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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Yes. It's a website dedicated to the news of European Nintendo shizzle. So music from Nintendo games specifically from Europe is only allowed. I sense many albums filled with Perfect Dark ch00ns or something.
  2. A nice old fashioned wank helps sometimes.
  3. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
  4. The SNES. The N64 is a close second.
  5. I made a collection of my choice cuts, around 50-60 tracks equalling 300ish mins of playage. I've begun the culling process, deleting the most popular ones.
  6. Maybe you should you say. BUT YOU HAVEN'T HAVE YOU O_O TO THE CORNER WITH YOU.
  7. I know that wasn't the question, as it was a statement you said earlier: Couldn't forgive a friend = cry in the dark for entire life. Well in the immortal scheme of things, who can say how long people will live. Not yet, I've still got to flog Curse of Monkey Island to you.
  8. I just won £32 on Sticky 13 at Daddy's pub last night, which more than made up for the monies spent on drink. It's an awesome feeling when you return from the pub with profit.
  9. This was from sitting in the dark and crying I assume. But it wasn't for the rest of your life. WHY DO YOU BRING THESE FOUL LIES TO THE FORUM.... I'm not sure I can forgive you for this.
  10. Such as...
  11. But if you don't forget you haven't really forgiven them. However I have the same opinion as Fish. Except I remember to an even sexier degree. Like how can I remix it to my advantage in future.
  12. WE SHOULD?!
  13. Exactly, it would shit on the magic that is this topic, assuming it gets off the ground
  14. I say we spitroast him too.
  15. I've spent most of my day [woke at 12:20] watching Charlie Brookers Screenwipe and fuck all else really. To be fair, I did that yesterday. There has also been a bit of Tyranid painting over the past few days as well.
  16. BUT YOU COULD! Write it in a word document, take a print screen, save the image on photobucket or whatnot. And provide a link. It's fucking genius.
  17. Normally I go to Daddy's pub for the Sunday quiz, so I semi have something to look forward to on a Sunday.
  18. I might have to make mine a two-disc compilation. Unless I turn the disc into a data disc it won't be able to handle the sheer awesomeness that is this music orgasm.
  19. Well Jordan has got the personality of a corpse, so technically you're guilty already.
  20. I think a personal introduction shall be included as well.
  21. So you've known the method for at least a week.
  22. It's not rocket science. You go to the Post Office and say "I want to send this to to Japan."
  23. I'm not sure if it's that we're tightwads, just the basis that we don't want to.
  24. I'm not making a list until the very end, and even then I'm just going to go through my ch00n collection and pick out the choice cuts.
  25. I say we spitroast him.
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