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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Whats this guy artisticly created?
  2. Is worms any good? Is it like armagedden? Tsk, I need to hurry up and save for another 360.
  3. Right, I'm I've just got a Mac Mini, however I'm quite the n00b. I was wondering what programs would be the best to install (Mac Friendly) and how to do it as anything I download myself turns up on my desktop in different parts (Whats with that, how do I change it?). I'm after MSN, Microsoft Word and a good File Sharer/ Torrent (If I'm Allowed To Ask For That). I've read the list on the front page, however its a little overwhelming. If someone could break it down for me (Disadvantages/Advantages) I'd be very grateful.
  4. Either way, I wish the press would stop using Keira Knightley as an example!
  5. In before lock, of a thread an Admin created? I'm confused. The link in the other thread had a HD feed.
  6. I loved the film myself, so much so infact . . . I got a little aroused when watching the naked fight. Might pick this up when I get more money.
  7. Excelent taste in biscuits.
  8. Stefkov you'll be up to date sooner than you think. Talking of memorable fights in Naruto, which are your favourates?
  9. Getting some A levels to fall back on and learning to drive whilst saving up my EMA and part time jobs to buy a campervan to travel the world in with a couple of buddys hopefully.
  10. Most of my friends use a racist term when they get hurt, I try and talk them out of it but they incist they are not racist for doing so. "It slips out" apparantly, wankers.
  11. Whats wrong with it? There are worse songs we could all be bitching about. First time I've actually found her attractive in that video and it's catchy.
  12. It's Ant Shimmin all over again.
  13. Johnny Depp is too old.
  14. Thankyou. Philips 23" HDTV.
  15. Most of my purchases from the past 3 months.
  16. Daniel (Middle name: Timothy) Lewis.
  17. Thats a nasty kick.
  18. It's a shame all we saw from Naruto was rasengan and kage bushin over again in the new Episode.
  19. 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo 065-6674 Mac OS X 065-6752 Country Kit 065-6682 1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x512MB 065-6676 80GB Serial ATA drive 065-6678 SuperDrive 8x (DVD+R DL/DVDRW/CD-RW) 065-6680 Total: £544.03
  20. So some good members turned Judas on N-E to sum the night up.
  21. I love this forum, I don't post naughty pictues. PLEASE DON'T BAN ME!
  22. Speaking as someone who missed the action, what happed?
  23. She was so hot in the toxic video, what happened?
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