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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. us dont count at all weekly.they usually go for every month
  2. poor ps3!but sony said people would buy the ps3 even if it had no games:D
  3. in all fairness even if they interviewed a nintendo janitor then it would be streamed over the internet
  4. i don't see what;s wrong.if this has a four player split screen mode then i'm there! it's so fast!I don't care about the graphics.
  5. i forgot about the awesome fifa street:yay:
  6. o know this year sucked bar superman returns and v
  7. i think the worst news would be if intelligent systems left nintendo.Imagine no more advanced wars or fire emblem.AGHHHH!
  8. but ubisoft confirmed that rainbow six will not be on wii
  9. ok then don't post.............twice
  10. seems like ign did too,but i never trust ign reviews especially after they gave the da vinci code 1out of 5.they gave dawn of the dead 4.5 out of 5. I mean come on! http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/500/500094p1.html
  11. I used to love wrestling games.during the early smackdown game days i used to come up with lots of different ways of making the game better.the original smackdown vs raw was perfect but i fell out of them for some reason.i still buy them but don't play them as much.These are the only games that will beat monkey ball and mashed for the muliplayer crown
  12. why the sarcasm?it is news after all
  13. people often say that if u have red hair .You re right though conzer has an irish look.Guess it's the jersey too.We all know us irish are sport crazy
  14. the only really good scary movie was the first!The the third was ok with an awful ending and a stupid rap battle.the second was far too disgusting to laugh at and the fouth sucked altogether!
  15. For the love of holy god stop making zombie films!Everyone hated dawn of the dead remake!i mean horror films aren't that hard to make.Theydon't have stories most of the time so why not make a new original one.Land of the dead wasn't too bad though
  16. I pissed myself laughing at the grudge!i just think everything with sarah michelle gellar(did i spell it right)is hilarious.Trying to scare the shit out of my friend is priceless.Also sex noises work.i can't take buffy seriously either.Does anyone else find it more fun to take the piss out of bad serious films.Did the same with war of the worlds!
  17. the cure will always obvious for americans!get up excerise and stop watching shite programs like joey!
  18. yes my friend sayd the exact same thing!I mean was anybody really scared of the ring or the grudge!no,but the exorcist was terrifying for it's time.i think games will get more frightening,looking at bioshock and even sadness might have it's moments! Old skool horror
  19. I really think that games have the potential to be more scary than films!games like resident evil have lost their way.4 wasn't scary lets face it!I thought the original silnet hill and re2 were terrifying.maybe it was my young age but don't u think with the improvment of graphics and sound games can be more likely to have you piss u pants!
  20. yes a wii remake would be awsome.I think re evil 2 was actually scary...ok i was like 10 playing it but still!
  21. oh dear god i never thought of that.Spare us please!
  22. IF it even bothers which i think not.If it was an exclusive wii title maybe but not if it is on ps2 and xbox
  23. what kind of sadass would buy this.No offence if u bought it:D but seriously!I know he would sell that for hundreds,but i have to wonder
  24. i would always give smash bros a 8.0.i don't care what anyone says,as much as i love the idea the gameplay needs improving!
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