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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Favourite game ever I think goes to A Link To The Past for me. I'd have to say that perhaps most moments in the game are better in the DS version mainly because of the banging 3D-ness, since you now get many different angles because the technology can cope with it.
  2. Twins I woke up at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep, and couldn't be bothered to do anything, as I know I'm going to sleep in a few hours and I always wake at 12:30. I've had this DVD for about a couple of months but never got round to watching it, mainly because when I bought it, it had just been shown recently on TV and I caught the last 1/3. Another classic Arnie film. Doesn't have the classic Arnie lines, but has awesome moments when Arnie starts singing. Plus a pr0 sexy lass who Arnie ends up plowing. With Heather Graham as a short role at the beginning, it's unmissable. Everyone needs to watch it. Eight and Half Shabba's
  3. Moogle, bollocks to Danger Mouse, show us more of the Cavegirl.
  4. It's pure coincidence it's on in a few days time. But the man's right.
  5. Roald Dahl's The Witches: Extreme Edition.
  6. Today I attempted to learn to play my harmonica again. I don't think I can move my tongue quick enough.
  7. Discovered this morning that I can't really go to the London thing tomorrow as I checked the train prices and it's going to cost me about £90-100 to get there and back. Bullshit. Plus I'm primed to give work a pr0 Shabba'ising tonight.
  8. Or get them done in English, so it makes sense for everyone. But then it might just look stupid.
  9. I consider FF IV my favourite. I played it on the SNES [Emulator] ¬_¬... Imported it when it came out on GBA, and imported it for the DS. I'm that committed.
  10. You should've watched Taken instead.
  11. They're both wrong. The long one on the right says "Remember when I said I'd kill you last" The one on the left says: "I lied"
  12. Don't worry, I can make you feel better by bitching about my wank job: First started on 15 hours a week. 6-11 for 3 nights, suddenly downgraded to 7:30 – 11:30 on 2 nights. Whereas Hannah, who started shortly after me gets 6-11 on other nights. My two nights are some of the busiest of the week, quiz night and Saturday. I ask what the craic is and why I’m being downgraded, I got some bullshit about things being tight or some shit, and if there are any other free shifts to let me know. Next thing I know, Hannah gets another 5 hour shift. So I’m stuck on 13 hours and she goes from 15 to 20 a week. When I am asked to cover Hannah the night is suddenly designated less busy so I’m on half 7 start. But when we swap days, suddenly Saturday is more busy so she has to have 6-11 again. I’ve just noticed last night that I’m scheduled as 7:30-11 on the two nights now.
  13. 'Ang about love, we're not talking details just yet. You've gotta take EEVILMURRAY out, wine and dine 'im. And he might link you. If ye lucky. http://www.londongradfair.co.uk/autumn/?utm_source=gradplus&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=lgfa08
  14. Me too, there seems to be fuck all out there. I might move to London or something, see if I can become a runner. However I think I'll be going to the Guardian London Graduate Fair on Tuesday... See what I can get there.
  15. I've tried to juggle, I don't know what I do wrong, I can never pass one ball to the other hand before the one in the air comes down.
  16. How can you say that after seeing this unannoying image.
  17. The intro video does spoil a few things.
  18. I'm getting black balled on my hours at work. They've cut two days from 7:30 - 11:30 to 7:30 - 11:00. I'm pretty sure they're trying to force me to quit.
  19. Time for some poetry! C'mon Moogle baby, let it all out.
  20. Smokin' Aces A sexy movie. Highly recommended, with an awesome kid who thinks he's the shit at karate and a quality ending piece of music. Here's the kid: Nine Shabba's
  21. Urrrrghhh... A little thing? It's about 33% extra free!
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