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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Does it deserve all the pr0 reviews it has got?
  2. I knew that... ¬_¬ Took me about 5 redesigns to get the background and shit gone http://www.redbubble.com/people/eevilmurray/t-shirts/4277366-6-hitler-cant-shave
  3. I sadly was still awake by then. Finally going to sleep at half 8. I did consider going for a non-sleep kinda day, but I decided against it. 5 hours sleep woo.
  4. Hang on Dan, it might be a ruse... How much by Jay?
  5. Would you recommend this for the hardcore single gamer? Because personally I couldn't care less about online [unless I want it on a PC] and co-op isn't going to be that readily available. Thus the majority will be alone time, which is mainly how I like my gamings.
  6. pr0 vid. I must confess to not watching Spaced. Well... I watched the first couple when it first started but got bored [can't remember much about it] But I'm all for giving it another go. Unlike Extras [shit]
  7. I have discovered that my coworker [becci] is quite the lying broad. She wanted Tuesday off because of some study thing [True I think] and managed to get her to take my Friday shift [Not my Monday which she was suggesting...] She asked me and I recommended she brought it up with the bosses, since I am on trial after my recent suspension. She told me she spoke to the landlady [Pat] who writes the schedule [As landlord didn't know on Monday], who "needed persuading that she could work Fridays". I turn up tonight to work and Pat is confused as to my presence. As such she has written the schedule wrong. I enquire to Pat. Apparently Becci had left some notes which disappeared, but hadn't spoken with Becci [thus the persuading comment = bullshit]. Pat and I were most confused. Either way, I worked her shift, and they can blow me if they think I'm working Friday.
  8. Not important per sé, but I feel that not enough people know this. Darth Maul. Acted by Ray Park, as we all know. But his voice. Not Ray Park. I give you. Peter Serafinowicz. Someone many of us [british at least] should recognize. One of the weirdest things I'd encountered. Ray Park, the David Prowse of the prequel trilogy.
  9. Well would've been more complicated on their part. I've started erasing the background around my Hitler, but as you can imagine, much of a pain in the arse. I should've deleted the background after drawing over it in Photoshop instead of saving it as one piece.
  10. Is there much difference?
  11. Got it, do RedBubble have a t-shirt which can have designs on both sides? Because I have an idea for a "You think this is the real Quaid?" [on the back "It is"]
  12. Flink and I did it again.
  13. I was using Photoshop... I must've done something wrong. I think I know what to do. How do I delete my current design?
  14. Arsehole wasn't trying hard enough.
  15. I did consider that. But I deemed it too much effort for my first Movie Maker project.
  16. First thing you've said that's made sense in ages ReZ. I salute thee.
  17. You're damaged goods lady. They're shit. Give us a list, because I don't know any of their other memorable songs, riffs, lyrics and beats [and am aware of it]. I'm not interested in Saturn. I said Mars. EDIT: Just looked at that Facebook group, top post on the wall: "your song is a piece of horsepiss" Exquisite.
  18. And what about me HUH? You son of a bitch!? Before you do anything, I'm going to take your arms. See you at the party.
  19. I only have one.
  20. Likewise. But I would buy the X Factor single if it means making sure that piece of shit Killing In The Name Of never gets in the charts.
  21. I've uploaded the Hitler design... *sniff* my first t-shirt How do you get it so the colour of the shirt goes all the way around? Mine still has a white box around it. She is "done"
  22. I'm not having Spall.
  23. I've got a fair few of the first lines in. I'll have a proper check on it tomorrow and update with what lyrics I'm going to need. The majority of which will be later on. It's looking like audio only.
  24. Do you use tabletings?
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