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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I think... It's done... It's finally done... A year in the making... We have made magic people. Magic. http://www.mediafire.com/file/nzzuqnzgtmm/N-E Band Aid V1.mp3 Sorry I've missed anyone out, there was so much to get through. ReZ, make a video.
  2. I've decided to plow it in myself. Just working on the end editing, and maybe some very small tweaks. It should be done by tonight. Let me hear you say aaah. SAY IT.
  3. He's right. It's "a protest to the X-Factor monotony"!
  4. I'm currently reading the Casebook of Sherlock Holmes now. I shall be judging that also!
  5. Really? I would've thought it was normally use it as a conversation ender.
  6. I just watched that Kersal Massive. Original lyrics A tenner says they won't get laid until they're 30.
  7. Yes, because I wasn't being serious at all. You mean you don't find this voice amazingly sinister? The one in The New Batman Adventures blows. I've always liked the voice of Freeze in "The Batman", but I can't seem to find a video of him with the actual voice, all they have are shitty "tributes" playing some song over the footage.
  8. Some choice quotes: "I don't do this for you people, I do this because I enjoy it" *After wailing like a bitch in pain* "You can't tell me not to smoke Malboro Reds, I'm the host. I'm so emotional right now" "I'm in pain right now" Is he not enjoying it? "Lots of thoughts going through my head right now" I hope 'Where are my balls' is one of them. "I'm just talking to the camera because I need to talk to someone" Then says nothing for the next 30ish seconds. This chap has issues.
  9. I know, but they could've picked a song which sticks it to the man but doesn't line his pockets at the same time.
  10. Eternal Darkness. Lost Kingdoms 3.
  11. Bought two more today, both green. One for a mate and one for EEVIL. And a purple one of these for the missus: Very distracting whilst she's driving. Some Pokémon booster packs, one in which I got a reprint of the most elusive Charizard from the Base set:
  12. Fuck yeah, it should be done by tomorrow if someone provides my "missing line". If not I'll plow it in. Then ReZ can make a video out of it if he wants.
  13. Good of the people behind this to have really thought it through. What music shizzle is he not behind? For next year.
  14. A Link To The Past needs a 3D makeover. Did anything else happen with that Ocarina of Time 2D unofficial "remake"?
  15. That's what prompted my amazement!
  16. Not sure about Hitler, but Vader came out with all these: "No, I am your father" "My name is not Quaid" "You son of a bitch" "Come on, don't bullshit me." "You are one ugly motherfucker" "Your lack of faith = disturbing" "Obi-Wan has taught you well." "Billy! Get to da choppa!" "You cannot hide forever, Luke." "Don't fail me again, Admiral." "Asteroids do not concern me"
  17. I won't deny it rings a faint bell. But a very faint one. I'm disgusted with myself.
  18. And actually have the game having "length" not being used to walk slow as fuck to pimpsmack Killer Croc. The Riddler having a more prominent role would be awesome too. And if Mr Freeze is in it, you know we need Arnie's voice.
  19. Indeed you did, but I don't really want to give one person too many lines if I can help it.
  20. That goes without saying. Well... if you put it like that, how can we not dislike him!
  21. You couldn't afford it.
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