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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I got my step dad a card, and my daddy a card as well, but also bought him a big fuck-off mug, to rival my Oblivion mug.
  2. Dude! Not the whole breakdown! Thanks anyway though
  3. Secret Star. Honeybloom Galaxy. Give us a hint please, I can see it and I know I'm missing something. Don't tell me how to do it straight away, just give us a push in the right direction.
  4. All this for a rocking £17: And it had to be done... Christ that film blew.
  5. I concur MindFreak, I've been waiting for it to appear and [i believe] I've unlocked all the galaxies.
  6. "Steven" No reason.
  7. A card, not sure if there'll be anything else.
  8. Fucking hell the Stone Cyclone Galaxy and some others took the piss:
  9. Who was an absolute pussy. I was waiting for it to use it's tail.
  10. I've not heard anything, but they've got to be.
  11. Fuck yeah. Do you think we're going to need a different charger than the SP one we could use for the original DS?
  12. Right, detailed breakdown. Dunno if you're heard: I do appreciate the graphics, but it took a while to get going. And I'm fairly confident I speak for everyone when I hope that yellow stripe is as fake as it looks. Calculator: Soon as you revealed yourself I could see this coming, although I assumed it would be "boobies". Silly me. Dwarfs: There was at least 2-3 seconds of bullshit silence there, too much. Phil: He throws condoms. That's it. Fun with a pun: Vely crever. Wu-Man: Very good with the multi acting. The intro could be snappier, maybe not show too much of the Doc before s/he turns round and then freeze it earlier. The waterbed/tossing and turning idea wasn't funny when you did it last [i did enjoy the direct quotage] Greeting people: Bit of a pause at the beginning, but was very good, most unexpected. I can see this becoming a nice addition to the show assuming the randomness factor can be maintained. And no doubt we all would've enjoyed it better if Claire got her kit off instead. Jonny: No matter what the instruction was, he just seemed to tap the thing, except for the pulling and even then he wasn't pulling it until at the end. But I am loving the collection of games on the right. Jonny, give us a list. Arch: This left me numb. Scare Claire: It's getting a little stale now, you need to be more inventive. Plus was this one staged? She looked at the camera and saw you before becoming "scared" Item: No... Nice drawing. Nein: Probably your best one yet. Foods: Nah. Fairy: I liked this, didn't see it coming. Flyer: I wasn't sure where you were going with this, are you basically saying your grandad was a plane? Don't worry, the pisstake will be even worse.
  13. Looking forward to this muchos. I just hope the ending doesn't blow as much as the previous 2.
  14. First thing, I hope they change the title. DK64 was sexy, granted it didn't match up to Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie but was still a decent title. Same here, I was gagging for some Engarde action. This discussion is just throwing back memories of Princess Toadstool in Mario 2 on the NES with her floating powers. Christ that was Awesome back then. You will call it the P-Wing and bloody ENJOY IT! Love you really.
  15. With regards to the music, you learn something new everyday. It sounded orchestral-ish enough back then for me, so if they change their mind it should't be too much of a problem. The hearts [and then magic meter] can't disappear. It wouldn't be right.
  16. Waddaya means?! I said that near the top of the last page! Either way, we need the white leggings back.
  17. Not bad. Still needs less Bowser Jnr, more Koopa kids.
  18. Was it good from what you remember? Break it down for us.
  19. Hasn't it been orchestral for the past few games? I assume you're not a fan of Kondo's work if you want Yokota. What I want to know is what they've done with the white leggings. These khaki trousers are most ugly.
  20. This is what we need. A 3Dish version of A Link To The Past.
  21. It'll never be as bad as Wind Waker. Looks good though, I echo the sentiments of the massive WiiMote bullshit. Plus it means I'll have to get myself a Motion Plus. Damn you Nintendo, always thinking of pr0 new ways of gaming at the cost of my [hard earned] cash.
  22. Is that Shawn Michaels on the screen?
  23. I saw this yesterday, I found it to be an improvement.
  24. What seems to be your boggle Pooki? I've managed to fulfill that challenge mentioned earlier, now on around 85ish stars.
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