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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. World Party took Armageddon to the next level. Concrete Donkey, as mentioned pisses on everything. Although I was a Master with the Super Sheep as well. My favourite voice was the military style.
  2. Hell yeah. Mine doesn't carry the risk of getting shit on your camera.
  3. Mine's more practical.
  4. Good on you man. Witnessing the illusion of ReZ having diarrhea would make you implode.
  5. I'm not disputing that. Apologies if it came across that way. Bite me, there's far more Concrete Donkey fans than you Holy Hand Grenade people.
  6. To be fair, in some respects you started it. Not you personally but you as part of the big "they" referring to themselves as part of the collective. No wonder you're not getting results. Concrete Donkeys are the way to go. :p
  7. Lift boss after the Wave beam, taking the piss to the max.
  8. True, they did say they couldn't be reasoned with. Don't forget the added threat of taking the piss.
  9. I feel what you're saying Mok, I've still on the fence. The D-pad in 3D is alot more fluid because the camera does all the work in most situations. Try Planet 51 for some proper 3D navigating with D-pad fun. For a loner she does talk a bit. Plus she has a very eloquent lexicon. Although there seems to be some dispute regarding the actress, I almost think they're still using Jennifer Hale. Wiki says it might be Jessica Martin from an "unreliable source". Either way, whenever I hear her I think of Alexandra Roivas from Eternal Darkness [which Hale did as well as Samus in the Primes] Depends how you're sitting. Sometimes I like to lie down and could have the controller anywhere. But this practically forces you to SIT UP STRAIGHT AND FACE DEAD CENTRE FORWARD NOW. But with the Wii we've gotten used to it over the years.
  10. One bit where I'm stuck, in the Icey place...
  11. Working through it now. Just gotten past the chicken thing which many thought was a baby Ridley. It isn't a bad game, I'm not a fan of the forced walking and forced scanning for really vague shit. If I want to run in the toilets, I fucking will! Same with the third to first perspective. In a combat situation it's fucking annoying. This may just be me but when I need it, it's after running back from an enemy. When I turn into first person I'm facing [naturally] the wrong way, and it's slow as fuck to turn round. If I run away then turn back it runs too much, due to it being only one speed.
  12. Dumbfucks winning on quiz shows. Just saw this dumb broad (20 year old "student") win £5000. She didn't even know what a carpenter was.
  13. Apologies. Must've zoned out it was that boring.
  14. Since the Stegadon I have been working on a new project, this Daemon Prince. I've included a semi-step-by-step stages of the project. Scattered as they have been. I've put these as small images since there's not much point in them being high res. I've converted it slightly from the "normal" images the site has: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod860020a&_requestid=842464 I've cut the horns from each of the other heads and stuck them to the one I was using, and decided to use the other heads to look as if they're coming out of the body. And le finished product: With some highlighted metal [albeit not pr0] and more blends, possibly my greatest work yet.
  15. From the mind of Michael Jamieson. Stolen from The Avalanches Frontier Psychatrist :p Unscripted = boring. Although I do believe it was scripted. The bedroom light wasn't on when you left, yet it was when you returned. We saw noone going in your room because you pissed [sITTING DOWN?!] with the door open. You edited the environment. Disgraceful.
  16. You took up adverts that blow and made it into a visual medium. Although I disagree with some of your logic, not a bad job
  17. Those visits to the sex shop must've been well frustrating.
  18. Plus, they request you cross your legs to prevent this from happening. I remember the first time I went on. Proper shouted as it does feel like you're falling.
  19. Even my girlfriend was ready to punch one of the employees another time we went. We went to the Forbidden Planet across the road and then thought since we were near we'd have a look for a dragon I wanted and any sexy new releases. Then they pounce: "Looking for anything in particular?" "Just seeing what's new" "Check this out" Then shows me this launch pad thing you can use for scenary. At a bargain £40-50 [?] Fuck off.
  20. Couldn't agree more. You go in for one model and they try to sell you the entire army. I recently went in to get some Green Stuff [modelling shizzle, comes in blue & yellow, mix and then mould] and a lil paint. At the checkout you get the full Spanish Inquisition: "You know how to use green stuff?" "Yes." "You got all the modelling tools and things you need?" "Yes." A lie, I don't have the proper stuff. But the needle files and drawing pin work fine. "What model you using this on" "Daemon Prince." "Got a Daemon army?" "No, I'm buying it just to paint." "You collect an army?" "Yes I have some Space Marines and Tyranids" Then goes into full question mode, asking what Chapter they are, how many points worth I have [Fuck knows] What paints, what brushes... By the second question I've already paid for my item and have a nice queue behind me.
  21. Summit Plummet. /\ It is immense. I believe I went on it 7+ times when I went to Blizzard Beach.
  22. It's taken you this long to realise the absence of the awesome Choco Corn Flake?
  23. I'll be going back to work. When I get a job.
  24. Was painting but heard my niece and nephews arrive so had to abandon otherwise they'd be bothering me. So watched Finding Nemo and Harry Potter with them instead. Basically, just like a normal weekend.
  25. Girls walking in the middle of the road. Always. For some reason round our area girls have decided that the pavements are no longer safe and have taken to the middle of the road to resume their walk. And shit in the membrane.
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