timeline" prolly after "AoL" and feature a new Link and Zelda. Phantom Hourglass will most likly go in the "alternate timeline" a be a direct sequal to "Wind Waker" and be the same Link and Zelda from Wind Waker (obviously this is just based on the graphical sytle being the same as WW) (note: the following may get confusing) And for those unaware of the "alternate timeline", it was created at the end of Ocarina of Time, Links time travel escapeds created two timelines (past and future), at the end when Link returns to the "past" and closes the path to the "future" the "future" still continues and leads to the events of Wind Waker, which is why in the intro to Wind Waker when it says the people waited for the Hero of Time but he never came it was because he was no longer in that timeline and therefor didn't exsist anymore. As for how the Links add up, in the "original timeline" i like to think they are all related, Link1 and Link2 definatly are related as this is mentioned in ALttP, so its just a good idea to think that Link3 is also. In the "alternate timeline" in Wind Waker its stated that that Link is not related to Link1, but i like to think of him as a reincarnation of him, that way he's still kinda related but a bloodline isn't required. As for the Zelda's of course they all have to be related by blood. But how can Zelda's bloodline exsist in both timelines but not Link, i hear some say. Cuz when Link1 first got the Master Sword he was trapped in the Scared Releam and exsisted outside of time and there remained one Link to go between the two times. Where as Zelda experienced the 7 years Link lost so when Link was in either the Past or Future there was a Zelda for that period somewhere in Hyrule. At the end of Ocarina, Zelda only sent Link back through time, she didn't turn it back and when the path between times closed there was still a Zelda in each timeline.
  9. Mokong


    I'm really lookin forward to this game, i just been on the website its got me well hyped, i'd love it if it came at launch, it sounds like it will be one hell of a mind wreckin game, even more so than Eternal Darkness, who needs Silcon Knights anymore, we and the Wii got Nibris
  10. Ok done, left in on the voice mail, mine singin is prolly terrible, let me know if it makes the podcast :p, when is it usally out? edit:damn forgot to turn on powergrammo to record it...oh well
  11. Yeah, i removed the words "free hand" from the shiggy verse so it just reads "controller" so that works a bit better:p And Nintendork, 1st you call it "yuk on a stick" then you want me to send it to some website to be in a podcast::shrug:, it's like Marmite you either like it or hate it, make up your mind:awesome: :p Oh and some have mentioned others here coming up with this but i see no posts of their versions come on if you got a version post it up, i'm sure someone can do better than me, or if someone can come up with a 3rd verse (the Queen song has 3 verses doesn't it?) maybe about Iwata (i can't think of anything for him)
  12. I've always wanted to try make the recipes that are in the Neo magazine, but either there's fish/seafood involved (which i hate) or there's ingridents i don't have. Its a shame i love most things Japanesse but most of their food involves fish or some kind of seafood which just makes me puke I tried Wasabi once.. that stuff is lethal
  13. Ah, crap i feel like a right tool, i knew that i swear, its just one of those moments when you think one thing and say/type another for reasons unknown to anyone. And i did say in that post that i was confused didn't i... that just shows how confused i was :p Sorry
  14. I too see that and it just screams Resident Evil at me, and reminicent of the REmake for the GC especially the "REbirth" part, but Kojima is Namco RE is Capcom... Me=confused
  15. At that point the first guy would have ran away more like:woops: Sorry, Seriously, that is a fine good theory and i hope it's true, it would mean not having to buy a second controller on day one seperatly and hopefully each will have the nun-chuck anolgue also.
