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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. *looks at last.fm box thingy*
  2. Thanks guys, ended up getting these just from play.com Buy one get one free, £15.99 *hides*
  3. Ah, thanks haggis Hmm, anyone know how quickly HMV deliver compared to play.com?
  4. Mind saying where you bought them from?
  5. *high fives Haggis for purchase of ting tings* Tis a great album I Jack Johnson, you may have inspired (right word to use?) me to buy it ^_^
  6. Clothes for holiday from topman, H&M, Next = £170 But I still need loads more D=
  7. Andy's performance was the greatest we have had in a long time, we deserved much more than 14 points :/
  8. I was joking D= Canaaaand I you.
  9. Still can't get my bloody hands on this. *sulks*
  10. What is a Moto GP?
  11. I downloaded a temp program, all the temperatures seem fine. My comps been playing up a lot more recently, started saying the disk boot failed? Or something like that. Aswell as the "chip fan" =_= I have to bang the case to make it even switch on now. Eurgh :/
  12. Urm, just got every award possible in Viva Pinata.... *Finding Nemo quote* Now what.
  13. A Disney Channel movie starring Aly & AJ Ooo correction, "Cow Belles" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0489007/
  14. Same video as?
  15. I know XD Although I did like "Cow Bells" ...
  16. All I'm saying is, it's great for a Disney Channel movie ^_^
  17. The Others As with all "twist" films, it's always better the first time you watch it, and as this is my second time watching it, I knew what the twist was. Still, I bloody love this film, the mood it sets throughout it amazing and really sucks you in. I love Nicole Kidman though, so I'm a bit biased. 8.5/10
  18. Ign's hands on with Spore Creature Creator Looks amazing, are we getting it in June aswell?!
  19. LostWinds - Breezy
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