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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You bitch Rummy! I was just about to post the same thing... This isn't over...
  2. Waddaya do with it? Bet it's not as good as my super glue habit.
  3. The review in ONM is rather shite. Some of the captions for the images are wank.
  4. Shit, I need to finish the first book so I can catch up on the show (have limited myself to 3 episodes thus far on le Blu-ray so I don't overtake myself)
  5. I watched you sleep. It was awesome. Happy birthday chap.
  6. Ahahah URP! Orto Maaarge!
  7. At first I was intrigued about this, now seeing these trailers/adverts which explain little, it still looks to me like Pokémon Ranger meets Mystery Dungeon* *Note, haven't played much Mystery Dungeon on account of it sucking balls.
  8. Likewise, tis growing on me muchos. But I can't forget the feeling I had when I first heard it with its "oh-ah-ah-oh-ah-ah" at the beginning and I thought "Aw fuck, it's Avril Lavigne all over again, but with less hypocrisy)" Sadly it's not on the Delta album.
  10. True, who will you discuss philosophy with while the background music is playing?
  11. Carnt spell for SHEEET! DUNNO WADDA SAAAAY! we cannae speel proplee! HIC Nut tect itself, but put munnies in iTbox an ween POUNDSPOUINDSPOUNDSLMF IF YOU PLAY MILLION POUND DROP. dgjiknwdkjnsdkjn!!!! HIC *Trhows up* I DUNN REMEMEMEMBER EETING DAT! I FINK TOO PEEPUL TTACKED MEEE LAS NITE SUMONE NOCKED ME. sumone got danut drinkies FUCK YIOU.
  12. When someone makes a game character with the same name as your surname, it's not something one can pass up taking advantage of. And it glows in the dark. Fucking sweet.
  13. DATS KEWL! NO LISTEN TOOOO MEEE NAAOOW! i was at da dryve throo at macdoodles yah? HIC, i ordereerered cheezburger but noooo peekles! but dey addddded pikles anyways?! can u beleeev dat shit?! HIC
  14. My girlfriend requires your help. We won a £10 eShop voucher on a caption competition and we've tried validating the code given but it gives us an error. We thought that since it was a voucher you would redeem it when you try to buy something, we tried looking for Pullblox but couldn't find it. Have they stopped distributing it?
  15. Ivonn yoou, yoooouuu sexsee baybeee... UUURP rearry wanna be j00r boyfrend... Sum.. sumfing 'tacked me... hed herts, wanna kebab
  16. Aww hells no! There was pure EEVIL/Jonnas conspiring going on behind the scenes. I could've done more like leading some lynches, but it would've given away our partnership.
  17. I believe that was the case, still looked out of place though.
  18. To be fair, she does a little manly in that Delta cover at the top. Love Delta, except when she cut her hair short, then she just looked weird. pr0 voice. Probably one of the only artists I've actually continued buying albums of. Hmmm the new single... I did wonder when she might sell out and join the average track world: group dance routines, the chorus making up 75% of the song, the other 20% consisting of "Whooa's" etc... I thought I'd be wrong, I wanted to be wrong.
  19. Challenge Accepted.
  20. Thieving bastard. Don't worry Iun, if we don't quote Diageo, he'll go away.
  21. FUCKING SWEET! That was close, thought we'd lost it when I almost got lynched. Glad we both managed to make it out alive. Chaaaa!
  22. Better than a Nottingham Forest game any day of the week.
  23. Sounds most steep, it wasn't even that much when I was going to be a summer camp tutor. Around £50 I believe.
  24. Maybe he has every reason to be angry and follow you. Is he father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and he wants his vengeance. In this life or the next.
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