  16. Ok Nintendo I hope you have a cheque in the mail for me: peace: *get the beat of Queens "We Will Rock You" in your head... got it ok now sing.... Reggie you're a boy Make a big noise talkin at E3 Gonna be a big man some day You got annoucments to make, a lot at stake Speakin your mind no matter what it takes singing Wii will, Wii will rock you Wii will, Wii will rock you Shiggy you're an great man, amazing man, Imagining crazy things Gonna make them into games some day You got a grin on your face, on the E3 stage Waving your Controller all over the place singing Wii will, Wii will rock you Wii will, Wii will rock you *i was bored and got this stuck in my head i had to post it
  17. I can see the guy giggling as he typed it
  18. November 13th? damn those went on sale fair early... Its not the best of cards i think, but since its not on Box Office i might stay up for it since Monday is a Bank Holiday and i got nothing to do ... well i prolly should study for exams startin tuesday but i'm a bit of a procatinator(sp?) Cena vs HHH vs Edge: HHH, i like Cena but i think it's time he try work without the belt and see if he can still hang in the big time, and of HHH and Edge i don't think Edge is champ material as HHH is. Vince/Shane vs HBK/God: I have a funny feeling God may make an appearance in some form or fasion and him and HBK will win, i just wanna see Shane go "Coast to Coast" again, i love when he does that. Shelton vs RVD: RVD, there's no way Shelton is gonna take the "Money in the Bank" from him...though the fact that if RVD wins he also becomes Intercontental Champ i think either he won't hold onto long, and if he still has it come One Night Stand when he uses the "money in the bank" i don't see him winning the title cuz i don't see them makin him a double champion Kane v Show: Kane, he's going crazy again, i love it. Mickie v Trish: Which one is which? Trish is Mickie, Mickie is Trish..either way they are still HOT and make me . I hope this is as good as their Mania match which i thought wasn't gonna be good and was happily surprised. Mickie for the win:heart: Carlito vs Masters: Carlito to win, that's cool. I love to see him be the 1st to break the masterlock *cough*it's a damn full nelson you muscle bound freak*cough* though it prolly won't happen. I love his backcracker move, makes my back so sore when ever i see it. Umaga vs Flair: Arrrrmando Alejandro Estrrrrrada = best manager ever (or at least in the last few years) though i don't like Umaga that much, i'd like to see Flair whip his ass but i think Umaga will win cuz they maybe wantin to build him up more Is that all the matches? Why no Tag Title match? Actually what tag teams are left on Raw to challenge for it, god the tag divisions have just gone to shit which is a damned shame
  19. You don't suppose this could be the infamous "3rd secret"? :p as for the ideas of it being an abbreviation, didn't Nintendo say in the press release thats its an easy name to remember because it "won't have abbreviations"
  20. If he makes such good modded cars how come those on the show have been so poor (from what i've seen). eg: the hurst they did in series 1, sure they went for the ghostbuster look but it was still god damned awful. Also, never knew the garage had a name, from the eps i've seen they've always just called it "The Garage"?
  21. Thats actually a good thought, i'm sure Reggie must have something planed in his speech that will turn this into something great. After his "That's Sony's screw up not my problem" line from last year, imagine what this kind of fuel could inspire him to say
  22. Didn't most people who bought a playstation and PS2 (and soon PS3) do so because of the name, which is why Sony refuse to let go of the "Playstation" name and just add on numbers
  23. Pimp My Ride UK is just a total balls-up anyway, 1st you got Westwood (oh god no) and then the guys who run the garage aren't any better, especailly the manager guy with the fraked up hair do (i think its a comb over covering a massive bald spot). The very fact the had to do an ep "pimping madonnas ride" shows how desprite they are to get people to watch it and try to put up with that fool, it's like he actually believes he can compete with Xzibit, and how the hell did he even get the gig? Surely there has to be someone better than him, i bet when they did the 1st series when he showed up at peoples houses to get the car they didn't have a clue who he was.
  24. Perhaps you could post it here for us :p Also i only just remembered this, in the book "Game Over" by Daivd Sheff (i think that's his name, most will know the book as it is the history of Nintendo up to like '96), there's a chapter on Tetris and i'm sure it said somewhere in that, that in America when Tetris 1st got big that people who played Tetris (very well) were more likely to pass their driving tests with scores. Well i took a car driving test here about 5 year ago now (when i was 17) and failed... although it was prolly a good 7 years since i had played Tetris i think before that. And a few years later i did pass the driving test for a motorbike on my 1st try
  25. I was just watching Gamer.TV on Bravo and they review Trauma Center on the DS (4/5) after which they had a feature about how surgeons(sp?) who play video games perform better in surgery, particulary keyhole surgery. Those who play games are 25% faster and 30% less likely to make mistakes than those who don't. It actually kinda makes sense, especially for the keyhole surgery, i mean to do in that? They have two vicegrip like things (sorry for not knowing the technical term) (which would be like joysticks) that go into the patient and they see what they are doing by looking a tv screen, like yo would a game. So for those of you out there thinking of becoming surgeons, gaming is far from being a waste of time
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