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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. They never. If it required effort or not has nothing to do with who the virtual console appeals to, you seriously make no sence. All fanboys like to think there is no fault with what thay like, however don't dare generalise the members of this forum as a bunch of 'moaning ninty fans'. Many people on this forum own more than one console, that fact only adds to the reason they have a right to critisize the Wii in an unbiased way. If your rant is against fanboys then you'll find this forum a very appealing place as it has a non-tollerant attitude towards them. Your pointing the finger and someone who isn't there.
  2. Moogle makes me hard in the morning. Boosh twist there? Love to you my friend.
  3. I knight you the sausiest member of N-E (I'm also in on the idea).
  4. You guys all sound like studs. All this talk of girls, bah, what ever happened to people on forums being nerds?
  5. I'd pretty much go with that aswell. Retro lover, you must have some cheesy popcorn.
  6. Subbed. Is how I'd like the new Naruto episode, but that isn't a feeling so I'll say frustrated.
  7. The popcorn trick? I know of the stretch, but what the hell is the popcorn trick?
  8. Stefkov is a "BBC3 Weirdo" much love to him. . . Uniform?
  9. Come on! His situation sounds cute and all you can say is comething crude.
  10. Sakura looks hot in her new gear, by tommorow morning it'll be subbed right?
  11. Ok, this wasn't ment to be aknowledge something about the above poster to spam. Actual compliments people, make the other person feel good!
  12. I don't understand you, therefore I can't think of anything to praise. No love for you.
  13. Oh man, don't encourage him. I probably played a bigger part in convicing him to get a Wii that Nintendo's marketing.
  14. I love the jar.
  15. Lack of a DVD player can not be a valid reason.
  16. But surely you already knew that? Rendering this thread useless.
  17. When I was unaware of the pleasure the image you just described would bring me, I already loved you. Don't tease me rokhed00.
  18. Has his dick firmly lodged into this thread, can only be a good thing.
  19. Yeah, about the mindframe of fans. You still have no point and what you just brought up was even randomer, more coherence please.
  20. I still don't get it, 5/10 Boat boy.
  21. Zelda was built around its fans and the virtual console is a library of Nintendo's history, pretty "hardcore" I think.
  22. What made you think we didn't know this and more importantly what is your point? Fan Boys are obviously going to blindly follow what they are a fan of, its what Fan Boys do. The "Oblivion" that made you take your hat of to Nintendo clearly enticed you with thier new "trend". Its Nintendo's rosey shit, Its Nintendo's new ways of thinking, Its Nintendo's different path to its competitors that made you consider a Wii. You'll never guess that thats the same reason I'm a fan.
  23. Gentleben It wasn't aimed at you, your sweet. You had the balls to do something individual, which is alot considering it's like shower time on D wing if someone says something wrong here.
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