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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I bought an RPG Maker for all that Bro
  2. @Cube, when you made your post which said "I can't explain an ability that I don't have" you were lying. Why would you decieve us so?
  3. As a current player of the TCG circuit, seeing these old cards makes me nostalgic because I own many of them, but saddened over how crap they used to be. Low HP, high cost attacks which don't do much. Here is the main two cards of my current two decks: Have Altaria's on your bench to boost Garchomp's attack, which are easily findable due to Gabite's Ability: http://www.sixprizes.com/wp-content/uploads/433px-GabiteDragonsExalted89.jpg Other deck: Have Accelgor use Deck and Cover, put Trevenant in the active position and watch the opponent squirm.
  4. Decided to go more serious:
  5. Where from? Both feengs!
  6. Fantastic. Another tacked on thing I won't be bothering with.
  7. That's right, you swing the gamepad around your head in off TV play.
  8. Maybe Ghirahim will do the same.
  10. Then link her to Meatspin or Rickroll her,
  11. S'cowards way out dude. Embrace the truth and tell her your feelings. Then she can stop doing it to other people. And then maybe a few months down the line you can regale her with the adventures of your former job and the death-defying journey to your new one.
  12. Really really really can't see the point of them at the moment. It just seems like a phone/tablet with a patheticly small screen that can only function properly in quiet areas so it can hear your voice properly, which will then affect certain things ie won't have the balls to say what you really think/feel when making a vocal Tweet in case someone hears you making it.
  13. @Tales, you seem mighty interested in me, did you use your oh-so-secret power on me last night?
  14. Settlers of Catan always has me feeling... Urrm. I haven't played it and that's why. I know people rave about it and it's won awards and stuff. It's just that I'm going to be so shallow and go on aesthetics that it doesn't look that good*. I know I'm going to get around to playing it at some point in the future, but I just keep looking at it and wondering how something which looks bland can keep my attention. I fall to this in other board games too, which I know is depriving me of some good times. If someone had it at our gaming nights and invited me to play, I'd give it a go. But currently I don't feel like going out of my way. Same can be said for Castle Panic (which I've played) and Elder Sign, with all it's lil bits (which I own).
  15. Hmmm... @The Peeps is he allowed to amend his question if he made it too vague?
  16. Just reply and say "Baby, you ignored me for six months and you want me to drop Sagat's long legs for yours?! Bitch please."
  17. I do not know to which night you refer to. So I find myself unable to answer.
  18. @Jonnas, what draws you to voting for Jimbob?
  19. Vote: Tales
  20. Since when? I don't think of that at all. That's a pretty piss poor argument, there is X-Wing action in nearly all the films (Phantom Menace doesn't have them I think and you can see the earlier models the Clones use). You could say the same about anything in Star Wars using that logic. I would hazard to say there is less time in lightsaber battles (Especially in the original trilogy), Ewoks don't feature for long. Jabba the Hutt. Podracing, but people still think of Star Wars. I agree with this though, when the gap is on the left side I have to quickly move my right hand to the left in order to swipe through the gap. However it thinks I'm swiping right to left when this happens which then hits the blocked area. Only with slow movements could you do it properly.
  21. (Obviously not my question for the day) But does changing your vote constitute removing it?
  22. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5/3970/3970473_sprite198.swf
  23. Just wanna throw my hat into the Wind Waker having no-so-great graphics for the series and the sailing being boring as fuck. Even with the Swift Sail I found it a chore.
  24. I've not been informed of anything happening to me.
  25. Fistbump, bro.
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