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Everything posted by Kazzahdrane

  1. Oh well, we're getting it in work today so at least I'll get it a couple of days early. Balances out getting Bioshock 5 days early I suppose. Really want this game!
  2. Well, if you want to give your MSN login details to a website which is not affiliated with Microsoft then go ahead. I certainly wouldn't, seeing as my Live ID is used for Xbox Live, MSN Messenger, and a few other things.
  3. Yeah, it's not an RPG with a bit of platforming. From what I hear it's about 80% platforming, 20% RPG. That's not all seperated out of course, it's a platformer with RPG elements throughout.
  4. Actually, Europe is just about the only place where point 'n' clicks still sell. That's why so many European developers make adventure games (many of which never get sold outside of the EU or even get an English translation). I agree though, this game needs all the promotion it can get. I'll be doing my best to make sure people looking for Xmas gifts pick it up, as long as it's actually good then I'm happy to recommend it to customers.
  5. I've been waiting for this game ever since it was moved to the Wii, and have been angrily waiting for it since April. 5 and a half months delays are *so* European, it's the height of fashion in Paris I hear.
  6. So, anyone got this yet? Obviously this question is aimed at the small number of people here who work in games retail and may have got it early. Bioshock came into my workplace on the Monday of the week it was released so I have my fingers and toes all crossed in the hopes that SPM arrives tomorrow. Waiting these last days is going to suck!
  7. Well, Matt at IGN has posted his review of Metroid Prime 3: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/815/815424p1.html 9.5 - high enough to make me wish I could play the game now instead of the end of October
  8. Spider ball boss was a total bitch. Making a boss involving annoying bomb jumps which are hard enough at the best of times was a real pain. Easily the hardest boss in MP2 for me, although Boost Guardian and Alpha Blogg took me quite a few goes too (and we all know how annoying it is to die on Alpha Blogg and go all the way back to that save point...).
  9. That would be because they are. Super Paper Mario - 5 months later than USA. Trauma Center - 8 months later. Nintendo love Europe.
  10. His nose is seriously screwed up in this Brawl model, it looks like they just had the nose to add and got the work experience guy to do it who's just learned to great a sphere in Maya.
  11. My bet is that this is just a port of Legacy with Wiimote controls tacked on. If it was an original title I'm sure we'd have heard about it before a box art showed up. I could be wrong though as I didn't play Legacy so can't be sure that all these factions were present in that game.
  12. I can't get over the fact that apparently no one has ever heard the phrase "this isn't your father's <XYZ>"! When he says, "This isn't your father's Mario Kart" he means it isn't the same as the previous games and should at least have some noticeable differences (usually improvements but specifically differences). For example, you could easily describe Mario 64 as not being your father's super mario. It doesn't have anything to do with not playing with your dad, trust me. DadPlay, or "thrashing the old man who can't really play games but likes to show some interest" will still be available in Mario Kart for Wii!
  13. I feel very strongly about this. Mario and chums will help to attract the casual gamers to Wii, but once that well runs dry you need IPs to attract the "hardcore". A new Kid Icarus could be used for that, and hopefully Disaster might be exactly what people are looking for. Still, Nintendo's dependency on the Mushroom Kingdom's inhabitants is a little worrying, but nothing new.
  14. Good God the first SSB was a butt-ugly game!
  15. I couldn't agree more. Scanning a new Pirate Log in a Metroid Prime game is just about as good as sex. And when you scan a boss......uuuurrrrgh. So good.
  16. Best. Paced. Game. Ever. If I hadn't already finished the PS2 version a couple of times I'd be buying this for sure. Fancy playing it at some point just for the improved graphics and to see it on my widescreen TV which I didn't have for the PS2 port.
  17. Co-op would surely make this the best game on the Wii, certainly out of what's available in Europe anyway
  18. I'm available until the end of the month and then am on holiday for the next 4 weeks. Doesn't mean I'd be completely unable to help out in that time but it would be reduced. I'm mostly a lurker here which probably doesn't help my chances, but I'm good with words and I check news sites for Nintendo news multiple times a day already. Would be very interested in helping out even just in the short term as I think with more up-to-date news N-Europe could become even more popular without EU Ninty fans.
  19. Hahahaha. Sir, you made me laugh. Well done to you.
  20. Fortunately I don't really have time to play this right now, still annoyed Europe is getting shafted as usual though. Got enough games to tide me over until I go on holiday in the summer, but I'd have really liked this to be out by June when I get back
  21. I was reffering specifically to GAME's practice of forcing even pre-order customers to take bundles with their consoles. You can always say no, but it takes a lot of yelling at them to make them back off and accept you don't want to pay shelf price for a bunch of games with no discount.
  22. Yeah, GAME always do this and whenever anyone complains to trading standards the Head Office respond by saying that GAME does not condone this and the stores doing it are acting without the permission of the company as a whole. Even though every single branch does it.....sure...
  23. Did I miss an official EU date for Super Paper Mario or is that just a guess?
  24. Phew, glad I checked here before clicking buy! Hope this gets sorted soon, and the exchange rate is pretty good in my opinion! Of course, I have over 30k stars to spend...
  25. Thanks for that very interesting post, Teppo - I wasn't aware of this stuff at all! As for the date, eurgh it seems far away, as in after my summer holiday, and pretty much anything after my summer holiday doesn't seem important :P
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